Memo Date Sort ascending DSCA # E-Change # USP # Memo Title PM Status
DSCA 24-75 USP001905-24 Special Defense Acquisition Fund Procurement Guidance Active
DSCA 24-47 Guidance for Processing Letter of Offer and Acceptance Documents to Cease use of United States Munitions List Category XXI in the Automated Export System Active
DSCA 24-87 Title 10 Building Partner Capacity Long Term Solution Policy Implementation Rescinded
DSCA 24-71 Guidance for Processing Letter of Offer and Acceptance in the Automated Export System Active
DSCA 24-07 Communications Security Letter of Offer and Acceptance Note Change for Communications and Information Security Memorandum of Agreement Nations Joining North Atlantic Treaty Organization Active
DSCA 24-45 Mandatory Enhanced End Use Monitoring Physical Security and Accountability Note for Enhanced End Use Monitoring-designated Tomahawk Weapon System Incorporated
DSCA 24-24 Update to Field Studies Program Mementos (FMR Update) Active
DSCA 23-20 21st Theater Sustainment Command Transportation Issue and Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Active
DSCA 23-30 Security Cooperation and Security Assistance Advisory on the use of United States Munition List Category XXI in the Automated Export System for Other Services Data Active
DSCA 23-18 USP000217-23 Transfer of Animals Under Title 10 Building Partnership Capacity Authorities Superseded
DSCA 22-71 Air Force and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Sub-Allocation Holder Identifier Implementation Guidance Active
DSCA 22-85 USP002262-22 Interim Guidance on Multinational Foreign Military Sales cases with North Atlantic Treaty Organization Supply and Procurement Agency Active
DSCA 22-38 Revision of the Program Execution Requirements under 10 U.S.C. § 333 and Section 1263 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Active
DSCA 22-42 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Existing Obligations Active
DSCA 22-78 Clarification to the Effective Date of Policy Memorandum 22-20 Incorporated
DSCA 22-51 Return of Unobligated Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Funds Active
DSCA 22-63 Interim Guidance for Program Codes "PH" and "PI" for The Philippines Active
DSCA 22-24 USP000512-22 Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Delegation of Authority to the Implementing Agencies to Sign Letters of Offer and Acceptance Active
DSCA 22-03 Closure Guidance for Certain Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF)-Funded Building Partner Capacity Cases Active
DSCA 21-68 Country Exemption Policy for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Active
DSCA 21-65 Requirement to use the Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) for Security Assistance Accounts (SAA) Active
DSCA 21-49 Offsetting Collection Vouchers to the Special Defense Acquisition Fund Rescinded
DSCA 21-67 Immediate Return of Unobligated Afghanistan Security Forces Funds Superseded
DSCA 21-50 Guidance for Recording Non-Program of Record Case Line Items in DSAMS Active
DSCA 20-80 Acquisition Policies Pertinent to Security Cooperation Active
DSCA 20-78 Deputy Secretary of Defense-Directed Comprehensive Analysis of DoD Component Cost Recovery of Security Assistance Functions Active
DSCA 20-71 Assistance for Relocation of Facilities in Israel, Executive Account to be closed Rescinded
DSCA 20-57 Security Assistance and International Programs Deposit Account (SAIP) Deposit Account added to the Security Assistance Accounts (SAA) Financial Statements Rescinded
DSCA 20-01 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Standardization Guide Active
DSCA 20-38 Guidance on COVID-19-related Restriction of Movement for Title 10-Funded Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Training Superseded
DSCA 20-22 Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Standard Payment Schedule Update Incorporated
DSCA 20-11 Prior Coordination of Adjusting Entries in Transportation Sub-Accounts Active
DSCA 20-15 Program Execution Requirements under 10 USC Section 333 Active
DSCA 19-40 Special Bill Arrangement Notification on the Letter of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA 19-22 USP001942-19 Update to Interim Clarification on 10 USC § 333 Active
DSCA 19-12 USP000507-19 Interim Clarification on Methods of Execution under 10 USC § 333 Active
DSCA 19-09 USP000354-19 Pilot Use of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Funds to Support Specific Requirements Generating Activities for Department of Defense (DoD)-funded Cases Rescinded
