Welcome to DSCA's E-SAMM and
Policy Memoranda Distribution Portal
This site provides an updated method to accessing the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) and the Policy Memorandums that are issued by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).
Attached are the Calendar Year (CY) 2025 Transportation Rates to be applied to sensitive and hazardous end items that are shipped to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers via the Defense Transportation System.
This policy memorandum incorporates guidance from DSCA 04-07, DSCA 08-10, DSCA 14-08, DSCA 19-03, DSCA 19-06, and DSCA 19-40 into the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM). The SAMM is the authoritative source for Security Cooperation policy and guidance. Incorporating these policies ensures the SAMM is updated with the current guidance and reduces duplication, errors, and confusion within the community.
This memorandum updates the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) with new policy related to International Military Student (IMS) other student support costs. The updated policy will allow Foreign Military Sales case funds to be used to reimburse the IMSs when commercial rental passenger vehicles are required to travel to and from the training site when DoD transportation resources are not available. This memorandum also clarifies that the partner will be liable for any costs related to damages.
Effective immediately, the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) is updated to clarify the process for notification of disapproval of Major Defense Equipment (MDE), Significant Military Equipment (SME), requested support of these articles, or the entirety of a purchaser's request.
This memorandum provides policy guidance for the Implementing Agencies (IAs) to provide Foreign Military Sales (FMS) design and construction services to foreign partners on U.S. military installations via Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) in accordance with 22 U.S.C.2769, 22 U.S.C. 2796, 10 U.S.C. 2801(a), and 10 U.S.C. 2802.