Combined Education and Training Program Plan
(Must be an unclassified document)

For Bandaria (BN)
Budget Year 2012

Part One - General Information

  1. Combined Education & Training Program Objectives

  2. Program planning and implementation

  3. Unique U.S. Military Department specific training requirements


Part Two - Security Assistance (IMET & FMS) Training Program Appendixes

  1. Appendix A: Program Administration

  2. Appendix B : English Language Training

  3. Appendix C: Senior & Mid-Level Invitational PME Summary

  4. Appendix D: Positions Of Prominence

  5. Appendix E: IMET Policy Waivers

  6. Appendix F: Distinguished Visitor (DVOT) & Regular Orientation Tour (OT) Request

  7. Appendix G: Security Assistance Training Team (MTT, ETSS, Etc.) Requests

  8. Appendix H: Human Rights Issues & IMET Graduate Utilization


Part Three - other training program appendixes

  1. Aviation Leadership Program (ALP)

  2. Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP)

  3. Other Programs



Part One - General Information For Bandaria FY2012

  1. Combined education and training program objectives

    1. Specific U.S. program objectives

    2. Host nation objectives

    3. Significant accomplishments toward meeting these objectives

    4. Training issues

  2. Program planning and implementation

    1. Program development.

    2. Explanation of host nation capabilities and third country provided training.

    3. Evaluation of prior year program successes and/or failures. How effectively does the host nation employ the skills and training of returning SA training graduates?

      1. How has training under CETP enhanced the professionalism or improved the capabilities of the host nation?

      2. Provide concrete, anecdotal examples of how education and training programs have furthered U.S. interests during the past year. Do not carry forward examples from previous tears. Note: these specific examples are used to help support and justify these programs to congress and other high level USG agencies.

    4. Brief explanation of what is being done to build on successes and correct/improve upon failures.

  3. Unique U.S. Military Department specific training requirements

    1. U.S. Army

    2. U.S. Navy

    3. U.S. Marine corps

    4. U.S. Coast Guard

    5. U.S. Air Force

    6. SAO point of contact

    7. Country team point of contact


Part Two - CETPP Appendices For Bandaria FY2012

Appendix A: Program Administration

  1. Budget Year FY2012 holidays for International Students (two in addition to U.S. holidays)

  2. IMET TLA factors for the Budget Year 2012

    1. Transportation agreement with country
      [intentionally left blank]

    2. Living allowance agreement with Country

    3. Number of travel days required to reach U.S. port of entry

    4. Port-of-departure/entry to/from country and servicing airport

    5. Normal U.S. port-of-entry

    6. Special fares (e.g. RON with location)

    7. One way airfare cost per student for 2012

    8. Cost of extra bag for 2012

    9. Are dependents allowed to accompany students to schools where that are encouraged to accompany the student by DoD?

  3. Vetting Process

  4. Medical Screening and Coverage for Dependent Medical Care

    1. Student and Dependent Medical screening process

    2. Dependent Financial Coverage for Medical Care


Appendix B: English Language Training

  1. In-country English language training program (ELTP) overview

  2. Status of current U.S.-assisted ELTP

    1. Instructor training

    2. Instruction materials

    3. DILEC Instruction Managerial Teams

    4. Language Laboratories

  3. English Language Testing and Training Waivers

    1. Country’s current ECL Testing status

    2. Country current DPI Testing status

    3. English Language Testing and Training Waivers

  4. Country shipping information for English labs and Materials

    1. Exact “Physical Shipping Address” for labs and materials (not mailing address).


Appendix C: Senior and Mid-Level Invitational PME Summary

  1. Mid-Level Senior Level Invitational PME Requirements

    School MASL ID FY12 FY13 FY14

    National Defense University (NWC or ICAF)





    National War College





    Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF)





    Joint Forces Staff College – Joint Combined Warfighting School





    U.S. Army War College





    Army Intermediate Level Education (ILE) FT. Leavenworth





    Naval Command College





    Air War College





    Naval Staff College 5 ½ month Course





    Naval Staff College 10 month course





    Air Command and Staff College





    Marine Corps War College






    Marne Corps Command and Staff College





    U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy





    Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare College





  2. Justification

  3. PME Exchanges


Appendix D: Positions of Prominence


Appendix E: IMET Policy Waivers


Appendix F: DVOT and Regular OT Requests

  1. COUNTRY : Bandaria

  2. FY: 2012

  3. WCN: 22

  4. Type Of Tour:

  5. Objectives:

  6. Proposed Start Date: 12:00:00 AM

  7. Alternative Start Date

  8. Tour Itinerary

  9. Level

  10. Scope

  11. Name Of Participants

  12. Assignment

  13. Individual Characteristics

  14. English Capability

  15. IP Projects

  16. Publicity


Appendix G: Training Team (MTT, etc) Request


Appendix H: Human Rights Issues and IMET Graduate Utilization

  1. What is the percentage of women in the armed forces?

  2. What is the percentage of women in the country's IMET program?

  3. Are women in the armed forces limited to or prohibited from certain jobs? What are the obstacles, if any, to having women participate in the IMET program at the same percentage as they are present within the armed forces?