DSCA 19-08 USP000512-19 Cancellation of Temporary NATO+ Status for Jordan with Regard to Certain Requirements of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (AECA) Active
DSCA 19-01 Country Exemption Policy for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Superseded
DSCA 18-64 USP004021-18 Rescinding DSCA Policy 18-47 on Prior Coordination of Price & Availability (P&A) Responses with Contractors Active
DSCA 18-45 USP002407-18 Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Policy for Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Housing Active
DSCA 18-38 USP002393-18 Interim Clarification on 10 USC § 333 Rescinded
DSCA 18-13 USP0001715-18 Information on Multifunctional Information Distribution System Active
DSCA 18-08 USP000985-18 Agent Sales - New Multinational Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Initiative Superseded
DSCA 18-33 Force Closure of Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Funded Cases Superseded
DSCA 18-32 Special Procedures Relating to Excess High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles Rescinded
DSCA 18-22 Alternative Pricing Methodology for Excess Defense Articles: Army M1A1 Main Battle Tank Structures and M88A1 Heavy Equipment Recovery Combat Utility Lift Evacuation System (HERCULES) Armored Recovery Vehicle (ARV) Structures at Sierra Army Depot and Anniston Army Depot Active
DSCA 18-25 New Transportation Surcharge Account for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Active
DSCA 17-53 Correction to the New Transportation Surcharge Account for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Active
DSCA 17-51 New Transportation Surcharge Account for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Rescinded
DSCA 17-11 USP000723-17 Extension of the Lead-Nation Procurement Initiative Test Period Superseded
DSCA 16-55 Fiscal Year 2017 Country Exemption List for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Superseded
DSCA 16-32 USP002766-16 Identifying Foreign Military Financing Recipient Units Active
DSCA 16-45 USP002458-16 Update to Defense Security Cooperation Agency Policy for Security Cooperation Organization Housing Rescinded
DSCA 16-50 Definition of Costs Considered "Additional Costs" in the Pricing of Training for International Students Rescinded
DSCA 16-31 USP001582-16 Clarification of DSCA Policy 16-27 Regarding Temporary NATO+ Status for Jordan with Regard to Certain Requirements of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (AECA) Active
DSCA 16-27 USP000757-16 Temporary NATO+ Status for Jordan with Regard to Certain Requirements of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (AECA) Active
DSCA 16-11 USP00409-16 Letter of Request Receipt and Case Initiation Timelines Superseded
DSCA 16-03 USP000235-16 Revised Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Checklist Active
DSCA 15-56 Fiscal Year 2016 Country Exemption Lists for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Superseded
DSCA 15-53 New Transportation Surcharge Account for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Active
DSCA 15-45 Clarification to Standardize use of the Months of Service (MOS) Fields on a Building Partnership Capacity (BPC) Letter of Offer and Agreement (LOA) Document Incorporated
DSCA 15-12 USP001613-15 Customer Visibility of Case-Related Milestones Active
DSCA 15-19 USP002277-15 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Advisory for European Union (EU) Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, as amended, on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Active
DSCA 15-18 USP002167-15 Delegated Authority to Receive State Department Funds under Sections 632(b) and 551 of the Foreign Assistance Act Active
DSCA 14-24 Lead-Nation Procurement Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Superseded
DSCA 14-34 USP008433-14 Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, Property Transfer (IRAPT) System Update - Enhancements for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 14-26 Fiscal Year 2015 Country Exemption Lists for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Superseded
DSCA 14-11 USP004877-14 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Electronic Token Distribution and Replacement Policy Active
DSCA 14-08 Clarification of Pricing Element Review Related to Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 13-61 USP009161-13 Responsibilities and Procedures for Defense Security Cooperation Agency-Hosted Pre-countersignature Meetings Superseded
