DSCA Waiver
IMET-Funded Training Waiver Request
Request Date:
Waiver Requesting (check applicable box below):
High Cost Training
Post Graduate Courses
Mobile Training Team (MTT)
Sensitive Training
Non-MOD civilian students
Short Duration Courses
If other than listed above, specify:
1. Requested Training:
Course Title:
Training Location:
Training Start Date:
Training End Date:
Student Rank:
Student Service:
Student WCN:
Type of Course:
Funding Source/Program:
Case Designator:
Tuition Cost:
TLA Cost:
Total Cost:
MTT Only –Total Students:
Course TMASL:
2. Justifications
Describe why this training is required:
What is the Combined Education and Training Program Plan (CETPP) objective?
What country’s military capability does this training help develop?
Provide funding rationale and any urgency for the waiver.
For sensitive training; e.g, Sniper, provide any past approval history
Describe the impact to the Country’s overall training program if the waiver is not granted.
Does this capability exist in the country?
Considering attrition factor, how long does it take to meet host nation objectives?
What are the benefits, tangible or intangible, for the United States by providing this training?
If requesting IMET course cancellation or substitution, provide:
Reason for cancellation or substitution
Overall percentage of PME or EIMET after the proposed changes
If it still meets the minimum required percentage.
If requesting to substitute another course, provide specific course information, and if there is sufficient fund to pay for the course.
If requesting Master/Graduate Degree courses:
Indicate the total seats programmed for the same courses in the same fiscal year from other funding sources (FMS/FMF/IMET/BPC/Section 333, etc.).
Provide political and/or military significance of this training.
MTT/MET Students information will be recorded in SAN/SC-TMS by SCO/Country Team upon completion of MTT/MET:
3. Additional Remarks:
4. Approvals
COCOM Approval:
DSCA Approval: