Afghan Train and Equip Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
Y2 | P.L. 108-106 | Provide assistance to the Afghan National Army to enhance its capability to combat terrorism and to support U.S. military operations | 97 X 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 108-106 FY04 | N/A | N/A | |
Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF)/CTRB |
Assistance to Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia (AEECA) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Reprogramming Authority Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 (without reprogramming authority) | Funds Cancel on September 30 (with reprogramming authority) |
EB | P.L. 101-179, and P.L. 102-511 | Provide assistance and support to the independent states of the former Soviet Union, the South Caucasus and Central Asia | FAA Sec 632(b) MOA and Amendments | P.L. 115-141 (1 Year O&M) | 2023 | 2024 | 2028 | |
Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
E7 | P.L. 110-252 | Provide supplies, services, logistical support and non-reimbursable loan of equipment to certain coalition forces supporting military and stability operations in Iraq and Afghanistan | 97 X 0100 FY08 | P.L. 110-161 and P.L. 110-252 FY08 | N/A | N/A | P.L. 111-32 | 97 X 0100 FY09 | P.L. 110-252 and P.L 111-32 FY09 | P.L. 111-84 | 97 X 0100 FY10 | P.L. 111-118 FY10 | P.L. 111-383 | 97 X 0100 FY11 | P.L. 112-10 FY11 | E8 | P.L. 112-81 | Provide specialized training and procure supplies and specialized equipment; provide such supplies and loan such equipment on a non-reimbursable basis to coalition forces supporting U.S. military operations in Afghanistan | 97 12/13 0100 | P.L. 112-74 FY12 | 2013 | 2018 | E9 | P.L. 112-239 | 97 13/14 0100 | P.L. 113-6 FY13 | 2014 | 2019 | J6 | P.L. 113-66 | 97 14/15 0100 | P.L. 113-76 FY14 | 2015 | 2020 | R7 | P.L.113-291 Section 1222 | 97 15/16 0100 | P.L. 113-235 FY15 | 2016 | 2021 | R8 | P.L. 114-92 | Provide specialized training, supplies and loan equipment on a non-reimbursable basis to coalition forces supporting U.S. military stability operations in Afghanistan and to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. | 97 16/17 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | 2017 | 2022 | R9 | P.L. 114-92 | 97 17/18 0100 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | 2018 | 2023 | 7U | P.L. 110-181, as amended by section 1212 of P.L. 115-91 | 97 18/19 0100 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | 2019 | 2024 | QJ | Section 1233 of the FY 2008 NDAA (P.L. 110-181), as most recently amended by P.L. 116-92 | 97 19/20 0100 | P.L. 115-245 FY19 | 2020 | 2025 | QS | 97 20/21 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | 2021 | 2026 | FH | Section 1233 of the FY 2008 NDAA (P.L. 110-181), as most recently amended by P.L. 116-283. | Provide supplies, services, and logistical support to coalition forces supporting U.S. military stability operations in Afghanistan and to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. | 97 21/22 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | 2022 | 2027 | TA | Section 1233 of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as most recently 1 amended by P.L. 117-81) | Provide supplies, services, and logistical support to coalition forces supporting U.S. military operation to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L.117- 103 FY22 | 2023 | 2028 | |
Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund (CTEF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
3T and Z5 (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 114-328 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to foreign forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 114-328 and P.L. 115-31. | 21 17/18 2099 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | - | 2018 | 2023 | 3U (Syria) | 7N (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 115-91 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to foreign forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-31 and P.L. 115-91. | 21 18/19 2099 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | - | 2019 | 2024 | 7T (Syria) | QI (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 115-232. | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to foreign forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-245 and P.L. 115-232. | 21 19/20 2099 | P.L. 115-245 FY19 | - | 2020 | 2025 | QH (Syria) | CK (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 