DSCA 13-54 USP007790-13 Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD) Update Requirement and Request for Implementing Agency (IA) Collaboration Superseded
DSCA 13-37 Release of Case Reconciliation and Closure Guide (RCG) Incorporated
DSCA 13-45 USP007181-13 Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Policy for Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Housing Superseded
DSCA 13-22 USP005923-13 Changes to Improve the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Review Process Superseded
DSCA 13-40 The Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund Administrative Surcharge Account Handbook for the Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Rescinded
DSCA 13-66 FY14 Country Exemption Lists for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Superseded
DSCA 13-43 DoD Support to the Ministry of Defense Advisors Program Active
DSCA 13-29 C1 Supplement to DSCA Policy Memo 13-29 Active
DSCA 13-24 Revision of Manpower Travel Data Sheet (MTDS) Requirements Superseded
DSCA 13-25 Clarification of Pricing Policy Active
DSCA 13-41 Clarification to Standardize use of the Months of Service (MOS) Fields on an LOA Document Active
DSCA 13-31 Guidance Concerning Reductions to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases in Supply/Services Complete (SSC) Status Superseded
DSCA 13-32 Clarification of Supply/Services Complete (SSC) Policy Superseded
DSCA 13-30 Clarification of Use of Prior Year Funds Procedures for DoD-funded Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Cases Rescinded
DSCA 13-15 USP003797-13 Use of Department of Defense (DoD)-Designated Construction Agents for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases that Include Construction Active
DSCA 13-60 Foreign Military Sales Administrative Rate Change Clarification Active
DSCA 12-67 USP011480-12 Rescinding DSCA Policy 12-13, Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases for Iraq that Include Charges for In-Country Security Assistance Teams (SATs) Active
DSCA 12-47 USP007589-12 Reduction to the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Rate Incorporated
DSCA 12-46 Changes to the Department of Defense (DoD) Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Computation of the Amount to be Reserved for Future Administrative Expenses (Safety Level) Associated with the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Account Superseded
DSCA 12-38 USP006248-12 Compressed, Rapid Acquisition, Fielding and Training (CRAFT) Rescinded
DSCA 12-36 USP006434-12 Guidance Concerning Closure of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases with Open Contracts Superseded
DSCA 12-37 USP004986-12 Rescission of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Small Case Management Line (SCML) Incorporated
DSCA 12-35 USP005800-12 NATO Agencies Reform Active
DSCA 12-07 USP001027-12 Information on Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Superseded
DSCA 12-20 USP003277-12 Reissuance of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) as Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Manual 5105.38-M Active
DSCA 12-18 USP003000-12 Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFARS) Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI) Revision for Acquisitions for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 12-17 USP002943-12 Repair Costs on Invoice/Shipping Documentation for Repaired Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Materiel Superseded
DSCA 12-14 Correction to the Line of Accounting for the Transportation Surcharge Accounts for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Active
DSCA 12-13 USP002032-12 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases for Iraq that Include Charges for In-Country Security Assistance Teams (SATs) Rescinded
DSCA 12-10 USP001296-12 Transportation Surcharge Accounts for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Superseded
DSCA 12-09 Clarification of Policy Regarding Determinations of Nonrecurring Costs (NCs) Recoupment Charge for Major Defense Equipment (MDE) Absent Available DoD Investment and Production Cost Documentation Superseded
DSCA 12-06 USP000826-12 Recognition of Missile Defense Agency (MDA) as an Implementing Agency (IA) Rescinded
DSCA 11-59 USP012923-11 Updated Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Checklist Superseded
DSCA 11-67 USP011752-11 FY12 Country Exemption Lists for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPl) Superseded
DSCA 11-58 USP011758-11 Policy Update Regarding Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Account Access for Security Cooperation Officers (SCOs) Active
