Memo Date Sort descending DSCA # E-Change # USP # Memo Title PM Status
DSCA I-97-004139 I-97-004139 Procedures for Non-Material Financial and Unreconcilable Conditions Superseded
DSCA I-97-052640 I-97-052640 Administrative Charge for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Orders for Nonstandard Articles and Services Superseded
DSCA I-97-052351 I-97-052351 Recovery of Costs to Repair or Replace Damaged or Lost Leased Items Rescinded
DSCA I-98-064488 I-98-064488 Recovery of Costs to Repair or Replace Damaged or Lost Leased Items Rescinded
DSCA I-98-072261 1 I-98-072261 DoD 5105.38-M, Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) changes. Superseded
DSCA I-98-071225 I-98-071225 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) transportation coding for Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) Items Superseded
DSCA I-98-075366 I-98-075366 Defense Security Assistance Management Systems (DSAMS) Development Superseded
DSCA I-98-075139 I-98-075139 Non-recurring Costs for Improved Weapon Systems Superseded
DSCA I-98-077059 I-98-077059 Logistics Support Charge (LSC) Assessment for Nonstandard Requisitioning System Transactions Superseded
DSCA I-98-071926 3 I-98-071926 Approved Changes to DoD 5105.38-M, Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA I-98-078536 4 I-98-078536 Approved SAMM Change Relative to CLSSA Liability Superseded
DSCA I-98-079527 I-98-079527 Changes to the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), DoD 5105.38-M Superseded
DSCA 98-Stinger MANPADS 98-Stinger MANPADS Stinger Approved Revised Stinger/MANPADS Guidance in DoD 5105.38-M, Security Assistance Management Manual Superseded
DSCA I-99-001329 I-99-001329 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Transportation Coding for Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) Items Superseded
DSCA I-99-000051 I-99-000051 Release of LSC and CAS Financial Data Superseded
DSCA 1999-AdminRate 1999-AdminRate Reduction of the Standard Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Charge from 3 Percent to 2.5 Percent Superseded
DSCA I-99-008440 I-99-008440 Implementation Instructions for New Foreign Military Sales (FMS) 2.5 Percent Administrative Fee Superseded
DSCA I-99-008186 I-99-008186 Use of Military Articles and Services List (MASL) Lines on Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs), Amendments, and Modifications Superseded
DSCA I-99-006055 I-99-006055 Terms of Sale on Letters of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA I-99-008500 I-99-008500 Appropriate Level of Obligational Authority (OA) Control Rescinded
DSCA I-99-010365 I-99-010365 Quality Review of Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Superseded
DSCA I-99-011158 7 I-99-011158 Foreign Customer Participation in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Development Process Superseded
DSCA 1999-IMET 12 1999-IMET New IMET Living Allowances Rates Superseded
DSCA I-99-013285 I-99-013285 Processing Classified Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases in the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Superseded
DSCA 00-01 8 I-99-012655 Inclusion of Offset Costs in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 00-02 I-00-000907 Rewrite of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Rescinded
DSCA 00-03 10 I-00-002231 Blanket Order Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Cases Superseded
DSCA 00-04 11 I-00-002801 LOA Note Regarding Unauthorized Use of Defense Articles Superseded
DSCA 00-05 Designation of Military Department Cognizance of Commercial Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Programs Superseded
DSCA 00-07 I-00-005895 Statement of Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Active
DSCA 00-06 13 I-00-005896 LOA Note Regarding Authorized Release and Transfer of Global Positioning System (GPS/PPS) Equipment Superseded
DSCA I-00-006391 I-00-006391 SAMM Addition -- Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Item Review Process Superseded
DSCA I-00-006592 15 I-00-006592 Revisions to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency's Guidelines for Foreign Military Financing of Direct Commercial Contracts Superseded
DSCA I-00-006952 I-00-006952 Firm Fixed Price (FFP) and Not to Exceed (NTE) Letters of Offer and Acceptance, 15 Jun 2000 Superseded
DSCA 00-08 14 I-00-007750 Transportation Look Up Table - Fiscal Year (FY) 00 Rates Superseded
DSCA 00-09 I-00-008200 Foreign Country Force Activity Designator (FAD) Assignments Active
DSCA 00-12 I-00-009518 Information to Accompany Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases with Manpower Lines Superseded
DSCA 00-13 16 I-00-009774 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change -- Secondary Item Support Superseded
DSCA 00-11 17 I-00-009264 Implementation of Changes to the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), Part 126.6 Superseded
DSCA 00-16 18 I-00-011210 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note Regarding Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures Superseded
DSCA 00-15 I-00-012274 Consideration of Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs) in Computation of FMS Case Travel Costs Superseded
DSCA 00-17 I-00-011440 Foreign Military Sales Case Management Superseded
DSCA 00-19 I-00-010659 FMS Review Policy Guidance Superseded
DSCA I-00-013376 I-00-013376 Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Configuration Control Board Superseded
DSCA 00-20 19 I-00-014736 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change -- Country Code A6 for the NATO Air Command and Control System Management Agency Superseded
DSCA 01-01 I-01-000182 Guidance Regarding Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) Preference Superseded
DSCA 01-03 20 I-01-000514 Transportation Look Up Table -- Fiscal Year (FY) 01 Rates Superseded
DSCA 01-02 I-01-000429 Application of NATO Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) to Combined Exercises with NATO Countries Superseded
DSCA 01-04 Implementation of New Codes for the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Superseded
DSCA 01-05 I-01-000444 Information to Accompany Foreign Military Sales Cases with Manpower Lines Superseded
DSCA 01-06 21 I-01-001494 New Metric to Measure LOA Processing Time Line Performance Superseded
DSCA 01-07 22 I-01-000893 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change -- Name Change for Organization Using Country Code A4 Superseded
DSCA I-01-026666 23 I-01-026666 Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Waiver on Spain Superseded
DSCA 01-08 I-01-004453 Case Coordination and Tracking (CCT) Enhancements Superseded
DSCA 01-09 I-01-04577 Establishment of the Security Assistance Automated Resource Management Suite (SAARMS) Working Group Superseded
DSCA 01-11 24 I-00-011614 Implementation of Changes to the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change 24 -- Sec 50004 Superseded
DSCA 01-10 25 I-01-005956 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change 25 -- Sole Source Procurement Policy Clarification Superseded
DSCA 01-13 I-01-006332 Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Associated with Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Transfers Superseded
DSCA 01-17 26 I-01-007291 Administration of the OPM SANG Program Umbrella Case ZAC Rescinded
DSCA 01-19 I-01-00332 Security Assistance Administrative Trust Fund (T-20) Budget Policy Handbook for Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs)
DSCA 01-12 I-01-005465 FMS Case-Related Manpower Activities and Associated Costs Superseded
DSCA 01-18 Special Billing Arrangements Superseded
DSCA 01-21 I-01-009272 Implementation of Electronic Countersignature Processes Superseded
DSCA 01-14 I-01-006468 Designation of Military Department Cognizance of Commercial Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Programs Active
DSCA 01-22 I-01-009498 Finance IPT Reinvention Policy Documents Superseded
DSCA 01-16 I-01-007235 Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Disbursement Documentation Policy Superseded
DSCA 01-23 I-01-011827 Designation, Implementation and Execution of FMS Cases Supporting Operation Enduring Freedom Rescinded
DSCA 01-25 I-01-012924 Classification of Pricing and Availability (P&A) Data Superseded
DSCA 01-26 27 I-01-013086 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change 27 -- Country Code E2 for the United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor (UNTAET) and E1 for SAARMS Data Superseded
DSCA 01-27 I-01-015245 Transition of Case Management Functions From US Army to the National Security Agency (NSA) Superseded
DSCA 01-28 I-01-015687 Transfer of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Funds into FMS Accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) Superseded
DSCA 02-01 Message Contracting for Personnel Services Abroad Active
DSCA 02-02 I-02-000342 Transportation Look Up Table -Calendar Year (CY) 02 Rates Superseded
DSCA 02-04 I-02-000885 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Dual Track Initiative Rescinded
DSCA 02-03 I-02-000792 Termination Liability (T/L) Reserves Superseded
DSCA 02-05 28 I-02-001299 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Country Code BZ for the Bahrain National Guard (BNG) Superseded
DSCA 02-08 I-02-002519 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-09 I-02-002853 DSCA Coordination Requirements on Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Financed with Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Funds Superseded
DSCA 02-06 28 I-02-002718 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Review Policy for Explosives Superseded
DSCA 02-07 30 I-02-002719 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Correction to Legal Citation Superseded
DSCA 02-10 I-02-002854 FMS Trust Fund Holding Account Designators Applicable to the Worldwide Warehouse Redistribution Services (WWRS) Program Active
DSCA 02-12 I-02-000505 Joint Visual Inspections (JVI) of Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Superseded
DSCA 02-13 I-02-004023 Contract Administration Services (CAS) Surcharge Waiver for Turkey Superseded
DSCA 02-15 I-02-006836 Assignment of Case Designators for S4, S5, and S6 Cases Rescinded
DSCA 02-16 31 I-02-006590 Inclusion of Offset Costs and Related Statements in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 02-14 I-02-006079 FMS Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Surcharge Policy Improvements Active