  4. Approximately what percentage of IMET graduates is tracked?

  5. Describe the efforts taken to track IMET graduates after they return from IMET-funded training. What are the obstacles, if any, to tracking a higher percentage of IMET graduates?

  6. To the extent possible, describe the utilization of IMET graduates after they return from IMET training.

  7. Are IMET graduates obligated to remain in the military for a certain amount of time after returning?

  8. In practice, are these obligations fulfilled?

  9. Do students generally know what job they will return to after IMET education and training?

  10. Regardless of whether the follow-on job known ahead of time, are students generally placed in positions that allow them to use the skills gained through their IMET courses?

  11. Does the country generally receive poor marks on human rights from internationally recognized organizations like Freedom House?

  12. If YES, to what degree is the military part of the rationale for the poor marks?

  13. If the country receives poor marks, how does IMET-provided training planned for this country address human rights, civil-military relations, etc.?

  14. Are there any areas where more detailed guidance from Washington would be helpful in addressing the matters discussed in the questions above?

  15. Funding issues aside, how could State and DSCA help improve the execution of IMET in this country?


Part Three – CTFP and Other Training Program Appendices for Bandaria FY2012

Aviation Leadership Program (ALP)

  1. The country can effectively use and ALP graduate.

  2. The country is cash poor and is making efforts to pursue democratic institutions.

  3. The country receives only small U.S. grant programs. Countries with small grant programs have priority over larger U.S. grant recipients.

  4. Country has few people-to-people programs or initiatives.

  5. State last date country participated in ALP.


Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program (CTFP)

  1. Provide a brief description of specific country needs for Combating Terrorism training and the country team program objectives for the CTFP. How does the country support the U.S. war on terrorism?

  2. Describe the terrorist threat to the country and/or region, the country’s willingness to participate in combined Combating Terrorism efforts, ability to leverage other existing or planned Defense SC programs, and country needs and requirements (i.e., how does country environment fit SECDEF’s criteria for this program?)

  3. What are the primary in-country organizations responsible or the country’s CT effort (describe all that apply; military, police, interior border guards, etc)? Which of these organizations has primary responsibility for the country’s CT effort?

  4. How are CTFP funds being used to engage the organizations in question #3? If the listed organizations are not currently participating in CTFP, how is the country team planning to encourage their participation?

  5. Are there U.S. Special Forces personnel within the country team? If yes, are they involved in the selection process to identify CTFP training and candidates?

  6. Are other countries (besides the United States) providing CT training to the host nation? Please identify.

  7. What training that is currently not available or advertised does the country need?

  8. Is the country team and host nation willing to support in-country training on a regional basis? What in-country training will be requested in this plan?

  9. Are there CT focused non-U.S. schools or training centers that could be utilized under CTFP funding

  10. These are the Primary CONUS School courses available under the CTFP. Which ones and how many quotas does your county need for the FY?

    School FY2012 FY2013













    Provide a brief 4-5 sentence justification for the requested training.


Other Training Programs

  1. African Contingency Operations Training and Assistance (ACOTA)

  2. Bilateral or Regional Operation Program

  3. Combatant Commands Initiative Funds

  4. Disaster Response (Humanitarian Assistance (HA))

  5. Drawdown of Training

  6. Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI)/Enhanced International Peacekeeping Capabilities (EIPC)


  7. Exchanges

  8. International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement

  9. Joint Combined Exchange Training

  10. Mine Action

  11. RCs for Security Studies

    1. AFRICOM: Africa Center for Strategic Studies

    2. CENTCOM: Near East-South Asia Center for Strategic Studies

    3. EUCOM: George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies

    4. PACOM: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies

    5. SOUTHCOM: Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies

  12. Section 1004 Counter-Drug Training Support (CDTS)

  13. Service Academy Programs


  14. U.S. Coast Guard Foreign Cadet Program

  15. U.S. Coast Guard Caribbean Support Tender (CST)

  16. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)