115-91 and P.L. 115-232. | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to military and other security forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-91 | 21 20/21 2099 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | - | 2021 | 2026 | CL (Syria) | EW (Syria) | P.L. 113-291, as amended most recently by P.L. 116-283 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to military and other security forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-91 and P.L. 116-283 (the FY 2021 NDAA). | 21 21/22 2099 | P.L. 116-260, FY21 | - | 2022 | 2027 | QM (Iraq) | EJ (Syria) | P.L. 113-291 as amended most recently by P.L. 117-81 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to military and other security forces as described in P.L. 113-291, as amended | 21 22/23 2099 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | - | 2023 | 2028 | QY (Iraq) | QV (Iraq) | 21 23/24 2099 | P.L. 117-328 FY23 | - | 2024 | 2029 | EL (Syria) | UW (Iraq) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 21 24/25 2099 | P.L. 118-47 FY24 | FY24/25 (Two-Year O&M) | 2025 | 2030 | 21 25/26 2099 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | UX (Iraq) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | VW (Syria) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 21 24/25 2099 | P.L. 118-47 FY24 | FY24/25 (Two-Year O&M) | 2025 | 2030 | 21 25/26 2099 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | VX (Syria) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | |
Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund (CTPF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
U3 | P.L. 113-291 | To provide support and assistance to foreign security forces or other groups or individuals to conduct, support, or facilitate counterterrorism and crisis response activities. | 97 5 0100 | P.L. 113-235 FY15 | 2015 | 2020 | U4 | 10 U.S.C. Sec. 2282 | To build the capacity of a foreign country's national military, maritime or border security, and national-level security forces to conduct counterterrorism operations | 97 6 0100 | P.L. 113-235 FY15 | 2016 | 2021 | U6 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | U7 | 97 7 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | September 19, 2017 | 2022 | |
Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
FN | Section 3101 of the FY 2021 NDAA (P.L. 116-283) | Purchase, construction, and acquisition of plant and capital equipment and other incidental expenses necessary for defense nuclear nonproliferation activities. | Economy Act MOA (31 U.S.C. 1535 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | N/A | N/A | |
DoD Counter Narcotics Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
S8 | P.L. 101-510, Section 1004, as amd | Provide support for security, law enforcement, drug detection and reconnaissance with provision of equipment, training, facilities and communications | Various (refer to DSCA CFD for specific funds information) | S7 | P.L. 105-85, Section 1033, as amd | |
Economic Support Fund (ESF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source | Appn Authority | Appn Account | Reprogramming Authority Ends on September 30 | Funds Cancel on September 30 (without reprogramming authority) | Funds Cancel on September 30 (with reprogramming authority) |
V8 | FAA Section 531(a) | Promote and advance U.S. interests by providing assistance to meet political, economic, and security needs. | FAA Sec 632(b) MOA and Amendments | P.L. 113-325 | | 2015 | 2016 | 2025 | DN | FAA Section 604 | P.L. 113-76 FY14 | FY 14/15 (2 year OCO) | 2019 | 2020 | 2024 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | FY18/19 (2 year OCO) | 2023 | 2024 | 2028 | |
European Reassurance Initiative (ERI) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
P5 | P.L. 113-291 | To support to the Governments of Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, preposition additional equipment and initiate additional or extend deployments in the approved countries and adjacent waters. | 97 5 0100 | P.L. 113-235 FY15 | 2015 | 2020 | |
Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
C6 | P.L. 112-81, as amd | To enhance the capabilities of national military and security forces that conduct border and maritime security, internal defense, and counterterrorism operations; for security sector, rule of law programs, and stabilization efforts. | 11 X 1041 | P.L. 112-74 FY12 and subsequent appropriations | N/A | N/A |