DSCA 11-40 USP010213-11 Information on Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) Systems Superseded
DSCA 11-49 USP009644-11 Policy Update Regarding Suspension of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Active
DSCA 11-43 USP009513-11 Revised Termination Liability Reserve Policy and Procedures Active
DSCA 11-39 USP007582-11 Sharing Pseudo Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents with Benefitting Countries Active
DSCA 11-47 USP009471-11 Guidance Concerning Contract Closeout of Security Cooperation Cases Superseded
DSCA 11-32 USP005977-11 International Military and Civilian Students, and Authorized Dependents Healthcare Coverage Superseded
DSCA 11-41 Closure of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases with Reduced or Zero FMS Administrative Surcharge Collections Superseded
DSCA 11-28 USP005097-11 "Pilot" of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Tiered Administrative Surcharge Rate, and Deferred Collection Active
DSCA 11-16 USP004716-11 Security Cooperation Management Suite (SCMS) Requirements Rescinded
DSCA 11-24 USP004780-11 Quarterly Unliquidated Obligations Refunds Superseded
DSCA 11-03 USP000986-11 Updated Implementing Agency (IA) Return Reason Codes in Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Active
DSCA 11-26 USP004683-11 Definition of Delivery Term Codes 7 and 9 for Security Assistance and Security Cooperation Cases Active
DSCA 11-18 USP002572-11 Interim Policy for Deployment of Expeditionary Requirements Generation Teams (ERGT) to Augment Geographic Combatant Command (GCC) Staff and Security Cooperation Organizations (SCO) Superseded
DSCA 11-12 USP001835-11 Funds Expiration and Availability, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Continuing Appropriations Authority for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF), Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP), and Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Program Rescinded
DSCA 11-08 USP014569-10 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Background Document Rescinded
DSCA 11-11 USP001731-11 Pre-Letter of Request (LOR) Requirements for Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Category I Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) Superseded
DSCA 11-01 USP014589-10 Addition of Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Authority to the Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) Superseded
DSCA 11-06 Execution and Closure Guidance for Pseudo Letters of Offer and Acceptance (Pseudo Cases) Financed with U.S. Appropriated Funds that have a Limited Period of Availability Active
DSCA 10-44 USP008274-10 Time Standards for Reconsideration of Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs) Active
DSCA 10-42 USP006838-10 Procedures for Notification, Disposition of International Military Students (IMS) in an Unauthorized Absence (UA) Status Superseded
DSCA 10-39 USP002209-10 International Military Students, Civilians and Authorized Dependents Healthcare Coverage Superseded
DSCA 10-32 USP005411-10 Changes to Air Transportation Process for Pricing and Billing on Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and FMS-Like Cases Superseded
DSCA 10-28 USP004393-10 Revision of DoD 5105.38-M, the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 10-22 USP002344-10 Policy Memorandum for Homeland Security Screening of International Military Students Superseded
DSCA 10-08 DoD Appropriated Funds Prior Year Activity Rescinded
DSCA 10-09 USP016580-09 Financial Management of Fiscal Year 2010 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund, Iraq Security Forces Fund, 1206 Train and Equip Programs, and Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund Rescinded
DSCA 09-60 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Customer Participation in the DoD Contracting Process Active
DSCA 09-51 Establishment of Unique Transportation Account Codes (TACs) for the Shipment of Material for U.S. Government Funded Foreign Military Sale (FMS) Like Cases (Pseudo Cases) Active
DSCA 09-42 Medical Screening of International Military Students (lMS), Civilians, and Authorized Dependents Superseded
DSCA 09-03 USP012013-09 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Document Preparation Responsibilities Superseded
DSCA 09-22 USP006075-09 Increase to Delivery Term Codes (DTCs) Percentage Rates for Below-the-Line Transportation on Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and FMS-Like Cases Rescinded
DSCA 09-06 FMS Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Surcharge Policy Clarification Superseded
