Security Cooperation Education and Training Working Group Checklist
Section I. Current Year Country:
IMET STL for FY (Current Year)
STATE IMET Projected Allocation Ceiling
1) Is the CTEPP (with annexes) updated and approved by CCMD available for review in the SAN?
Note: Avoid confusion, harmonize the data in APPENDIX H between Current FY and the Planning FY: a. Current FY What is the percentage of women in the armed forces today?
What is the percentage of women participation in IMET program?
b. Planning FY What is the percentage of women in the armed forces today?
What is the percentage of women participation in IMET program?
2) Is the Priority A Total “less than or equal to” 100% of the Current FY funding ceiling (planning estimate)?
Note: If you are over 100%, you need to cut the courses to be at or below 100%. If you have questions about the level ask DSCA for clarification. You need to watch this as you add and drop courses. The IMET SUMMARY REPORT in SCTMS9/REPORTS provides a daily update of all percentages as well as links to the various entries. If the SCO has several E-IMET Courses that begin in the 5th Quarter, CCMD will need to work with MILDEP to identify these as priorities for current year or End of Year funding.
3) Are any B Priorities identified for this year?
Note: If Yes, SCO needs to insure that your CCMD identifies these as a priority for the End of Year Review. State guidance restricts B priorities to: Invitational PME, E-IMET, or other PME (support as funds are available). State will not consider funding technical or operational training, English language instructor training, or English language labs, books, and publications with EOY IMET funding. Mobile training teams are also not executable in the fifth quarter.
4) Are there any priority D’s remaining in the current year STL?
5) Does the STL have at least 50 percent of the FY Ceiling allocation identified for PME courses?
Note: 50 % is the minimum – not 49.99%.
6) Does the STL have at least 10 percent of the FY Ceiling allocation identified as E-IMET courses?
Note: 10 % (or 20% if identified by State) is the minimum – not 9.99% or 19.99%.
7) Does the STL have less than 25 percent of their STL Ceiling allocation identified for technical/operational courses?
Note: 25% is the maximum, not 25.01%.
8) Has State identified any legal or policy restrictions that affect this countries STL this year?
Note: Talk to the CCMD POC to help plan for the remaining FY or to find out if you have restrictions.
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. Courses:
10) Does the country have any high cost technical training programs in the STL?
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. High-cost training is any training or any single course of training with a tuition cost of $50,000 or higher. With the exception of Professional Military Education (PME) and postgraduate education, IMET funds are not used for high-cost training. Submit waiver request to CCMD for DSCA approval of high cost training on a case-by-case basis. Courses:
11) Does the country have a lot of the same courses in the STL?
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. You can have no more than 5 allocations for identical technical courses and no more than 10 allocations for identical PME courses. Courses:
12) Does the country have any Post Graduate/ Master’s degree programs on their STL?
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. IMET funds may be used for an IMS to obtain a postgraduate degree at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School or at the Air Force Institute of Technology (with justification). To include Post Graduate/ Master’s degree programs under the IMET program, CCMD and DSCA must concur, and State must approve a waiver prior to programming or making any offer or commitment to the foreign government. Courses:
13) Does the country have advanced medical training on their STL?
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. Courses:
14) Is there any military police/gendarme training on this STL?
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. Neither the name given to a unit by the foreign government nor the ministerial authority under which it operates is sufficient to determine whether a particular force is a “police unit.” The determining factor is the nature of the function performed by the person or that persons unit. See Section C10., for the certification requirement that must be completed by the host nation and maintained by the SCO. Courses:
15) Is the country planning to offer IMET funded training to anyone who is NOT part of the military or MOD?
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. (See Section C10. Civilian personnel who are not members of the requesting country’s defense establishment or armed forces are not eligible for traditional IMET training, but may be trained under the subset of programs approved as meeting the E-IMET criteria. Courses:
Section II. Planning Year IMET PLANNING STL for FY (Current Year)
STATE IMET Projected Allocation Ceiling
Note: Until the new planning number is input into DSAMS, the IMET SUMMARY REPORT in SC-TMS9/REPORTS provides a daily update of all percentages as well as links to the various entries.
16) Is the CTEPP (with annexes) updated and approved by CCMD in the SAN?
Note: Avoid CONFUSION WITH APPENDIX H DATA BETWEEN Current FY and Planning FY. APPENDIX A DSCA comment – The IMET budget could stretch farther if the country assumed more responsibility for travel or TLA (Average one way cost is which takes days to reach U.S port of entry). USG pays all transportation and all living allowance. a. FY17 - What is the percentage of women in the armed forces today?
FY17 – What is the percentage of women participation in IMET program?
b. FY18 - What is the percentage of women in the armed forces today?
FY18 – What is the percentage of women participation in IMET program?
17) Is the STL Priority A Total 10 percent over the FY Ceiling dollar figure?
Note: If you are currently over the 110% of your Budget FY planning figure, you need to cut courses to be at or below 110%. If you are not at 110% of your CBJ planning figure, add courses. If you are more that 110%, cut some courses. If you need clarification on the project allocation, contact CCMD Training Manager. The IMET SUMMARY REPORT in SC-TMS9/REPORTS provides a daily update of all percentages as well as links to the various entries.
18) Are priority B courses included in the STL?
Note: You should not have any B priorities planned for this FY – You must change any B’s to Priority A (but remain within the 110% cap), make them D priorities, or drop the courses.
19) Do you have priority Ds in your STL?
Note: SCO’s are encouraged to plan Priority D’s for the Planning FY STL as backup to Priority A.
20) Has State identified any legal or policy restrictions that affect this countries STL?
Note: Talk to the CCMD POC to help plan for the remaining FY or to find out if you have restrictions.
21) Does the STL have at least 50 percent of the FY allocation ceiling identified as PME courses?
Note: SCO will need to watch this percentage when dropping/adding courses. 50 % is the minimum – not 49.99%.
22) Does the STL have at least 20 percent of the FY allocation ceiling identified as E-IMET courses?
Note: SCO will need to watch this percentage when dropping/adding courses. 10 % EIMET (or 20% if identified by State) is the minimum – not 9.99% or 19.99%. If the SCO has several E-IMET Courses that begin in mid-NOV – CCMD will need to work with MILDEP to identify these as priorities for funding with first release or consider moving these to later dates (including 5th quarter) if possible to insure funding is available due to anticipated CR.
23) Does the STL have less than 25 percent of their FY allocation ceiling identified for technical/operational courses?
Note: SCO will need to watch this percentage when dropping/adding courses. 25% is the maximum, not 25.01%
Note: If yes, identify the specific courses below. Courses:
25) Does the STL have any high cost training programmed in the STL?
Note: High-cost training is any training or any single course of training with a tuition cost of $50,000 or higher. With the exception of Professional Military Education (PME) and postgraduate education, IMET funds are not used for high-cost training. Submit waiver request to CCMD for DSCA approval of high cost training on a case-by-case basis.
26) Does the country have a lot of the same courses in the STL?
Note: You can have no more than 5 allocations for identical technical courses and no more than 10 allocations for identical PME courses.
27) Does the country have any Post Graduate/ Master’s degree programs on their STL?
Note: To include Post Graduate/ Master’s degree programs under the IMET program, CCMD and DSCA must concur, and State must approve a waiver prior to programming or making any offer or commitment to the training on this STL.
28) Is there advanced medical training programmed on this FY STL?
29) Is the country planning to offer IMET funded training to anyone who is NOT part of the military or MOD?
Note: If SCO is planning offer IMET funded training to anyone who is NOT part of the military or MOD, please contact DSCA or STATE for guidance or waiver. Section C10. policy: Civilian personnel who are not members of the requesting country’s defense establishment or armed forces are not eligible for traditional IMET training, but may be trained under the subset of programs approved as meeting the E-IMET criteria. Neither the name given to a unit by the foreign government nor the ministerial authority under which it operates is sufficient to determine whether a particular force is a “police unit.” The determining factor is the nature of the function performed by the person or that persons unit. See Section C10., for the certification requirement that must be completed by the host nation and maintained by the SCO.
30) English Language Training: Does the CETPP address any English Language training issues?
31) Is the SCO requesting any standalone English language training on the STL?
Note: See Section C10.6.5. and Table C10.T5. IMET cannot be used for stand-alone ELT.
32) Does the country plan to conduct ELT with other than DLIELC?
Note: Contact DSCA before planning ELT with other than DLIELC, regardless of source of funding. See Section C10.10.3.9. and Section C10.6.9. IMET should not be used to fund training in non-U.S. schools in other countries unless the curriculum is developed and taught or U.S. instructors are overseeing the teaching of the U.S. developed curriculum.
33) Is a new Language Lab requested?
34) Does the country have instructors for the labs?
35) Is the Country restricting access to the Labs to authorized personnel only (no dependents or other local nationals)?
36) Is the SCO requesting any books and pubs for the existing labs?
Section III. X Year
37) Do you have X-Year funds from prior years?
Note: SCO should program to expend all remaining X-year funds as soon as possible. . If you have questions about if you have lingering X-Year and what those funds can be used for, talk to your CCMD or State POC before you submit your STL for the SCETWG.