Global Security Contingency Fund, African Peacekeeping Rapid Response Partnership Global Security Contingency Fund, Ukraine (GSCF-U) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
W6 | P.L. 112-81 and P.L. 114-92 | To enhance the capabilities of national military and security forces that conduct internal defense. | 11 X 1041 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | N/A | N/A | |
Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
V2 | P.L. 114-92 as amended by P.L. 114-328 and P.L. 115-232, P.L 116-92 and P.L. 117-81 | Increase maritime security and maritime domain awareness for foreign countries along the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean | 97 6 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | - | 2016 | 2021 | V9 | 97 17/18 0100 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | - | 2018 | 2023 | AZ | 97 18/19 0100 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | - | 2019 | 2024 | QF | 97 19/20 0100 | P.L. 115-245 FY19 | - | 2020 | 2025 | CQ | 97 20/21 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | - | 2021 | 2026 | DP | 97 20 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | - | 2020 | 2025 | ED | 97 21/22 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | - | 2022 | 2027 | PJ | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | - | 2023 | 2028 | PQ | 97 23/24 0100 | P.L. 117-328 FY23 | - | 2024 | 2029 | PV | 97 24/25 0100 | P.L. 118-42 FY24 | - | 2025 | 2030 | WL | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | - | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | WM | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | |
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) |
Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
B3 | P.L. 109-234 | Provide assistance to the security forces of Iraq including the provision of equipment, supplies, services, training, construction, and funding | 21 6 2092 | P.L. 109-234 FY06 | 2007 | 2012 | B7 | P.L. 109-289 | 21 7 2092 | P.L. 110-28 FY07 | 2008 | 2013 | E4 | P.L. 110-161 | 21 8 2092 | P.L. 110-161 FY08 | 2009 | 2014 | G3 | P.L. 111-32 | 21 9 2092 | P.L. 111-32 FY09 | 2010 | 2015 | G8 | P.L. 111-212 | Provide assistance to the security forces of Iraq, including the provision of equipment, supplies, services, training, facility and infrastructure repair, and renovation | 21 10 2092 | P.L. 111-212 FY10 | 2011 | 2016 | H3 | P.L. 111-383 | Provide assistance to the security forces of Iraq | 21 11 2092 | P.L. 112-10 FY11 | 2012 | 2017 | |
Iraq Train and Equip Fund (ITEF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
P1 | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 114-92 and P.L.114-328 | Provide assistance to military and other security forces or associated with the Government of Iraq, to include Kurdish and tribal security forces and other local security forces, with a national security mission, to counter the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. | 21 15/16 2097 | P.L. 113-235 FY15 | 2016 | 2021 | V5 | 21 16/17 2097 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | 2017 | 2022 | Z5 *Cases transferred to CTEF Program Code 3T | 21 172097 *Z5 Cases transferred to 2099 17/18 | Division A, Section 101 of P.L. 114-254, FY2017 *Z5 Cases transferred to P.L. 115-31 FY17 | May 5, 2017 *Z5 Cases transferred to 2018 | May 5, 2022 *Z5 Cases transferred to 2023 | Z6 | 21 172097 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | 2018 | 2023 | |
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs (NADR) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
B1 | FAA Section 571 | Provide anti-terrorism training services; equipment and other commodities relating to the detection, deterrence, and prevention of acts of terrorism | FAA Sec 632(b) MOA and Amendments (Various--use appropriation on MOA provided) | P.L. 112-74 FY12 | 2017 | 2022 | |
Other non-DoD Programs Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
S4 | Various (provided by the DSCA Program Manager) | FAA Sec 632(b) MOA and Amendments (Use appropriation on MOA provided) | Various (FY11 and prior year appropriations) | Pursuant to authorities contained in annual Appropriations Acts | |
Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund (PCCF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
G4 | P.L. 111-32 | Build and maintain the counterinsurgency capability of Pakistan’s military and Frontier Corps | 21 9/11 2395 | P.L. 111-32 FY09 | 2011 | 2016 | G9 | P.L. 111-73 | FAA 632(b) MOA 2/3/2011, 1911_1710830000 | P.L. 112-10 FY11 | 2021 | 2021 | J2 | P.L. 112-74 | FAA 632(b) MOA 9/27/2013, 1911_2310830000B | P.L. 112-74 FY12 | 2022 | 2022 | |
Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund (PCF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
G2 | P.L. 111-32 | Build the Counterinsurgency Capability of Pakistan Military and Frontier Corps | 21 9/10 2095 | P.L. 111-32 FY09 | 2010 | 2015 | |
Pakistan Stability Operations Funds (PSOF) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
3V | P.L. 110-181, as amended by P.L. 114-92 | To provide support for stability activities as described in P.L. 110-181, and as amended by P.L. 114-192 | 97 16/17 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | 2017 | 2022 | |
Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) - Global Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) - Africa |
Section 1203 Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
J4 | P.L. 112-239 | Enhance the capacity of the national security forces of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and forces participating in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to conduct counterterrorism operations | 97 14 0100 | P.L. 113-76 FY14 | 2014 | 2019 | J5 | Enhance the ability of the Yemen Ministry of Interior Counterterrorism Forces to conduct counterterrorism operations | |
Section 1206 Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
B4 | P.L. 109-163, as amended | Build the capacity of foreign military forces to conduct counterterrorism or to support military operations | 97 6 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 109-163 FY06 | 2006 | 2011 | B5 | 97 7 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 110-28 FY07 | 2007 | 2012 | B8 | 97 8 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 110-161 FY08 | 2008 | 2013 | B9 | Build the capacity of foreign military forces or maritime security forces to conduct counterterrorism or to support military operations in which the U.S. is participating | 97 9 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 110-252 FY09 | 2009 | 2014 | G7 | Build the capacity of foreign military forces or maritime security forces to conduct counterterrorism or to support military and stability operations in which the U.S. is participating | 97 0 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 111-118 FY10 | 2010 | 2015 | H2 | 97 1 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 112-10 FY11 | 2011 | 2016 | H4 | 97 2 0100 (DW O&M) | P.L. 112-74 FY12 | 2012 | 2017 | H8 | Build the capacity of foreign military forces to conduct counterterrorism or to support military, stability and maritime security operations. | 97 3 0100 | P.L. 113-6 FY13 | 2013 | 2018 | J1 | Build the capacity of foreign military forces to conduct counterterrorism or to support military, stability and maritime security operations. | 97 4 0100 | P.L. 113-76 FY14 | 2014 | 2019 | J7 | Build the capacity of foreign military forces to conduct counterterrorism or to support military, stability and maritime security operations. | 97 5 0100 | P.L. 113-235 FY15 | 2015 | 2020 | |
Section 1207 Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
H6 | P.L. 112-81 | Enhance the capacity of the national security forces of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and forces participating in the African Union Mission in Somalia to conduct counterterrorism operations | 97 2 0100 | P.L. 112-74 FY12 | 2012 | 2017 | H7 | P.L. 112-81 | Enhance the capacity of the Yemen Ministry of Interior Counter Terrorism Forces to conduct counterterrorism operations | 97 2 0100 | P.L. 112-74 FY12 | 2012 | 2017 | |
Section 1208 - Women, Peace, and Security Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
FW | P.L. 117-263 | Advise, train, and educate such forces or personnel with respect to the recruitment, employment, development, retention, promotion, and meaningful participation in decision making of women; sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic abuse, and other forms of violence that disproportionately impact women; the requirements of women, including providing appropriate equipment and facilities; and the implementation of activities described in this subsection, including the integration of such activities into security-sector policy, planning, exercises, and training, as appropriate. | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 24/25 0100 | P.L. 118-47 FY24 | FY24/25 (Two-Year O&M) | 2025 | 2030 | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | |
Section 2282 Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
J9 | P.L. 113-291 | Build the capacity of foreign military forces to participate in stability operations that benefit the national security interests of the United States or to build the capacity of foreign country's military, maritime, border security and national level security forces to conduct counterterrorism operations. | 97 5 0100 | P.L. 113-235 FY15 | 2015 | 2020 | U5 | 10 U.S.C. Sec. 2282 | Build the capacity of foreign security forces to conduct counterterrorism operations or participate in or support ongoing allied or coalition military or stability operations that benefit U.S. national security interests. | 97 6 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | 2016 | 2021 | U8 | 97 17/18 0100 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | 19 Sept 2017 | 2023 | |
Section 332 - Defense Institution Capacity Building Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
DU | 10 U.S.C. Sec. 332 | Provide advisors or trainers and provide training and associated training support services to personnel of foreign ministries of defense, ministries with security force oversight, or regional organizations with security missions. | 97 21/22 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | FY 2021/2022 (2-Year O&M) | 2022 | 2027 | AB | 97 21/22 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | FY 2021/2022 (2-Year OCO) | 2022 | 2027 | TE | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | FY 2022/2023 (2-Year O&M) | 2023 | 2028 | U9 | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | FY 2022/2023 (2-Year O&M) | 2023 | 2028 | DY | 97 23/24 0100 | P.L. 117-328 FY23 | FY 2023/2024 (2-Year O&M) | 2024 | 2029 | YB | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | YC | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | |
Section 333 - Foreign Security Forces: Authority to Build Capacity. Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
7C | 10 U.S.C. Sec. 333 | Build the capacity of foreign security forces per the functional capabilities listed in 10 USC Section 333 | 97 17/18 0100 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | FY17/18 (2 year OCO) | 2018 | 2023 | 7D | 97 17/18 0100 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | FY17/18 (2 year Base O&M) | 2018 | 2023 | 7F | 97 18/19 0100 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | FY18/19 (2 Year Base O&M) | 2019 | 2024 | 7L | 97 18/19 0100 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | FY18/19 (2 year OCO) | 2019 | 2024 | 7M | 97 18 0100 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | FY18 (1 Year Base O&M) | 2018 | 2023 | QC | 97 19 0100 | P.L. 115-245 FY19 | FY19 (1 Year Base O&M) | 2019 | 2024 | QD | 97 19/20 0100 | P.L. 115-245 FY19 | FY 19/20 (2 Year Base O&M) | 2020 | 2025 | QE | 97 19/20 0100 | P.L. 115-245 FY19 | FY 19/20 (2 Year OCO) | 2020 | 2025 | 7G | 97 20 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | FY20 (1 Year Base) | 2020 | 2025 | 7K | 97 20/21 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | FY 20/21 (2 Year Base O&M) | 2021 | 2026 | DB | 97 20/21 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | FY 20/21 (2 Year OCO) | 2021 | 2026 | DV | 97 21/22 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | FY 2021/2022 (2-Year O&M) | 2022 | 2027 | DW | 97 21/22 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | FY 2021/2022 (2-Year OCO) | 2022 | 2027 | NV | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | FY 2022/2023 (2-Year Base) | 2023 | 2028 | PD | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | FY 2022/2023 (2-Year O&M) | 2023 | 2028 | NM | 97 22 100 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | FY 2022 (1-Year O&M) | 2022 | 2027 | DT | 97 23/24 0100 | P.L. 117-328 FY23 | FY 2023/2024 (2-Year O&M) | 2024 | 2029 | PB | 97 24/25 0100 | P.L. 118-42 FY24 | FY 2024/2025 (2-year O&M) | 2025 | 2030 | ZB | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | ZC | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | ZD | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | ZE | |
Section 346 - Distribution to Certain Foreign Personnel of Education and Training Materials and Information Technology to Enhance Military Interoperability with the Armed Forces Pgm Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 of: Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