DSCA 09-08 Clarification of the Administration of the Saudi Arabia National Guard (SANG) Modernization Program Rescinded
DSCA 08-41 USP020013-08 Update to Chapter 5, Section C5.4. FMS Case Closure Reporting of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Reconciliation and Closure Manual (RCM), DoD 5105.65-M Superseded
DSCA 08-39 USP018564-08 Transportation Charges for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and FMS-Like Case Shipments Rescinded
USP020014-08 USP020014-08 Discontinuance of the Enhanced Accelerated Case Closure (EACC) List Rescinded
DSCA 08-35 USP015882-08 Revised Guidance on Memoranda of Request (MORs) and Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Notes for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Cases Rescinded
DSCA 08-33 USP016102-08 Enhanced Freight Tracking System (EFTS) Superseded
DSCA 08-36 USP015810-08 FY 09 ECL And OPI Country Exemption Lists Superseded
DSCA 08-23 USP010528-08 Procedures for Providing Services on Iraq Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Pseudo Cases Active
DSCA 08-29 USP012618-08 Iraq Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Acquisition and Transportation Business Rules Rescinded
DSCA 08-22 USP010361-08 Guidance on Memoranda of Request (MORs) and Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Notes for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Cases Rescinded
DSCA 08-19 USP007449-08 Response to Requests for Information on International Military Students (IMS) Active
DSCA 08-10 USP003577-08 Pricing Policy Clarification - Amendments and Modifications Superseded
DSCA 08-07 USP003464-08 Repeal of the American Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002 (ASPA) Active
DSCA 07-41 I-07-014585 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Distribution for U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Active
DSCA 07-27 Medical Policy Update Message For State And DoD Security Cooperation Education And Training Programs Superseded
DSCA 07-32 Update Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program FY 2007 Financial Severability Procedures Active
DSCA 07-26 I-07-004537 Standard Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Milestones and Metrics Active
DSCA 07-16 I-07-005281 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law (PL) 109-364), Section 1206 - Transportation Guidance Rescinded
DSCA 07-09 I-07-002170 Guidance for the Transfer of Night Vision Devices (NVDs) Superseded
DSCA 07-06 I-07-001296 Change in Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Line Item Listings Active
DSCA 06-03 I-06-000106 Enhanced Accelerated Case Closure (EACC) Rescinded
DSCA 06-46 Message FY 07 English Comprehension Level (ECL) and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Country Exemption Lists. Superseded
DSCA 06-45 I-06-013833 Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program FY 2007 Financial Severability Procedures Active
DSCA 06-30 I-06-004555 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Usage Active
DSCA 06-22 I-06-002849 Course Severability Procedures Active
DSCA 06-23 I-06-004551 FMS Case Delivery Reporting Active
DSCA 06-14 I-06-000933 Changes to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Structure and Rate Rescinded
DSCA 06-15 Message FMS Surcharge Change Rescinded
DSCA 06-19 I-06-000935 Implementation Instructions for Changes to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Structure and Rate (3.8%) Superseded
DSCA 06-16 I-06-002452 Consolidated Case-Writing Initiative Approval Superseded
DSCA 05-29 I-05-011236 Importance of FMS Case Delivery Reporting Active
DSCA 05-30 Message FY06 ECL and OPI Country Exemption Lists Superseded
DSCA 05-23 I-05-010919 Revised Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA) Policy Supplemented
DSCA 05-27 I-05-011885 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Customer Account Refund Policy and Procedures Active
DSCA 05-20 I-05-009502 Payment Schedule Variance Report Policy and Procedures Update Active
DSCA 05-17 I-05-006721 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Electronic Token Issuance and Replacement Processes Active
DSCA 05-16 I-05-007986 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case-Related Manpower Superseded
DSCA 05-13 I-05-007552 Termination Liability Reserve Policy & Procedures Superseded
DSCA I-05-00438 I-05-00438 Determination - Contract Administrative Surcharge (CAS) Applicability for the Parts and Repair Ordering System II (PROS) Procurements Incorporated
