Memo Date Sort descending DSCA # E-Change # USP # Memo Title PM Status
DSCA I-97-004139 I-97-004139 Procedures for Non-Material Financial and Unreconcilable Conditions Superseded
DSCA I-97-052640 I-97-052640 Administrative Charge for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Orders for Nonstandard Articles and Services Superseded
DSCA I-97-052351 I-97-052351 Recovery of Costs to Repair or Replace Damaged or Lost Leased Items Rescinded
DSCA I-98-064488 I-98-064488 Recovery of Costs to Repair or Replace Damaged or Lost Leased Items Rescinded
DSCA I-98-072261 1 I-98-072261 DoD 5105.38-M, Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) changes. Superseded
DSCA I-98-071225 I-98-071225 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) transportation coding for Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) Items Superseded
DSCA I-98-075366 I-98-075366 Defense Security Assistance Management Systems (DSAMS) Development Superseded
DSCA I-98-075139 I-98-075139 Non-recurring Costs for Improved Weapon Systems Superseded
DSCA I-98-077059 I-98-077059 Logistics Support Charge (LSC) Assessment for Nonstandard Requisitioning System Transactions Superseded
DSCA I-98-071926 3 I-98-071926 Approved Changes to DoD 5105.38-M, Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA I-98-078536 4 I-98-078536 Approved SAMM Change Relative to CLSSA Liability Superseded
DSCA I-98-079527 I-98-079527 Changes to the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), DoD 5105.38-M Superseded
DSCA 98-Stinger MANPADS 98-Stinger MANPADS Stinger Approved Revised Stinger/MANPADS Guidance in DoD 5105.38-M, Security Assistance Management Manual Superseded
DSCA I-99-001329 I-99-001329 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Transportation Coding for Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) Items Superseded
DSCA I-99-000051 I-99-000051 Release of LSC and CAS Financial Data Superseded
DSCA I-99-008440 I-99-008440 Implementation Instructions for New Foreign Military Sales (FMS) 2.5 Percent Administrative Fee Superseded
DSCA 1999-AdminRate 1999-AdminRate Reduction of the Standard Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Charge from 3 Percent to 2.5 Percent Superseded
DSCA I-99-008186 I-99-008186 Use of Military Articles and Services List (MASL) Lines on Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs), Amendments, and Modifications Superseded
DSCA I-99-006055 I-99-006055 Terms of Sale on Letters of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA I-99-008500 I-99-008500 Appropriate Level of Obligational Authority (OA) Control Rescinded
DSCA I-99-010365 I-99-010365 Quality Review of Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Superseded
DSCA I-99-011158 7 I-99-011158 Foreign Customer Participation in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Development Process Superseded
DSCA 1999-IMET 12 1999-IMET New IMET Living Allowances Rates Superseded
DSCA I-99-013285 I-99-013285 Processing Classified Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases in the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Superseded
DSCA 00-01 8 I-99-012655 Inclusion of Offset Costs in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 00-02 I-00-000907 Rewrite of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Rescinded
DSCA 00-03 10 I-00-002231 Blanket Order Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Cases Superseded
DSCA 00-04 11 I-00-002801 LOA Note Regarding Unauthorized Use of Defense Articles Superseded
DSCA 00-05 Designation of Military Department Cognizance of Commercial Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Programs Superseded
DSCA 00-07 I-00-005895 Statement of Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Active
DSCA 00-06 13 I-00-005896 LOA Note Regarding Authorized Release and Transfer of Global Positioning System (GPS/PPS) Equipment Superseded
DSCA I-00-006391 I-00-006391 SAMM Addition -- Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Item Review Process Superseded
DSCA I-00-006592 15 I-00-006592 Revisions to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency's Guidelines for Foreign Military Financing of Direct Commercial Contracts Superseded
DSCA I-00-006952 I-00-006952 Firm Fixed Price (FFP) and Not to Exceed (NTE) Letters of Offer and Acceptance, 15 Jun 2000 Superseded
DSCA 00-08 14 I-00-007750 Transportation Look Up Table - Fiscal Year (FY) 00 Rates Superseded
DSCA 00-09 I-00-008200 Foreign Country Force Activity Designator (FAD) Assignments Active
DSCA 00-12 I-00-009518 Information to Accompany Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases with Manpower Lines Superseded
DSCA 00-13 16 I-00-009774 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change -- Secondary Item Support Superseded
DSCA 00-11 17 I-00-009264 Implementation of Changes to the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), Part 126.6 Superseded
DSCA 00-16 18 I-00-011210 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note Regarding Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures Superseded
DSCA 00-15 I-00-012274 Consideration of Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs) in Computation of FMS Case Travel Costs Superseded
DSCA 00-17 I-00-011440 Foreign Military Sales Case Management Superseded
DSCA I-00-013376 I-00-013376 Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Configuration Control Board Superseded
DSCA 00-19 I-00-010659 FMS Review Policy Guidance Superseded
DSCA 00-20 19 I-00-014736 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change -- Country Code A6 for the NATO Air Command and Control System Management Agency Superseded
DSCA 01-01 I-01-000182 Guidance Regarding Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) Preference Superseded
DSCA 01-03 20 I-01-000514 Transportation Look Up Table -- Fiscal Year (FY) 01 Rates Superseded
DSCA 01-02 I-01-000429 Application of NATO Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) to Combined Exercises with NATO Countries Superseded
DSCA 01-05 I-01-000444 Information to Accompany Foreign Military Sales Cases with Manpower Lines Superseded