LM | 10 U.S.C 346 | Provide education, training materials, and Information Technology to military and civilian personnel to enhance military interoperability with the armed forces of friendly foreign countries. | Various. DoD organizations provide training utilizing available DoD funds appropriated to them to conduct their respective assigned responsibilities. | |
Security Cooperation Overseas Contingency Operations Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
Z7 | 10 U.S.C. Sec. 2282 | To provide support and assistance to foreign security forces or other groups or individuals to conduct, support or facilitate counterterrorism, crisis response, or other Department of Defense security cooperation programs. | 97 17/18 0100 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | 19 September 2017 | 2023 | |
Syria Train and Equip Fund Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
V7 | Section 1209 of the NDAA for 2015 (P.L. 113-291), as amended by Section 1225 of the NDAA for 2016 (P.L. 114-92). | Defending the Syrian people from attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and securing territory controlled by the Syrian opposition. Protecting the United States, its friends and allies, and the Syrian people from the threats posed by terrorists in Syria. Promoting the conditions for a negotiated settlement to end the conflict in Syria. | 97 6 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | 2016 | 2021 | W9 | 97 7 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | 2017 | 2022 | Z4 | 97 7 0100 | P.L. 115-30 FY17 | May 5, 2017 | May 5, 2022 | |
Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
V4 | P.L. 114-92, as amended by P.L. 114-113 | Provide assistance, including training; equipment; lethal weapons of a defensive nature; logistics support, supplies and services; sustainment; and intelligence support to the military and national security forces of Ukraine, and for replacement of any weapons or defensive articles provided to the Government of Ukraine from the inventory of the United States | 97 16 0100 | P.L. 114-113 FY16 | - | 2016 | 2021 | Z8 | P.L. 114-92, as amended by P.L. 114-328 and P.L. 115-91and P.L 116-92. | Provide assistance, including training; equipment; lethal assistance; logistics support, supplies and services; sustainment; and intelligence support to the military and national security forces of Ukraine. | 97 17 0100 | P.L. 115-31 FY17 | - | 2017 | 2022 | BJ | 97 18 0100 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | - | 2018 | 2023 | QG | 97 19 0100 | P.L. 115-245 FY19 | - | 2019 | 2024 | CP | 97 19/20 0100 | Section 124(b) of P.L. 116-59 FY20 | - | 2020 | 2025 | DL | 97 20 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | - | 2020 | 2025 | DM | 97 20/21 0100 | P.L. 116-93 FY20 | - | 2021 | 2026 | DX | P.L. 116-283 | 97 21 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | - | 2021 | 2026 | EO | 97 21/22 0100 | P.L. 116-260 FY21 | - | 2022 | 2027 | NB | P.L. 114-92, as amended | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L. 117-128 FY22 | FY 2022/2023 (2-Year O&M) | 2023 | 2028 | ND | 97 22/23 0100 | P.L. 117-103 FY22 | FY 2022/2023 (2-Year O&M) | 2023 | 2028 | NX | P.L. 114-92, as amended most recently by P.L 117-81) | 97 23/24 0100 | P.L. 117-180 FY23 | FY 2023/2024 (2-Year O&M) | 2024 | 2029 | NW | P.L. 114-92, as amended most recently by P.L 117-263 | 97 23/24 0100 | P.L. 117-328 FY23 | FY 2023/2024 (2-Year O&M) | 2024 | 2029 | NY | 97 23/24 0100 | P.L. 117-328 FY23 | FY 2023/2024 (2-Year O&M) | 2024 | 2029 | KB | 97 24/25 0100 | P.L. 118-42 FY24 | FY 2024/2025 (2-year O&M) | 2025 | 2030 | KA | P.L. 114-92, as amended most recently by P.L 118-31 | 97 24/25 0100 | H.R. 8035 | - | 2025 | 2030 | WP | P.L. 114-92, as amended by P.L. 118-31 | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | WQ | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | WR | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | 97 25/26 0100 | H.R. 1968 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | WT | 97 XX/XX 0100 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | WU | WV | |
US Army Operating Funds in Support of Foreign Security Forces Programs Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
7J | P.L. 114–328 | Provide service members, civilian personnel and contractors to support DoD efforts to organize, train, equip, and advise foreign military forces and relevant supporting institutions | 21 21 2018/2018 | P.L. 115-141 FY18 | 2018 | 2023 | |