DSCA 05-10 I-05-003481 Golden Sentry End-Use Monitoring (BUM) STINGER Missile and Gripstock Inventory Standardized Procedures
DSCA 05-08 I-05-001844 Updated Guidance for Recertifying Existing Expanded International Military Education and Training (E-IMET) Program Courses Superseded
DSCA 05-04 I-05-000299 Unique Identification (UID) For Security Assistance Programs Active
DSCA 05-02 I-05-000319 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program FY05 Financial Severability Procedures Superseded
DSCA 04-47 I-04-017232 Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Submission and Processing Guidance Superseded
DSCA 04-45 I-04-012652 Application for DoD International Affairs (IA) Certification Program Rescinded
DSCA 04-40 Implementation Guidance Message Number Two for Regional Defense Counterterrorism (CT) Fellowship Program Superseded
DSCA 04-41 I-04-012090 Pricing Military Personnel Reimbursement in Support of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 04-36 I-04-011593 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program Financial Procedures Active
DSCA 04-37 I-04-001594 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program (CTFP) Mobile Education Teams Costing Superseded
DSCA 04-31 I-04-011737 Applicability of Travel Regulations to Foreign Military Sales Superseded
DSCA 04-30 I-04-007305 FMS Transformation: Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Associated with Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Grant Transfers Superseded
DSCA 04-38 I-04-011765 Termination Liability Reserve Policy and Procedures Superseded
DSCA 04-33 I-04-010507 FMS Transformation Deliverable: Issuance of DoD 5105.65-M "Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Reconciliation and Closure Manual" Rescinded
DSCA 04-18 I-04-010207 Administration of Global Master of Arts Program (GMAP) II Rescinded
DSCA 04-29 I-04-008219 Implementation of Non-Military Department (MILDEP) DoD International Affairs (1A) Certification Program Rescinded
DSCA 04-24 I-04-007559 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 04-21 I-04-006199 Clarification of Recoupment of Special Nonrecurring Costs (NCs) on Sales of U.S. Items Superseded
DSCA 04-19 I-04-005167 International Military Students and Social Security Numbers Superseded
DSCA 04-17 I-04-004624 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 04-08 Level I Antiterrorism (AT) Awareness Training and Travel Policy Rescinded
DSCA 04-04 I-04-000449 Use of the Security Assistance Network (SAN) by Security Assistance Officers (SAOs) and International Military Student Officers (IMSOs) Superseded
DSCA 04-06 I-04-000999 Clarification of Baggage Allowances for International Military Students (IMSs) Superseded
DSCA 04-07 I-04-001154 Termination Liability (T/L) Reserves Superseded
DSCA 03-19 I-03-005191 Guidance for the Transfer of Night Vision Devices Superseded
DSCA 03-25 I-03-015092 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Transformation Task Force Rescinded
DSCA 03-24 Message FY04 English Language Comprehension Level (ECL) and Oral Proficiency Interview Requirements Superseded
DSCA 03-22 Message DOD 5105.38-M, "Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM)," October 3, 2003 - Reissuance Superseded
DSCA 03-15 I-03-009181 FMS Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Transportation Reimbursement Policy Active
DSCA 03-20 I-03-012595 Lease Reporting in the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Superseded
DSCA 03-18 I-03-012156 Guidance for Excess Defense Article (EDA) Reporting Superseded
DSCA 03-17 I-03-016347 Implementation of Multiple-Duration Leases Superseded
DSCA 03-16 I-03-016522 Implementation of Electronic Countersignature Process for Leases Superseded
DSCA 03-11 091310Z MAY 03 Enrollment for the Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Active
DSCA 03-14 Message Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Policy Guidance Superseded
DSCA 03-13 Message Allowable Uses Of IMET Funds And MET Extraordinary Expense Funds Policy Message Superseded
DSCA 03-01 Message New Travel And Living Allowances (TLA) Policy Guidance For Security Cooperation Training Programs Superseded
DSCA 03-09 I-03-004808 Updated List - Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants Superseded
DSCA 03-08 I-03-003215 Case Closure Notes in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 03-05 I-03-002362 Establishment of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Closure Executive Committee (EXCOM) Superseded