DSCA 02-19 I-02-005821 Guidance Regarding Letters of Request Superseded
DSCA 02-20 Message Policy Guidance for Certain Categories of IMET Training Superseded
DSCA 02-22 I-02-008529 Pre-Departure Briefing CD-ROM for International Military Students Rescinded
DSCA 02-21 32 I-02-008612 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Country Code "TT" for East Timor Superseded
DSCA 02-23 I-02-009162 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-25 33 I-02-005823 Letter of Request (LOR) Advisories and Requests for Major Defense Equipment (MDE) Prior to Satisfactory Completion of Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) Superseded
DSCA 02-24 I-02-009003 Updated Guidance for Using Developing and Reviewing the Eligibility of Courses / Programs for Addition to the Expanded International Military Education and Training (E-IMET) Program Superseded
DSCA 02-26 I-02-095400 Exemptions for DoD USCG Training from Justice Department Aviation Flight Training Screening Requirements Rescinded
DSCA 02-27 I-02-010496 Change in Attrition Rate for Tuition Pricing Rescinded
DSCA 02-28 I-02-010408 Revised DoDFMR Policy for Unmatched Disbursements and Negative Unliquidated Obligations Rescinded
DSCA 02-29 34 I-02-011144 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - International Organization Code "A7" for Economic Community of West African States (ECOW AS) Superseded
DSCA 02-31 35 I-02-013755 Interim Security Assistance Management manual (SAMM) Change - Pseudo Code "S7" for national Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Section 1033 Transactions and Pseudo Code "S8" for NDAA, Section 1004 Transactions Superseded
DSCA 02-32 I-02-013884 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 02-36 Message Procurement of SAO Vehicles Active
DSCA 02-38 37 I-02-015721 Congressional Reporting Requirement to Forecast Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Superseded
DSCA 02-41 Message English Language Comprehension Level (ECL) And oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Exemption Lists For CONUS and In-Country Testing. Superseded
DSCA 02-34 36 I-02-014727 Increase of Thresholds in the Arms Export Control Act Superseded
DSCA 02-42 Message Medical Policy For International Training Program Update Message - IMET And FMS Training Superseded
DSCA 02-39 38 I-02-017305 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Review Policy for Fuses Superseded
DSCA 02-40 39 I-02-017304 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - CORRECTION to Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Review Policy for Explosives Superseded
DSCA 02-43 I-02-004451 End Use Monitoring (EUM) Responsibilities is Support of the Department of Defense Golden Sentry EUM Program Superseded
DSCA 02-33 40 I-02-015294 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Change - Update to Table 600-1 Superseded
DSCA 02-45 I-02-017354 Military Articles and Services Listing (MSAL) Code Changes Superseded
DSCA 02-44 I-02-017356 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Configuration Control Board Superseded
DSCA 02-48 I-02-018237 FMS Case Review and Reconciliation Policy: Revised Matrix, New Checklist and Preparation Guidelines Superseded
DSCA 02-35 I-02-013956 Updated Guidance on Informational Programs (IP) for International Students Sponsored Under Security Assistance Programs Superseded
DSCA 02-49 I-03-000015 Calendar Year (CY) 2003 Transportation Cost Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 03-02 I-03-000273 Military Articles and Services Listing (MASL) Guidance relative to Logistics Support Charge (LSC) Superseded
DSCA 03-03 42 I-03-000028 FMS Customer Involvement In The DoD Contracting Process Superseded
DSCA 03-04 46 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Changes -Update to Table 600-1 (Country Code S9) Superseded
DSCA 03-05 I-03-002362 Establishment of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Closure Executive Committee (EXCOM) Superseded
DSCA 03-06 44 I-03-003117 Guidance for Nonrecurring Cost Notes in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 03-08 I-03-003215 Case Closure Notes in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 03-09 I-03-004808 Updated List - Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants Superseded
DSCA 03-01 Message New Travel And Living Allowances (TLA) Policy Guidance For Security Cooperation Training Programs Superseded
DSCA 03-10 45 I-03-004943 Revised Guidance for Stinger/Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) Superseded
DSCA 03-12 46 I-03-007796 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Changes - Update to Table 600-1 Superseded
DSCA 03-13 Message Allowable Uses Of IMET Funds And MET Extraordinary Expense Funds Policy Message Superseded
DSCA 03-11 091310Z MAY 03 Enrollment for the Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Active
DSCA 03-14 Message Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Policy Guidance Superseded
DSCA 03-16 I-03-016522 Implementation of Electronic Countersignature Process for Leases Superseded
DSCA 03-17 I-03-016347 Implementation of Multiple-Duration Leases Superseded
DSCA 03-18 I-03-012156 Guidance for Excess Defense Article (EDA) Reporting Superseded
DSCA 03-20 I-03-012595 Lease Reporting in the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Superseded
DSCA 03-15 I-03-009181 FMS Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Transportation Reimbursement Policy Active
DSCA 03-22 Message DOD 5105.38-M, "Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM)," October 3, 2003 - Reissuance Superseded
DSCA 03-24 Message FY04 English Language Comprehension Level (ECL) and Oral Proficiency Interview Requirements Superseded
DSCA 03-25 I-03-015092 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Transformation Task Force Rescinded
DSCA 03-19 I-03-005191 Guidance for the Transfer of Night Vision Devices Superseded
DSCA 04-01 1 I-04-000328 Administrative Changes to the DoD 5105.38-M, "Security Assistance Management Manual," dated October 3,2003 Superseded
DSCA 04-02 2 I-04-000431 FMS Transformation Deliverable: Implementation of Commercial Banking Account (CBA) for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 04-06 I-04-000999 Clarification of Baggage Allowances for International Military Students (IMSs) Superseded
DSCA 04-07 I-04-001154 Termination Liability (T/L) Reserves Active
DSCA 04-04 I-04-000449 Use of the Security Assistance Network (SAN) by Security Assistance Officers (SAOs) and International Military Student Officers (IMSOs) Superseded
DSCA 04-08 Level I Antiterrorism (AT) Awareness Training and Travel Policy Rescinded
DSCA 04-09 4 I-04-001749 Calendar Year (CY) 2004 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 04-03 3 I-04-000329 Missile Technology Control Regime Note in Letters of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA 04-11 6 I-04-001278 Golden Sentry End-Use Monitoring (EUM) Visit Policy Superseded
DSCA 04-17 I-04-004624 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 04-15 9 I-04-003515 Termination of Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) Lease Report Superseded
DSCA 04-14 8 I-04-003300 Use of the Security Assistance Network (SAN) by Security Assistance Officers (SAOs) and International Military Student Officers (IMSOs) Superseded
DSCA 04-16 10 I-04-005311 Pre-Countersignature Meetings for New Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) for Major Sales Superseded
DSCA 04-20 11 I-04-004657 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Changes - Update to Table C4.T2. Superseded
DSCA 04-13 7 I-04-003298 Combined Education & Training Program Plan Superseded
DSCA 04-19 I-04-005167 International Military Students and Social Security Numbers Superseded
DSCA 04-21 I-04-006199 Clarification of Recoupment of Special Nonrecurring Costs (NCs) on Sales of U.S. Items Superseded
DSCA 04-22 12 I-04-007038 GPS/PPS Security Devices Sold FMS for Integration Into Host Application Equipment Note in Letters of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA 04-24 I-04-007559 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 04-23 13 I-04-007394 Communication Security (COMSEC)/Transmission Security (TRANSEC) Devices Sold via Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for Integration Into Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems (MIDS) Terminals - Note Requirement for Letters of Offere and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA 04-25 14 I-04-001409 Guidance for the Transfer of Night Vision Devices (NVDs) Superseded
DSCA 04-10 5 I-04-005290 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) - Only Determinations Superseded
DSCA 04-27 16 I-04-007960 Assignment of Codes "Y2" for section 1107 of FY04 Supplemental (Train and Equip Authority) for the Afganistan National Army and "Y3" for Section 1107 of FY04 Supplemental (Train and Equip Authority) for the New Iraqi Army Superseded
DSCA 04-26 15 I-04-007805 Guidance for Multi-Service Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Active
DSCA 04-28 17 I-04-007872 Administrative Changes to the DoD 5105.38-M, "Security Assistance management Manual," dated October 3, 200 Superseded
DSCA 04-18 I-04-010207 Administration of Global Master of Arts Program (GMAP) II Rescinded
DSCA 04-29 I-04-008219 Implementation of Non-Military Department (MILDEP) DoD International Affairs (1A) Certification Program Rescinded
DSCA 04-33 I-04-010507 FMS Transformation Deliverable: Issuance of DoD 5105.65-M "Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Reconciliation and Closure Manual" Rescinded
DSCA 04-38 I-04-011765 Termination Liability Reserve Policy and Procedures Superseded
DSCA 04-34 18 I-04-008714 Security Assistance Export Guidance Rescinded
DSCA 04-32 19 I-04-002395 Prohibition of Taxation of U.S. Assistance Superseded
DSCA 04-30 I-04-007305 FMS Transformation: Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Associated with Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Grant Transfers Superseded
DSCA 04-31 I-04-011737 Applicability of Travel Regulations to Foreign Military Sales Superseded
DSCA 04-39 21 I-04-011961 Assignment of Code "Y4" for Uzbekistan for Funds Under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-11) Superseded