DSCA 01-04 Implementation of New Codes for the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Superseded
DSCA 01-06 21 I-01-001494 New Metric to Measure LOA Processing Time Line Performance Superseded
DSCA 01-07 22 I-01-000893 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change -- Name Change for Organization Using Country Code A4 Superseded
DSCA I-01-026666 23 I-01-026666 Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Waiver on Spain Superseded
DSCA 01-08 I-01-004453 Case Coordination and Tracking (CCT) Enhancements Superseded
DSCA 01-09 I-01-04577 Establishment of the Security Assistance Automated Resource Management Suite (SAARMS) Working Group Superseded
DSCA 01-11 24 I-00-011614 Implementation of Changes to the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change 24 -- Sec 50004 Superseded
DSCA 01-10 25 I-01-005956 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change 25 -- Sole Source Procurement Policy Clarification Superseded
DSCA 01-13 I-01-006332 Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Associated with Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Transfers Superseded
DSCA 01-17 26 I-01-007291 Administration of the OPM SANG Program Umbrella Case ZAC Rescinded
DSCA 01-19 I-01-00332 Security Assistance Administrative Trust Fund (T-20) Budget Policy Handbook for Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs)
DSCA 01-12 I-01-005465 FMS Case-Related Manpower Activities and Associated Costs Superseded
DSCA 01-18 Special Billing Arrangements Superseded
DSCA 01-21 I-01-009272 Implementation of Electronic Countersignature Processes Superseded
DSCA 01-14 I-01-006468 Designation of Military Department Cognizance of Commercial Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Programs Active
DSCA 01-22 I-01-009498 Finance IPT Reinvention Policy Documents Superseded
DSCA 01-16 I-01-007235 Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Disbursement Documentation Policy Superseded
DSCA 01-23 I-01-011827 Designation, Implementation and Execution of FMS Cases Supporting Operation Enduring Freedom Rescinded
DSCA 01-25 I-01-012924 Classification of Pricing and Availability (P&A) Data Superseded
DSCA 01-26 27 I-01-013086 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change 27 -- Country Code E2 for the United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor (UNTAET) and E1 for SAARMS Data Superseded
DSCA 01-27 I-01-015245 Transition of Case Management Functions From US Army to the National Security Agency (NSA) Superseded
DSCA 01-28 I-01-015687 Transfer of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Funds into FMS Accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) Superseded
DSCA 02-01 Message Contracting for Personnel Services Abroad Active
DSCA 02-02 I-02-000342 Transportation Look Up Table -Calendar Year (CY) 02 Rates Superseded
DSCA 02-04 I-02-000885 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Dual Track Initiative Rescinded
DSCA 02-03 I-02-000792 Termination Liability (T/L) Reserves Superseded
DSCA 02-05 28 I-02-001299 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Country Code BZ for the Bahrain National Guard (BNG) Superseded
DSCA 02-08 I-02-002519 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-09 I-02-002853 DSCA Coordination Requirements on Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Financed with Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Funds Superseded
DSCA 02-06 28 I-02-002718 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Review Policy for Explosives Superseded
DSCA 02-07 30 I-02-002719 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Correction to Legal Citation Superseded
DSCA 02-12 I-02-000505 Joint Visual Inspections (JVI) of Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Superseded
DSCA 02-10 I-02-002854 FMS Trust Fund Holding Account Designators Applicable to the Worldwide Warehouse Redistribution Services (WWRS) Program Active
DSCA 02-13 I-02-004023 Contract Administration Services (CAS) Surcharge Waiver for Turkey Superseded
DSCA 02-16 31 I-02-006590 Inclusion of Offset Costs and Related Statements in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 02-15 I-02-006836 Assignment of Case Designators for S4, S5, and S6 Cases Rescinded
DSCA 02-14 I-02-006079 FMS Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Surcharge Policy Improvements Active
DSCA 02-19 I-02-005821 Guidance Regarding Letters of Request Superseded
DSCA 02-20 Message Policy Guidance for Certain Categories of IMET Training Superseded
DSCA 02-22 I-02-008529 Pre-Departure Briefing CD-ROM for International Military Students Rescinded
DSCA 02-21 32 I-02-008612 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Country Code "TT" for East Timor Superseded
DSCA 02-23 I-02-009162 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-25 33 I-02-005823 Letter of Request (LOR) Advisories and Requests for Major Defense Equipment (MDE) Prior to Satisfactory Completion of Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) Superseded
DSCA 02-24 I-02-009003 Updated Guidance for Using Developing and Reviewing the Eligibility of Courses / Programs for Addition to the Expanded International Military Education and Training (E-IMET) Program Superseded
DSCA 02-26 I-02-095400 Exemptions for DoD USCG Training from Justice Department Aviation Flight Training Screening Requirements Rescinded
DSCA 02-27 I-02-010496 Change in Attrition Rate for Tuition Pricing Rescinded
DSCA 02-28 I-02-010408 Revised DoDFMR Policy for Unmatched Disbursements and Negative Unliquidated Obligations Rescinded
DSCA 02-29 34 I-02-011144 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - International Organization Code "A7" for Economic Community of West African States (ECOW AS) Superseded
DSCA 02-31 35 I-02-013755 Interim Security Assistance Management manual (SAMM) Change - Pseudo Code "S7" for national Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Section 1033 Transactions and Pseudo Code "S8" for NDAA, Section 1004 Transactions Superseded
DSCA 02-32 I-02-013884 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-36 Message Procurement of SAO Vehicles Active