DSCA 03-02 I-03-000273 Military Articles and Services Listing (MASL) Guidance relative to Logistics Support Charge (LSC) Superseded
DSCA 02-49 I-03-000015 Calendar Year (CY) 2003 Transportation Cost Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 02-35 I-02-013956 Updated Guidance on Informational Programs (IP) for International Students Sponsored Under Security Assistance Programs Superseded
DSCA 02-48 I-02-018237 FMS Case Review and Reconciliation Policy: Revised Matrix, New Checklist and Preparation Guidelines Superseded
DSCA 02-44 I-02-017356 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Configuration Control Board Superseded
DSCA 02-45 I-02-017354 Military Articles and Services Listing (MSAL) Code Changes Superseded
DSCA 02-43 I-02-004451 End Use Monitoring (EUM) Responsibilities is Support of the Department of Defense Golden Sentry EUM Program Superseded
DSCA 02-42 Message Medical Policy For International Training Program Update Message - IMET And FMS Training Superseded
DSCA 02-41 Message English Language Comprehension Level (ECL) And oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Exemption Lists For CONUS and In-Country Testing. Superseded
DSCA 02-36 Message Procurement of SAO Vehicles Active
DSCA 02-32 I-02-013884 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-28 I-02-010408 Revised DoDFMR Policy for Unmatched Disbursements and Negative Unliquidated Obligations Rescinded
DSCA 02-27 I-02-010496 Change in Attrition Rate for Tuition Pricing Rescinded
DSCA 02-24 I-02-009003 Updated Guidance for Using Developing and Reviewing the Eligibility of Courses / Programs for Addition to the Expanded International Military Education and Training (E-IMET) Program Superseded
DSCA 02-26 I-02-095400 Exemptions for DoD USCG Training from Justice Department Aviation Flight Training Screening Requirements Rescinded
DSCA 02-23 I-02-009162 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-20 Message Policy Guidance for Certain Categories of IMET Training Superseded
DSCA 02-22 I-02-008529 Pre-Departure Briefing CD-ROM for International Military Students Rescinded
DSCA 02-19 I-02-005821 Guidance Regarding Letters of Request Superseded
DSCA 02-14 I-02-006079 FMS Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Surcharge Policy Improvements Active
DSCA 02-15 I-02-006836 Assignment of Case Designators for S4, S5, and S6 Cases Rescinded
DSCA 02-13 I-02-004023 Contract Administration Services (CAS) Surcharge Waiver for Turkey Superseded
DSCA 02-10 I-02-002854 FMS Trust Fund Holding Account Designators Applicable to the Worldwide Warehouse Redistribution Services (WWRS) Program Active
DSCA 02-12 I-02-000505 Joint Visual Inspections (JVI) of Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Superseded
DSCA 02-09 I-02-002853 DSCA Coordination Requirements on Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Financed with Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Funds Superseded
DSCA 02-08 I-02-002519 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-03 I-02-000792 Termination Liability (T/L) Reserves Superseded
DSCA 02-04 I-02-000885 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Dual Track Initiative Rescinded
DSCA 02-02 I-02-000342 Transportation Look Up Table -Calendar Year (CY) 02 Rates Superseded
DSCA 02-01 Message Contracting for Personnel Services Abroad Active
DSCA 01-28 I-01-015687 Transfer of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Funds into FMS Accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) Superseded
DSCA 01-27 I-01-015245 Transition of Case Management Functions From US Army to the National Security Agency (NSA) Superseded
DSCA 01-25 I-01-012924 Classification of Pricing and Availability (P&A) Data Superseded
DSCA 01-23 I-01-011827 Designation, Implementation and Execution of FMS Cases Supporting Operation Enduring Freedom Rescinded
DSCA 01-16 I-01-007235 Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Disbursement Documentation Policy Superseded
DSCA 01-22 I-01-009498 Finance IPT Reinvention Policy Documents Superseded
DSCA 01-14 I-01-006468 Designation of Military Department Cognizance of Commercial Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Programs Active
DSCA 01-21 I-01-009272 Implementation of Electronic Countersignature Processes Superseded
DSCA 01-18 Special Billing Arrangements Superseded
DSCA 01-12 I-01-005465 FMS Case-Related Manpower Activities and Associated Costs Superseded
DSCA 01-19 I-01-00332 Security Assistance Administrative Trust Fund (T-20) Budget Policy Handbook for Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs)
DSCA 01-13 I-01-006332 Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Associated with Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Transfers Superseded
DSCA 01-09 I-01-04577 Establishment of the Security Assistance Automated Resource Management Suite (SAARMS) Working Group Superseded
DSCA 01-08 I-01-004453 Case Coordination and Tracking (CCT) Enhancements Superseded
DSCA 01-04 Implementation of New Codes for the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Superseded
DSCA 01-05 I-01-000444 Information to Accompany Foreign Military Sales Cases with Manpower Lines Superseded
DSCA 01-02 I-01-000429 Application of NATO Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) to Combined Exercises with NATO Countries Superseded
DSCA 01-01 I-01-000182 Guidance Regarding Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) Preference Superseded
DSCA 00-19 I-00-010659 FMS Review Policy Guidance Superseded
DSCA I-00-013376 I-00-013376 Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Configuration Control Board Superseded
DSCA 00-17 I-00-011440 Foreign Military Sales Case Management Superseded
DSCA 00-15 I-00-012274 Consideration of Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs) in Computation of FMS Case Travel Costs Superseded
DSCA 00-12 I-00-009518 Information to Accompany Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases with Manpower Lines Superseded
DSCA 00-09 I-00-008200 Foreign Country Force Activity Designator (FAD) Assignments Active
DSCA I-00-006952 I-00-006952 Firm Fixed Price (FFP) and Not to Exceed (NTE) Letters of Offer and Acceptance, 15 Jun 2000 Superseded
DSCA I-00-006391 I-00-006391 SAMM Addition -- Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Item Review Process Superseded
DSCA 00-07 I-00-005895 Statement of Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Active
DSCA 00-05 Designation of Military Department Cognizance of Commercial Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Programs Superseded
DSCA 00-02 I-00-000907 Rewrite of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Rescinded
DSCA I-99-013285 I-99-013285 Processing Classified Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases in the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Superseded
DSCA I-99-010365 I-99-010365 Quality Review of Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Superseded
DSCA I-99-008500 I-99-008500 Appropriate Level of Obligational Authority (OA) Control Rescinded
DSCA I-99-006055 I-99-006055 Terms of Sale on Letters of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA I-99-008186 I-99-008186 Use of Military Articles and Services List (MASL) Lines on Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs), Amendments, and Modifications Superseded
DSCA 1999-AdminRate 1999-AdminRate Reduction of the Standard Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Charge from 3 Percent to 2.5 Percent Superseded
DSCA I-99-008440 I-99-008440 Implementation Instructions for New Foreign Military Sales (FMS) 2.5 Percent Administrative Fee Superseded
DSCA I-99-000051 I-99-000051 Release of LSC and CAS Financial Data Superseded
DSCA I-99-001329 I-99-001329 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Transportation Coding for Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) Items Superseded
DSCA 98-Stinger MANPADS 98-Stinger MANPADS Stinger Approved Revised Stinger/MANPADS Guidance in DoD 5105.38-M, Security Assistance Management Manual Superseded
DSCA I-98-079527 I-98-079527 Changes to the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), DoD 5105.38-M Superseded
DSCA I-98-077059 I-98-077059 Logistics Support Charge (LSC) Assessment for Nonstandard Requisitioning System Transactions Superseded
DSCA I-98-075139 I-98-075139 Non-recurring Costs for Improved Weapon Systems Superseded
DSCA I-98-075366 I-98-075366 Defense Security Assistance Management Systems (DSAMS) Development Superseded
DSCA I-98-071225 I-98-071225 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) transportation coding for Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) Items Superseded
DSCA I-98-064488 I-98-064488 Recovery of Costs to Repair or Replace Damaged or Lost Leased Items Rescinded
DSCA I-97-052351 I-97-052351 Recovery of Costs to Repair or Replace Damaged or Lost Leased Items Rescinded
DSCA I-97-052640 I-97-052640 Administrative Charge for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Orders for Nonstandard Articles and Services Superseded
DSCA I-97-004139 I-97-004139 Procedures for Non-Material Financial and Unreconcilable Conditions Superseded