DSCA 04-36 I-04-011593 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program Financial Procedures Active
DSCA 04-37 I-04-001594 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program (CTFP) Mobile Education Teams Costing Superseded
DSCA 04-35 20 I-04-011949 Iraq Eligible for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Superseded
DSCA 04-41 I-04-012090 Pricing Military Personnel Reimbursement in Support of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 04-40 Implementation Guidance Message Number Two for Regional Defense Counterterrorism (CT) Fellowship Program Superseded
DSCA 04-42 22 I-04-012352 Travel and Living Allowance for International Military Students Under Security Cooperation Programs Superseded
DSCA 04-43 23 I-04-012357 Distribution of Hardcopy Offered Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Superseded
DSCA 04-45 I-04-012652 Application for DoD International Affairs (IA) Certification Program Rescinded
DSCA 04-46 24 I-04-014152 Assignment of Codes "Y5" for section 9006 of FY05 Defense Appropriations Act (Public Law 108-287) for Afganistan and "Y6" for 9006 of FY05 Defense Appropriations Act (Public Law 108-287) for Iraq. Superseded
DSCA 04-47 I-04-017232 Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Submission and Processing Guidance Superseded
DSCA 05-02 I-05-000319 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program FY05 Financial Severability Procedures Superseded
DSCA 05-05 26 I-05-000316 Assignment of Codes "Y7" for Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq, 2004 (Public Law 108-106) for Iraq Superseded
DSCA 05-01 25 I-04-001746 Support for FMS Prime Vendor Initiative Active
DSCA 05-04 I-05-000299 Unique Identification (UID) For Security Assistance Programs Active
DSCA 05-07 27 I-05-001988 Calendar Year (CY) 2005 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 05-08 I-05-001844 Updated Guidance for Recertifying Existing Expanded International Military Education and Training (E-IMET) Program Courses Superseded
DSCA 05-09 28 I-05-001370 Initial Deposit for Cases Funded with FMS Credit (Non-Repayable) and/or MAP Merger Superseded
DSCA 05-10 I-05-003481 Golden Sentry End-Use Monitoring (BUM) STINGER Missile and Gripstock Inventory Standardized Procedures
DSCA I-05-00438 I-05-00438 Determination - Contract Administrative Surcharge (CAS) Applicability for the Parts and Repair Ordering System II (PROS) Procurements Incorporated
DSCA 05-12 30 I-04-016053 Royalties Policy Superseded
DSCA 05-11 29 I-05-004237 Administrative Change to the DoD 5105 .38-M, "Security Assistance Management Manual," dated October 3, 2003 Superseded
DSCA 05-13 I-05-007552 Termination Liability Reserve Policy & Procedures Superseded
DSCA 05-16 I-05-007986 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case-Related Manpower Superseded
DSCA 05-15 32 I-05-007884 Assignment of Codes "Y8" for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund and "Y9" for the Iraq Security Forces Fund Provided Under the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terrorism, and Tsunami Relief, 2005 (Public Law 109-13) Superseded
DSCA 05-17 I-05-006721 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Electronic Token Issuance and Replacement Processes Active
DSCA 05-14 31 I-05-007858 Training Tuition Rates Superseded
DSCA 05-20 I-05-009502 Payment Schedule Variance Report Policy and Procedures Update Active
DSCA 05-18 33 I-05-008746 Warsaw Initiative Fund Guidance Superseded
DSCA 05-22 36 I-05-010888 Anti-Tamper Policy Compliance Superseded
DSCA 05-27 I-05-011885 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Customer Account Refund Policy and Procedures Active
DSCA 05-23 I-05-010919 Revised Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA) Policy Supplemented
DSCA 05-19 34 I-05-009443 Communications Security (COMSEC) Equipment End Use Monitoring (EUM) Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note Superseded
DSCA 05-24 37 I-05-011298 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) Standard LOA Note Revision Superseded
DSCA 05-28 40 I-05-012148 Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Waiver for Czech Republic Superseded
DSCA 05-30 Message FY06 ECL and OPI Country Exemption Lists Superseded
DSCA 05-25 38 I-05-011299 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Admin Changes Superseded
DSCA 05-37 45 I-05-014277 International Military Education and Training (IMET) General Costs and Infrastructure Funds Superseded
DSCA 05-32 42 I-05-014071 Multifunctional Information Distribution System Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Rescinded
DSCA 05-29 I-05-011236 Importance of FMS Case Delivery Reporting Active
DSCA 05-21 35 I-05-010133 Standard LOA Note for End-Use Monitoring (EUM) Superseded
DSCA 05-42 NC I-05-016119 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 05-43 NC I-05-016255 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) MK 44 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 05-44 NC I-05-016193 Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 05-45 NC I-05-015852 Advanced Extremely High Frequency Navy Multi-Band Terminals (AEHF-NMT) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 06-01 51 I-06-000085 Calendar Year (CY) 2006 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 06-02 NC I-05-016606 MK 48 Mod 6 Advanced Technology (AT) Torpedo Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Superseded
DSCA 06-05 NC I-06-000025 TOW-2A (BGM-71E Series) Missile Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 06-06 46 I-05-015572 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Purchases of Medical Countermeasures Active
DSCA 06-07 39 I-05-011589 Category III Missiles (Stand-off Land Attack Missile - Expanded Response (SLAM-ER), Air Intercept Missile - 9x (AIM-9X), and Harpoon Block II) Standard Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note Superseded
DSCA 06-12 50 I-05-016868 Blanket Order Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Transfers Superseded
DSCA 06-09 41 Message Revised Authorized Baggage Policy For Security Cooperation Education/Training Superseded
DSCA 06-16 I-06-002452 Consolidated Case-Writing Initiative Approval Superseded
DSCA 06-17 NC I-05-011835 Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below (FBCB2) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 06-18 NC I-05-011835 Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control (F AADC2) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 06-14 I-06-000933 Changes to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Structure and Rate Rescinded
DSCA 06-15 Message FMS Surcharge Change Rescinded
DSCA 06-19 I-06-000935 Implementation Instructions for Changes to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Structure and Rate (3.8%) Superseded
DSCA 06-13 44 I-05-014306 Policy for Transfers Involving Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Rescinded
DSCA 06-21 NC I-06-001993 Shadow 200 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Rescinded
DSCA 06-11 47 I-05-015459 Implementing Guidance for Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA) Policy Active
DSCA 06-23 I-06-004551 FMS Case Delivery Reporting Active
DSCA 06-22 I-06-002849 Course Severability Procedures Active
DSCA 06-27 52 I-06-005539 Assignment of Code "T2" for United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo Superseded
DSCA 06-28 53 I-06-006029 Assignment of Code "B4" for National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (PL 109-163), Section 1206 Superseded
DSCA 06-26 49 I-06-005098 Concurrent Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Commercial Negotiations Superseded
DSCA 06-25 48 I-06-000938 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case-Related Manpower Functions and Funding Source Superseded
DSCA 06-20 NC I-06-001992 Projectile, 155 mm, XM982, Extended Range (Excalibur) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 06-32 56 I-06-008971 Assignment of Codes "B2" and "B3" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund and Iraq Security Forces Fund Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 06-30 I-06-004555 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Usage Active
DSCA 06-33 57 I-06-010057 Update of SAMM FMS Eligibility Listing for the Kingdom of Swaziland Superseded
DSCA 06-36 NC I-06-005893 F/A 18 E/F (without engines) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 06-37 NC I-06-010637 F/A 18 E/F (with 2 F414-GE-400 engines) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 06-38 NC I-06-010240 F414-GE-400 Engine Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 06-39 60 I-06-010971 Standard Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note for End-Use-Monitoring (EUM) Superseded
DSCA 06-34 58 I-06-009393 Marking of Packages Requesting Establishment of Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 06-42 63 I-06-011414 Assignment of Codes "MJ" for the Republic of Montenegro, and "RB" for the Republic of Serbia Superseded
DSCA 06-31 55 I-06-006307 Updated Guidance Pertaining to the Inclusion of Offset Costs and Related Statements in Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Superseded
DSCA 06-24 43 I-06-005063 Training Programs Policy Update for the Security Assistance Management Manual Superseded
DSCA 06-43 64 I-06-012467 Advance Coordination for Defense Articles and Services Requiring Data from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Superseded
DSCA 06-45 I-06-013833 Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program FY 2007 Financial Severability Procedures Active
DSCA 06-46 Message FY 07 English Comprehension Level (ECL) and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Country Exemption Lists. Superseded
DSCA 06-47 66 I-06-014434 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Structure and Rate Superseded
DSCA 06-50 69 I-06-014529 Assignment of Codes "B6" and "B7" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) and Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 06-41 62 I-06-009358 Department of Defense (DoD) Support to Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) Superseded
DSCA 06-48 67 I-06-015297 Limited Special Authority under Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreements (ACSAs) Superseded
DSCA 06-44 65 I-06-015688 Amendment to Leases Superseded
DSCA 06-52 68 I-06-016350 Update of Codes for the Republic of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia Superseded
DSCA 06-03 I-06-000106 Enhanced Accelerated Case Closure (EACC) Rescinded
DSCA 06-51 54 I-06-016242 Availability Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) Funds Superseded
DSCA 07-04 NC I-06-005894 BLU-110, BLU-111 and BLU-117 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 07-05 NC I-06-009226 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 07-06 I-07-001296 Change in Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Line Item Listings Active
DSCA 07-03 70 I-07-000111 Calendar Year (CY) 2007 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 07-09 I-07-002170 Guidance for the Transfer of Night Vision Devices (NVDs) Superseded
DSCA 07-10 73 I-07-002685 Assignment of Code "B5" for National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law (PL) 109-364), Section 1206 Superseded
DSCA 07-11 NC I-06-007000 AN/ALR-67(V)3 Radar Warning Receiver Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 07-12 NC I-05-011719 RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) - Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 07-02 74 I-06-009358 Information Technology (IT) Governance Board and Change Review Board (CRB) Superseded
DSCA 06-54 59 I-06-016022 Policy for Transfers Involving Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Superseded
DSCA 07-08 72 I-07-001979 Correction of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Table AP1.T5. Superseded
DSCA 07-13 75 I-07-003428 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Administrative Changes Superseded
DSCA 07-14 76 I-07-005203 Enhanced End Use Monitoring (Enhanced EUM) Update Superseded
DSCA 07-15 77 I-07-004862 Net Proceeds from Third Party Transfers Superseded
DSCA 07-16 I-07-005281 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law (PL) 109-364), Section 1206 - Transportation Guidance Rescinded
DSCA 07-17 NC I-06-011892 M777, 155MM Lightweight Towed Howitzer Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 07-18 NC I-07-002920 MQ-9 Reaper - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 07-19 NC I-07-002925 MK54 Lightweight Torpedo (LWT) MOD 1 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 07-01 61 I-06-010797 Updated Guidance Pertaining to Letters of Request (LOR) Responses - General Information Superseded
DSCA 07-07 71 I-07-001307 Standard Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note for End-Use Monitoring (EUM) Superseded
DSCA 07-20 78 I-07-008615 Update of Chapter 8 of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM)
DSCA 07-22 79 I-07-009026 Republic of Montenegro Foreign Military Sales Eligibility Superseded
DSCA 07-23 80 Update of Calendar Year (CY) 2007 Transportation Cost Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 07-24 81 I-07-009605 Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Waiver for Poland Superseded
DSCA 07-25 82 I-07-009693 Assignment of Codes "B8" and "B9" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) and Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Rescinded
DSCA 07-26 I-07-004537 Standard Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Milestones and Metrics Active
DSCA 07-28 83 I-07-011188 Revised Mandatory Notes for Category III Missiles Superseded
DSCA 07-30 84 I-07-011292 Revision to Codes "B6" and "B7" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) and Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 07-31 85 I-07-0113666 Assignment of Code "SX" for the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) Superseded
DSCA 07-32 Update Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program FY 2007 Financial Severability Procedures Active
DSCA 07-33 86 Contract Administration Services (CAS) Fee for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (C0E) Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Contracts
DSCA 07-34 87 Evaluation of International Military Education and Training (IMET) Superseded
DSCA 07-27 Medical Policy Update Message For State And DoD Security Cooperation Education And Training Programs Superseded
DSCA 07-29 89 I-07-011201 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Administrative Changes Superseded
DSCA 07-38 NC I-07-013712 CBU-103 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Update Superseded
DSCA 07-39 92 I-07-013815 Assignment of Code "VM" for Vietnam Superseded
DSCA 07-40 93 I-07-005231 Restating Offered and Reactivating Cancelled Cases Superseded
DSCA 07-37 91 I-07-014249 Elimination of Logistics Support Charge (LSC) Superseded
DSCA 07-43 95 I-07-014746 Manpower and Travel Data Sheet (MTDS) Reporting Requirements Superseded
DSCA 07-42 94 I-07-014905 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Administrative Changes Superseded
DSCA 07-44 96 I-07-014996 Preparation of Payment Schedules for Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Superseded
DSCA 07-45 97 I-07-014995 Updates for Financially-Related Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Notes Superseded
DSCA 07-41 I-07-014585 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Distribution for U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Active
DSCA 08-02 88 I-08-000115 Assignment of Code "B8" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Section 1206 Programs Superseded
DSCA 07-46 98 I-07-015968 Avoiding False Impressions in Connection with Disclosure Decisions Superseded
DSCA 08-03 90 I-08-000175 Calendar Year (CY) 2008 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 08-04 100 I-08-000256 Additional Transportation Charges for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Shipments Superseded
DSCA 08-01 99 I-08-000033 Assignment of Code "K8" for NATO Airlift Management Organization (NAMO) Superseded
DSCA 08-05 101 USP000290-08 Assignment of Codes "E3" and "E4" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) and Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Rescinded
DSCA 08-06 NC USP003293-08 MK 48 Guided Missile Vertical Launching System (GMVLS) Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 08-07 USP003464-08 Repeal of the American Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002 (ASPA) Active
DSCA 08-08 102 USP003469-08 Termination of Use of Letters of Intent (LOIs) Superseded
DSCA 08-09 103 USP003543-08 Force Activity Designators (FADs) and Project Codes Superseded
DSCA 08-10 USP003577-08 Pricing Policy Clarification - Amendments and Modifications Active
DSCA 08-11 NC USP004575-08 Sidewinder AIM-9X-1 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges Superseded
DSCA 08-12 104 USP006439-08 Revision of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Section C11.10.11., Lease Amendments Superseded
DSCA 08-13 105 USP006462-08 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Eligibility Listing for the Republic of Kosovo Superseded
DSCA 08-17 109 USP007344-08 Assignment of Code "B8" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Section 1206 of PL 110-181 for the Pakistan Frontier Corps Program Superseded
DSCA 08-19 USP007449-08 Response to Requests for Information on International Military Students (IMS) Active
DSCA 08-15 107 USP006779-08 Revised Mandatory Enhanced End Use Monitoring (EUM) Notes for Navy Category III Missiles in Chapter 5, Table C5.T5. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 08-16 108 USP007407-08 Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Waiver for Israel Superseded
DSCA 08-14 106 USP006306-08 Title and Custody Transfer for Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriated Pseudo Cases Superseded
DSCA 08-22 USP010361-08 Guidance on Memoranda of Request (MORs) and Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Notes for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Cases Rescinded
DSCA 08-21 111 USP010138-08 Title and Custody Transfer for FAA, Section 632(b), Peacekeeping Operations (PKO)/Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) Pseudo Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Superseded
DSCA 08-28 114 USP012565-08 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Table C4.T2. Countries, Regional Groupings, and International Organizations with Revised Combatant Command and Region Groupings Superseded
DSCA 08-29 USP012618-08 Iraq Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Acquisition and Transportation Business Rules Rescinded
DSCA 08-23 USP010528-08 Procedures for Providing Services on Iraq Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Pseudo Cases Active
DSCA 08-25 112 USP010711-08 Inclusion of Foreign-Sourced Defense Articles and Services in Letter of Request (LOR) Advisories Superseded
DSCA 08-30 117 USP014425-08 Clarification Regarding the Offer Expiration Date (OED) for Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 08-26 115 USP013527-08 Revised Guidance for Multi-Service Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Active
DSCA 08-31 118 New Mandatory Note for Controlled Cryptographic Items (CCI) in Chapter 5, Table C5.T5. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 08-36 USP015810-08 FY 09 ECL And OPI Country Exemption Lists Superseded
DSCA 08-27 116 USP013692-08 Manpower Reporting Requirements Superseded
DSCA 08-32 119 USP015056-08 Assignment of Codes "E5" and "E6" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) and Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 08-34 120 USP015745-08 Revision to Codes "E3" and "E4" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) and Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 08-33 USP016102-08 Enhanced Freight Tracking System (EFTS) Superseded
DSCA 08-35 USP015882-08 Revised Guidance on Memoranda of Request (MORs) and Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Notes for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Cases Rescinded
DSCA 08-24 113 USP011328-08 Review and Countersignature Requirements for Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Superseded
DSCA 08-37 121 USP018136-08 Assignment of Code "B9" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Authorities Relating to Section 1206 Programs and the Capacity to Build the Pakistan Frontier Corps (Section 1201) Superseded
DSCA 08-38 122 USP018532-08 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Eligibility Listing for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of the Interior Superseded
DSCA 08-39 USP018564-08 Transportation Charges for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and FMS-Like Case Shipments Rescinded
USP020014-08 USP020014-08 Discontinuance of the Enhanced Accelerated Case Closure (EACC) List Rescinded
DSCA 08-41 USP020013-08 Update to Chapter 5, Section C5.4. FMS Case Closure Reporting of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Reconciliation and Closure Manual (RCM), DoD 5105.65-M Superseded
DSCA 08-40 123 USP018777-08 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Administrative Changes Superseded
DSCA 08-42 124 USP019574-08 Clarification of Scope Change Superseded
DSCA 08-43 125 Calendar Year (CY) 2009 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 09-01 110 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Code for the Palestinian Authority Superseded
DSCA 09-02 126 USP001177-09 Assignment of Code "E7" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Authorities Relating to the Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) Superseded
DSCA 09-04 NC USP001063-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - MV-22B Air Vehicle Superseded
DSCA 09-05 NC USP001276-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Missile System, Hellfire IHW AGM-114F and Hellfire II, AGM-114K/M/N Rescinded
DSCA 09-09 NC USP001851-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) Version 6.5.1. Superseded
DSCA 09-08 Clarification of the Administration of the Saudi Arabia National Guard (SANG) Modernization Program Rescinded
DSCA 09-10 NC USP001947-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - T55-GA-714A Engine Superseded
DSCA 09-11 NC USP002406-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Single Channel Anti-Jam Man-portable (SCAMP) Superseded
DSCA 09-12 NC USP002700-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - UH-60M Blackhawk Airframe Superseded
DSCA 09-13 NC USP002293-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - MAU-210, GBU-50 w/ Warhead and Fuse, and GBU-50 w/o Warhead and Fuse Superseded
DSCA 09-14 NC USP003190-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - CH-47F Chinook Airframe Superseded
DSCA 09-15 NC USP003110-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Unitary Rocket Pod Superseded
DSCA 09-16 NC USP003253-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Stryker Superseded
DSCA 09-06 FMS Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Surcharge Policy Clarification Superseded
DSCA 09-17 NC USP003386-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Howitzer, M777A2 Lightweight Towed, 155mm Superseded
DSCA 09-18 NC USP003523-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - CBU-105 (T-5)/B Bomb Superseded
DSCA 09-19 NC USP003789-09 Update Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AN/VRC-89E, AN/VRC-91E and AN/VRC-92E SINCGARS Radios Rescinded
DSCA 09-20 128 USP004545-09 New Mandatory Note for Coalition Solidarity Funded Cases in Chapter 5, Table C5.T5. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 09-23 130 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), Appendix 4, Generic Codes Superseded
DSCA 09-28 NC USP007531-09 Special Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - United Arab Emirates Funded Versions of Patriot MIM-104E (GEM-T) Missile, AN/MSQ-132 Engagement Control System and AN/MPQ-65 Patriot Radar Superseded
DSCA 09-29 NC USP006503-09 Special Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - United Arab Emirates Version of Patriot PAC-3 Missile Superseded
DSCA 09-27 134 USP007951-09 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Code for the Southern African Development Community Superseded
DSCA 09-30 135 USP008486-09 Assignment of Code "E6" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 09-31 136 USP008488-09 Assignment of Code "G2" for Pakistan Counterinsurgency Funds (PCF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs)
DSCA 09-22 USP006075-09 Increase to Delivery Term Codes (DTCs) Percentage Rates for Below-the-Line Transportation on Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and FMS-Like Cases Rescinded
DSCA 09-33 138 USP003961-09 LOA Note - Retention of Title for FMS Shipment Superseded
DSCA 09-07 127 USP008076-09 Dependable Undertaking Policy Rescinded
DSCA 09-21 129 Reactivating Cancelled Offers Superseded
DSCA 09-35 140 USP009954-09 Assignment of Code "G3" for Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 09-24 131 USP007172-09 Travel and Living Allowance (TLA) Approval for Foreign Military Students under Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases Superseded
DSCA 09-32 137 USP008826-09 Responses to Industry Requests for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Support Relating to Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) Active
DSCA 09-36 141 USP010473-09 Communications Security (COMSEC) Equipment and Embedded Cryptographic Modules Rescinded
DSCA 09-25 132 USP007173-09 Classified Material on Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Active
DSCA 09-38 NC USP002713-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AMRAAM Missile AIM-120C7 Superseded
DSCA 09-39 NC USP007507-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AMRAAM Missile AIM-120C7 Guidance Section Superseded
DSCA 09-37 142 USP003088-09 Procedures for Handling Draft and Informal 36(b) Notifications For Official Use Only Superseded
DSCA 09-41 NC USP011771-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Patriot Radar and ECS Superseded
DSCA 09-03 USP012013-09 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Document Preparation Responsibilities Superseded
DSCA 09-47 NC USP012954-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Common Missile Warning System (CMWS), AN/AAR-57 Superseded
DSCA 09-42 Medical Screening of International Military Students (lMS), Civilians, and Authorized Dependents Superseded
DSCA 09-49 NC USP013036-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Radar, Enhanced EQ-36, AN/TPQ-36 Superseded
DSCA 09-40 143 USP011856-09 Assignment of Code "G4" for Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund (PCCF) when transferred into Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund (PCF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 09-48 NC USP013150-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AN/ALQ-214, Radio Frequency Countermeasures System Superseded
DSCA 09-51 Establishment of Unique Transportation Account Codes (TACs) for the Shipment of Material for U.S. Government Funded Foreign Military Sale (FMS) Like Cases (Pseudo Cases) Active
DSCA 09-54 150 USP013335-09 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Administrative Changes Superseded
DSCA 09-52 148 USP016328-09 Assignment of Code "G5" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF), Two Year Funds Superseded
DSCA 09-53 149 USP016402-09 Assignment of Code "G6" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF), One Year Funds Rescinded
DSCA 09-58 153 USP016497-09 Calendar Year (CY) 2010 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 09-57 152 USP016302-09 Revised Mandatory Enhanced End Use Monitoring (EUM) Note for SM-3 Missiles in Chapter 5, Table C5.T5. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM Superseded
DSCA 09-59 154 USP016531-09 Revision of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Lease Closure Process Superseded
DSCA 09-60 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Customer Participation in the DoD Contracting Process Active
DSCA 10-01 155 USP000013-10 Revision to Code "G4" Fund Source Cited in the Funds, Purpose, Availability and Amount Note Superseded
DSCA 10-02 NC USP016904-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Radar, AN/TPQ-48, Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar Version 2 Superseded
DSCA 10-04 157 USP016335-09 Assignment of Code "G7" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Programs Superseded
DSCA 10-06 NC USP016902-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) Version 6.7.0 and Version 6.5.1 Superseded
DSCA 10-07 158 USP000877-10 Revise Code "G5" and Rescind Code "G6" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Superseded
DSCA 10-08 DoD Appropriated Funds Prior Year Activity Rescinded
DSCA 10-09 USP016580-09 Financial Management of Fiscal Year 2010 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund, Iraq Security Forces Fund, 1206 Train and Equip Programs, and Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund Rescinded
DSCA 10-13 NC USP000982-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Weapon System Superseded
DSCA 10-11 NC USP001000-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Radar Set, AN/TPQ-37(v)9 Superseded
DSCA 10-12 NC USP000999-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Significant Change - Shadow 200 (RQ-7B) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Superseded
DSCA 10-14 NC USP000820-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Excalibur 155mm Extended Range Projectile, XM982 and M982 Superseded
DSCA 10-15 NC USP000821-10 International Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Sweden, Excalibur 155mm Extended Range Projectile, XM982 and M982 Superseded
DSCA 10-20 NC USP002309-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - UH-72A Light Utility Helicopter (Lakota) Superseded
DSCA 10-19 160 USP002790-10 Addition of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 and FY 2010 Authorities to the Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP), Code "E7" Superseded
DSCA 10-21 NC USP002489-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Bomb, CBU-105D/B Superseded
DSCA 10-22 USP002344-10 Policy Memorandum for Homeland Security Screening of International Military Students Superseded
DSCA 10-18 159 USP001158-10 Revised Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Document Processing Performance Metric Superseded
DSCA 10-23 161 USP002940-10 Timely Processing of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Letters of Request (LORs) Superseded
DSCA 10-24 NC USP002635-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - ANIAQS-20A Airborne Minehunting Sonar Superseded
DSCA 10-25 NC USP002634-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AN/AES-1 Airborne Lasermine Detection System (ALMDS) Superseded
DSCA 10-26 NC USP002633-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AN/ASQ-235 Airborne Mine Neutralization System (AMNS) Superseded
DSCA 10-27 NC USP001653-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Joint Strike Fighter, F-35 Air System A/B/C and F135 Engines Superseded
DSCA 10-28 USP004393-10 Revision of DoD 5105.38-M, the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 10-29 NC USP004060-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - MQ-1B Aircraft Superseded
DSCA 10-31 163 USP004794-10 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Table C4.T2., Country, International Organization, and Regional Codes and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Eligibility Superseded
DSCA 10-33 164 USP003733-10 Revised Air Intercept Missile-9X (AIM-9X) Note in Chapter 5, Table C5.T5. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 10-32 USP005411-10 Changes to Air Transportation Process for Pricing and Billing on Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and FMS-Like Cases Superseded
DSCA 10-34 NC USP004375-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Joint Strike Fighter, F-35 A/B/C Aircraft w/o Engine Superseded
DSCA 10-35 NC USP003475-09 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - MQ-8B Fire Scout Superseded
DSCA 10-36 NC USP005641-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AIM-9X-2 (Blk II) Sidewinder Missiles and Guidance Units Superseded
DSCA 10-38 NC USP005522-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Revision - Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS). U.S. and International Superseded
DSCA 10-37 NC USP003223-10 Clarification of Policy Regarding Determinations of Nonrecurring Costs (NCs) Recoupment Charge for Major Defense Equipment (MDE) Absent Reasonably Available DoD Investment and Production Cost Documentation Rescinded
DSCA 10-05 147 USP005152-10 Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD) Superseded
DSCA 10-39 USP002209-10 International Military Students, Civilians and Authorized Dependents Healthcare Coverage Superseded
DSCA 10-42 USP006838-10 Procedures for Notification, Disposition of International Military Students (IMS) in an Unauthorized Absence (UA) Status Superseded
DSCA 10-43 NC USP006416-10 Special Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - United Arab Emirates Version of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Weapon System Radar Set, AN/TPY-2 Rescinded
DSCA 10-47 166 USP009239-10 Revised Note Usage Instructions for Enhanced End-Use Monitoring Notes in Chapter 5, Table C5.T5. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 10-48 167 USP009478-10 Revision to Code "G5" for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 10-49 168 USP009504-10 Assignment of Code "G8" for Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Superseded
DSCA 10-50 NC USP006415-10 Re-categorization from Major Defense Equipment to Significant Military Equipment/Elimination of the Nonrecurring Cost Recoupment Charge - Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Superseded
DSCA 10-51 NC USP009215-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - MK 48 Mod 7 AT Kit Superseded
DSCA 10-52 NC USP007844-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - H-60 Helicopter Variants Superseded
DSCA 10-55 NC USP006417-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - T-700 Engine Family Superseded
DSCA 10-46 165 USP010603-10 Dependents Accompanying an International Military Student (IMS) Superseded
DSCA 10-54 169 USP011203-10 Assignment of Code "H2" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Programs Superseded
DSCA 10-56 NC USP008650-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - SM-3 Block IA Missile, Guidance Section, Kinetic Warhead and Third Stage Rocket Motor Superseded
DSCA 10-17 133 USP002806-10 Updated Policy for Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Transfers on Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents Superseded
DSCA 10-44 USP008274-10 Time Standards for Reconsideration of Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs) Active
DSCA 10-57 NC USP010501-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Command Post of the Future (CPOF), Version BC10.0.1 Superseded
DSCA 10-58 NC USP012322-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - BLU-110 and BLU-111 Variants Superseded
DSCA 10-59 170 USP012757-10 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Table C4.T2., Country, International Organization, and Regional Codes and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Eligibility Superseded
DSCA 10-60 171 USP012169-10 Assignment of Code "G6" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Superseded
DSCA 10-61 NC USP012160-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - SH-60F Helicopter Variant Superseded
DSCA 10-62 NC USP008966-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - MK 15 MOD 31 Close-In Weapon System Superseded
DSCA 10-66 173 USP013190-10 Assignment of Code "G9" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund (PCCF) Rescinded
DSCA 10-63 NC USP012322-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - MK97 Mod 0 Guidance Section (GS), MK89 Mod 0 GS and MK45 Mod 14 Target Detecting Device (TDD) Superseded
DSCA 10-64 NC USP012287-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - WGU-59/B Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II Guidance Section Kit Superseded
DSCA 10-67 NC USP009216-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - E2-D Aircraft and Sub-Systems Superseded
DSCA 10-10 139 USP012739-10 Update of Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Standard Terms and Conditions Superseded
DSCA 10-73 NC USP013457-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) Superseded
DSCA 10-72 175 USP013842-10 Revision of Student and Dependent Employment Policy in Chapter 10, Section C10.10.6., of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 10-75 177 USP014251-10 Revision of Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Information Page Superseded
DSCA 10-71 174 USP013608-10 Revision of the Letter of Request (LOR) Submission Procedures, Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Chapter 5, Section C5.1.3. Superseded
DSCA 10-76 NC USP012362-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AN/APG-63V(3) Superseded
DSCA 10-68 178 USP014545-10 Revise Code "G6" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Superseded
DSCA 10-69 179 USP014545-10 Revise Code "H2" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Programs Superseded
DSCA 11-06 Execution and Closure Guidance for Pseudo Letters of Offer and Acceptance (Pseudo Cases) Financed with U.S. Appropriated Funds that have a Limited Period of Availability Active
DSCA 11-01 USP014589-10 Addition of Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Authority to the Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) Superseded
DSCA 11-04 180 USP000612-11 Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) State Description Field Case Detail Window Expansion Superseded
DSCA 10-74 176 USP014192-10 Calendar Year (CY) 2011 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 11-05 NC USP007551-10 H-46 Helicopter Designation as Major Defense Equipment (MDE) with a $0 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge Superseded
DSCA 11-02 145 USP000448-11 Revised Procedures for Sales of Defense Articles and Services to U.S. Companies in Support of Licensed Direct Commercial Sales Pursuant to Section 30 of the Arms Export Control Act, as Amended (AECA) Superseded
DSCA 11-07 181 USP000007-11 Revise Code "G9" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund (PCCF) Superseded
DSCA 11-09 NC USP000404-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - AH-64D Block III Air Vehicle and Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Sensor (M-TADS/PNVS) Superseded
DSCA 11-11 USP001731-11 Pre-Letter of Request (LOR) Requirements for Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Category I Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) Superseded
DSCA 11-10 NC USP000610-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - AN/APG-78 Fire Control Radar and Subcomponents for AH-64D Block III Superseded
DSCA 11-08 USP014569-10 Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Background Document Rescinded
DSCA 11-12 USP001835-11 Funds Expiration and Availability, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Continuing Appropriations Authority for Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF), Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP), and Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Program Rescinded
DSCA 11-13 NC USP012222-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - CTG 40mm M918/M385A1 Mixed Belt Cartridges Superseded
DSCA 11-14 182 USP000912-11 Revised List of Implementing Agencies (IAs) in Chapter 5, Table C5.T2. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 11-18 USP002572-11 Interim Policy for Deployment of Expeditionary Requirements Generation Teams (ERGT) to Augment Geographic Combatant Command (GCC) Staff and Security Cooperation Organizations (SCO) Superseded
DSCA 11-19 NC USP002246-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AN/SSQ-130, Ship Signal Exploitation Equipment (SSEE) Increment F Superseded
DSCA 11-20 NC USP003289-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - Hellfire Missiles Superseded
DSCA 11-21 NC USP002812-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - 120mm Cartridge, M931 with M781 Fuze Superseded
DSCA 11-22 NC USP012949-10 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - TOW 2B Missiles and TOW 2 Launcher with EPROM Superseded
DSCA 11-15 183 USP002940-11 Movement of Explosive Materials by Commercial Conveyance Superseded
DSCA 11-17 NC USP003755-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - F117-PW-100 Engine Superseded
DSCA 11-23 NC USP002965-11 Rescind United Arab Emirates (UAE) Special Nonrecurring Recoupment Cost Charges for Radar Set AN/TPY-2, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Weapon System Superseded
DSCA 11-03 USP000986-11 Updated Implementing Agency (IA) Return Reason Codes in Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Active
DSCA 11-26 USP004683-11 Definition of Delivery Term Codes 7 and 9 for Security Assistance and Security Cooperation Cases Active
DSCA 11-24 USP004780-11 Quarterly Unliquidated Obligations Refunds Superseded
DSCA 11-16 USP004716-11 Security Cooperation Management Suite (SCMS) Requirements Rescinded
DSCA 11-29 184 USP005036-11 Fiscal Year 2011 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Code "G6," Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Program Code "H2," and Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) Code "E7" Superseded
DSCA 11-30 185 USP005117-11 Assignment of Program Code "H3" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Iraq Security Forces Fund (ISFF) Superseded
DSCA 10-65 172 USP000985-11 Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems and EW Integrated Reprogramming Data Base (EWIRDB) Superseded
DSCA 11-28 USP005097-11 "Pilot" of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Tiered Administrative Surcharge Rate, and Deferred Collection Active
DSCA 11-31 186 USP005124-11 Mandatory Enhanced End Use Monitoring (EUM) Note for the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) in Chapter 5, Table C5.T5. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Superseded
DSCA 11-33 151 USP005588-11 Guidance on the Sale of Cluster Munitions Superseded
DSCA 11-34 NC USP003754-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - 5.56mm M855A1 Cartridge Superseded
DSCA 11-27 NC USP004707-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - AN/APR-48A Fire Control Radar Subcomponents, Radio Frequency Interferometer (RFI) and Mast Mounted Assembly (MMA) for AH-64D Block III Superseded
DSCA 11-35 NC USP005844-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - RQ-4 Global Hawk, Unmanned Air Vehicle Superseded
DSCA 11-36 NC USP005591-11 Composite Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AH-64D Block III Air Vehicle with Engines and MTADS/PNVS Superseded
DSCA 11-38 NC USP005199-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - Projectile, 120mm TPMP-T M1002 Superseded
DSCA 11-41 Closure of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases with Reduced or Zero FMS Administrative Surcharge Collections Superseded
DSCA 11-44 NC USP001790-11 Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder Radar Superseded
DSCA 11-45 NC USP007160-11 Update Airframe and Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - MH-60R and MH-60S Helicopters Superseded
DSCA 11-32 USP005977-11 International Military and Civilian Students, and Authorized Dependents Healthcare Coverage Superseded
DSCA 11-42 NC USP006411-10 Elimination of Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - 20mm Cartridge Superseded
DSCA 11-46 187 USP008764-11 Revision to Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Document Processing Procedures Superseded
DSCA 11-47 USP009471-11 Guidance Concerning Contract Closeout of Security Cooperation Cases Superseded
DSCA 11-48 NC USP014137-10 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - AN/AAQ-24(V)N, Major Items Superseded
DSCA 11-39 USP007582-11 Sharing Pseudo Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Documents with Benefitting Countries Active
DSCA 11-37 NC USP005148-11 Significant Change - Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - Joint Strike Fighter, F-35 A/B/C Aircraft and Spare Engines Superseded
DSCA 11-43 USP009513-11 Revised Termination Liability Reserve Policy and Procedures Active
DSCA 11-49 USP009644-11 Policy Update Regarding Suspension of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Active
DSCA 11-40 USP010213-11 Information on Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) Systems Superseded
DSCA 11-50 188 USP011857-11 Assignment of Code "H4" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Programs Superseded
DSCA 11-53 191 Revision to Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), Chapter 9 Superseded
DSCA 11-58 USP011758-11 Policy Update Regarding Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) Account Access for Security Cooperation Officers (SCOs) Active
DSCA 11-52 190 Assignment of Program Code "C5" to Track Contributions of Funds that have been Credited to the Afghanistan Security Forces Funds (ASFF) Superseded
DSCA 11-67 USP011752-11 FY12 Country Exemption Lists for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPl) Superseded
DSCA 11-57 NC USP010712-11 Revise Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge Item Description, RQ-7B Superseded
DSCA 11-60 NC USP012284-11 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Cartridge, 60mm HE M720A1, DODAC 1310-BA16 Superseded
DSCA 11-61 NC USP009143-11 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - Common Data Link Management System (CDLMS) Superseded
DSCA 11-63 NC USP012285-11 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Fuze, Multi-Option M734A1, DODAC 1390-NA23 Superseded
DSCA 11-64 NC USP012745-11 Revise Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Excalibur 155mm Extended Range Projectile, XM982 and M982 Superseded
DSCA 11-59 USP012923-11 Updated Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Checklist Superseded
DSCA 11-55 192 USP012419-11 Assignment of Program Code "H5" for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) Superseded
DSCA 11-65 195 USP013659-11 Calendar Year (CY) 2012 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Rescinded
DSCA 12-01 NC USP013693-11 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Counter Remote Explosive Warfare Vehicle Receiver/Jammer (CVRJ), VLQ-13(V)1 Superseded
DSCA 12-06 USP000826-12 Recognition of Missile Defense Agency (MDA) as an Implementing Agency (IA) Rescinded
DSCA 12-04 189 Contract Administrative Surcharge (CAS) Waiver for the Republic of Korea Superseded
DSCA 12-09 Clarification of Policy Regarding Determinations of Nonrecurring Costs (NCs) Recoupment Charge for Major Defense Equipment (MDE) Absent Available DoD Investment and Production Cost Documentation Superseded
DSCA 12-10 USP001296-12 Transportation Surcharge Accounts for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Superseded
DSCA 12-08 197 USP001379-12 Anticipated Offer Dates (AODs) for Letter of Offer and Acceptance(LOA) Restatements Superseded
DSCA 12-13 USP002032-12 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases for Iraq that Include Charges for In-Country Security Assistance Teams (SATs) Rescinded
DSCA 12-11 198 USP001593-12 Assign Program Code "E8" to Track Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) Funds Superseded
DSCA 12-03 194 USP013157-11 Policy Update Regarding Use of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Funds Incorporated
DSCA 12-14 Correction to the Line of Accounting for the Transportation Surcharge Accounts for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs Funded with Time Limited Appropriations Active
DSCA 12-12 199 USP013415-11 Revision of DSCA Policy Regarding Expenditure of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Funds for Pre-Letter of Request (LOR) and Case Development Activities Superseded
DSCA 12-16 NC USP00103-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Artillery, Fuze Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) XM1156, DODAC 1390-NA28, (Increment 1) Superseded
DSCA 12-17 USP002943-12 Repair Costs on Invoice/Shipping Documentation for Repaired Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Materiel Superseded
DSCA 12-05 196 USP013052-11 Release of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Chapter 15, Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Programs Superseded
DSCA 12-22 NC USP013483-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - AGM-65H2/K2 Missile and Components
DSCA 12-19 201 USP003203-12 Policy Update Regarding Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Transactions with Non-Ministry of Defense (MOD) Units Active
DSCA 12-18 USP003000-12 Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFARS) Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI) Revision for Acquisitions for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 12-20 USP003277-12 Reissuance of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) as Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Manual 5105.38-M Active
DSCA 12-21 202 USP004108-12 Assignment of Program Codes "H6" and "H7" to track Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Funds Provided for the Section 1207(n) Transitional Authorities for East Africa and Yemen Incorporated
DSCA 12-23 NC USP0003224-12 RQ-4 Global Hawk, Revise Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charges Superseded
DSCA 12-07 USP001027-12 Information on Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Superseded
DSCA 12-24 NC USP003357-12 Establish and Revise Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charges - AGM-65G2 Missile and Components Superseded
DSCA 12-25 NC USP003543-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - CH-46 Helicopter with Two TS8 Engines and CH-46 Helicopter without Engines Incorporated
DSCA 12-26 NC USP003403-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - AN/AYK-29(V)1 Distributed Targeting System (DTS) and AN/AYK-29(V)1 Distributed Targeting Processor (DTP) Incorporated
DSCA 12-35 USP005800-12 NATO Agencies Reform Active
DSCA 12-30 203 USP005599-12 Clarification of Nonrecurring (NC) Waiver Standardization Basis Authority - Israel Incorporated
DSCA 12-27 NC USP004665-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - AEA-18F Advanced Electronic Attack Kit Incorporated
DSCA 12-28 NC USP004681-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Missile Tomahawk (R/UGM-109E) Incorporated
DSCA 12-37 USP004986-12 Rescission of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Small Case Management Line (SCML) Incorporated
DSCA 12-32 NC USP005564-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - FMU-152A/B Fuze and Accessories Incorporated
DSCA 12-36 USP006434-12 Guidance Concerning Closure of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases with Open Contracts Superseded
DSCA 12-34 NC USP005561-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - BLU-113 A/B Bomb Incorporated
DSCA 12-42 204 USP006642-12 Revised Notes for Communications Security (COMSEC) Enhanced End-Use Monitoring (EEUM) Incorporated
DSCA 12-38 USP006248-12 Compressed, Rapid Acquisition, Fielding and Training (CRAFT) Rescinded
DSCA 12-15 200 USP002781-12 Revised Guidance for Requests for Other than Full and Open Competition Incorporated
DSCA 12-29 NC USP005112-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - CH-46E & HH-46E Helicopter with two T58 Engines and CH-46E & HH-46E Helicopter without Engines Incorporated
DSCA 12-31 NC USP005344-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - AN/ALQ-99F(V) Tactical Jamming System (TJS) Incorporated
DSCA 12-40 NC USP006201-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Block (BLK) 2 Superseded
DSCA 12-43 NC USP006584-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Cartridge, 105mm APFSDS-T M900 Incorporated
DSCA 12-46 Changes to the Department of Defense (DoD) Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Computation of the Amount to be Reserved for Future Administrative Expenses (Safety Level) Associated with the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Account Superseded
DSCA 12-47 USP007589-12 Reduction to the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Rate Incorporated
DSCA 12-48 207 USP008319-12 Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Table C4.T2B., Security Cooperation (SC) Customer and Regional Codes and FMS Eligibility (DSCA/DFAS Reserved) Superseded
DSCA 12-41 205 USP006577-12 Revision to Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Chapter 15 on Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Program Management and Execution Incorporated
DSCA 12-52 211 USP009249-12 Assignment of Program Code "H8" to track Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Funds Provided for the Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Program Incorporated
DSCA 12-53 212 Clarification of the Policy Rescinding the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Small Case Management Line (SCML) Incorporated
DSCA 12-54 NC USP007107-12 Establish and Revise Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Projectile, 155MM Extended Range Excalibur, Models M982E1, XM982, and M982 Incorporated
DSCA 12-58 NC USP009792-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Cartridge, 120mm HEAT-MP-T M830A1, DODAC: 1315-C791 Incorporated
DSCA 12-56 214 USP006578-12 Assignment of Program Codes "P2," "Q2," and "C4" to track Funds Available in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 for the Peacekeeping Operations (PKO), Global Peacekeeping Operations Initiative (GPOI) and International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) Programs, Respectively Incorporated
DSCA 12-59 NC USP009393-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Secure Mobile Anti-Jam Reliable Tactical - Terminal (SMART-T) IP AN/TSC-195 and AN/TSC-196 Incorporated
DSCA 12-62 NC USP010467-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - MV-22B Osprey & CV-22B Osprey Tilt Rotor Aircraft Incorporated
DSCA 12-57 215 USP010603-12 Increased Geographic Combatant Command (GCC) Minimal Cost Approval Threshold for Humanitarian Assistance Projects Superseded
DSCA 12-63 218 Calendar Year (CY) 2013 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 12-67 USP011480-12 Rescinding DSCA Policy 12-13, Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases for Iraq that Include Charges for In-Country Security Assistance Teams (SATs) Active
DSCA 12-45 206 USP009384-12 Management of Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Programs Funded by Non-Department of Defense (DoD) Agencies Incorporated
DSCA 13-60 Foreign Military Sales Administrative Rate Change Clarification Active
DSCA 13-02 216 USP000536-13 Assignment of Program Codes for Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Programs Authorized in Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Incorporated
DSCA 13-04 193 USP011458-12 Assignment of Security Cooperation Customer Code (SCCC) "88" for State Department Directed (SDD) Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Procurement program Active
DSCA 13-06 220 Restrictions on the Sale of U.S. Military Uniforms to Foreign Countries Incorporated
DSCA 13-07 208 USP008378-12 Guidance Concerning Reduction of Value on Unused Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Cases Superseded
DSCA 13-05 209 USP001153-13 Sourcing for Security Cooperation and Security Assistance Activities Incorporated
DSCA 13-09 213 USP01559-13 Clarification of Funding for End Use Monitoring Superseded
DSCA 13-10 NC USP010934-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) MK44 Block (BLK) 2 Telemetry, Revise Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) MK44 Block (BLK) 2 Tactical and Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) MK44 Block 1 Incorporated
DSCA 13-03 219 USP011188-12 Assignment of Program Code "C6" to Track Funds Provided by the Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF) Incorporated
DSCA 13-12 217 USP003472-13 Revised Guidance for Transportation of Controlled Cryptographic Information Rescinded
DSCA 13-13 NC USP002351-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Patriot Launching Station, (LS), M902 Superseded
DSCA 13-11 NC USP001894-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) Incorporated
DSCA 13-15 USP003797-13 Use of Department of Defense (DoD)-Designated Construction Agents for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases that Include Construction Active
DSCA 13-14 NC USP003394-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Accelerated Precision Mortar Initiative, 120mm XM395 Incorporated
DSCA 13-17 223 Contract Administrative Services (CAS) Waiver for the Government of Australia Incorporated
DSCA 13-18 NC USP003996-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Standard Missile-3 Block IB Missile Incorporated
DSCA 13-20 NC USP004374-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Cartridge, 25mm, Armor Piercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding Sabot - Tracer (APFSDS-T), M919 Incorporated
DSCA 13-21 NC USP004598-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Fuze, Artillery, Precision Guidance Kit (PGK), Department of Defense Acquisition Codes 1390-NA28 and 1390-NA29 Incorporated
DSCA 13-08 210 USP004778-13 Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Document Prioritization Active
DSCA 13-23 NC USP004786-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) (EGI) Incorporated
DSCA 13-01 221 USP004256-13 Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Materiel Delivery Reporting Incorporated
DSCA 13-29 228 Clarification of Pricing Civilian Personnel Costs for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases and Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Cases in the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) Incorporated
DSCA 13-33 229 USP005944-13 Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Administrative Changes Incorporated
DSCA 13-30 Clarification of Use of Prior Year Funds Procedures for DoD-funded Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Cases Rescinded
DSCA 13-19 224 USP004767-13 Identifying Foreign Military Financing Recipient Units in the Letter of Request Active
DSCA 13-31 Guidance Concerning Reductions to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases in Supply/Services Complete (SSC) Status Superseded
DSCA 13-32 Clarification of Supply/Services Complete (SSC) Policy Superseded
DSCA 13-35 NC USP005849-13 Establish Special Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Kingdom of Morocco Funded Version of Advance Countermeasures Electronic System (ACES) Electronic Warfare (EW) System) Rescinded
DSCA 13-34 NC USP011510-12 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Guardian Laser Transmitter Assembly (GLTA) Incorporated
DSCA 13-38 NC USP002315-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Advanced Electric Attack (AEA-18G) Aircraft Incorporated
DSCA 13-27 226 USP005292-13 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Delivery Performance Metric Rescinded
DSCA 13-16 222 USP003947-13 Revision to Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Document Processing Performance Metric Superseded
DSCA 13-41 Clarification to Standardize use of the Months of Service (MOS) Fields on an LOA Document Active
DSCA 13-24 Revision of Manpower Travel Data Sheet (MTDS) Requirements Superseded
DSCA 13-25 Clarification of Pricing Policy Active
DSCA 13-26 225 USP005427-13 Changes to Waiver Requirements to Improve the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Development Processing Timeline Incorporated
DSCA 13-39 NC USP005334-13 Establish Special Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Taiwan's Surveillance Radar Program Incorporated
DSCA 13-43 DoD Support to the Ministry of Defense Advisors Program Active
DSCA 13-29 C1 Supplement to DSCA Policy Memo 13-29 Active
DSCA 13-66 FY14 Country Exemption Lists for English Comprehension Level (ECL), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Superseded
DSCA 13-40 The Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund Administrative Surcharge Account Handbook for the Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Rescinded
DSCA 13-22 USP005923-13 Changes to Improve the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Review Process Superseded
DSCA 13-45 USP007181-13 Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Policy for Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Housing Superseded
DSCA 13-44 231 USP007367-13 Revision of Standard Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note for Cases that include AIM-9X Incorporated
DSCA 13-47 NC USP006850-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - AN/APG-82 (V)1 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar Incorporated
DSCA 13-48 NC USP007221-13 Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge -Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) Block 40/45 Mission Computing Upgrade (MCU) and the Next Generation Identify Friend or Foe UPX-40 Upgrade Incorporated
DSCA 13-36 230 Release of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Chapter 16 Incorporated
DSCA 13-37 Release of Case Reconciliation and Closure Guide (RCG) Incorporated
DSCA 13-53 234 USP008437-13 Removal of LOA Note from the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Incorporated
DSCA 13-51 232 USP008545-13 Assignment of Program Code "J2"for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund (PCCF) Incorporated
DSCA 13-55 235 USP008578-13 Assignment of Program Code "J1" to track Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Funds Provided for the Section 1206 Global Train and Equip Programs Incorporated
DSCA 13-56 236 Revision of Section C3.3.6. of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Incorporated