1. Update all bracketed text and delete brackets. Delete quotation marks around recommended language.
    1. If bracketed text begins with “SELECT,” choose only one of the provided options and delete the others.
    2. Suggested language is provided throughout the document. Confirm statements are true prior to submitting the document to DSCA. If a statement is not true, do not use it.
  2. All congressional notification (CN) documentation should be marked as Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and “PRE-DECISIONAL” prior to notification unless a higher classification applies, in which case the documentation should be developed and transmitted over Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET). If any information in this document is CUI or classified independent of the pre-notification handling process, update the classification markings and include portion markings throughout the document.
  3. Formatting: Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1-inch margins, two spaces between sentences.
  4. Writing guidelines: Write out all acronyms upon first usage if they will be repeated in the document, even if they are commonly abbreviated without writing them out in full (e.g., “global positioning system (GPS)”), and then subsequently use the acronym instead of writing out in full each time. Use lower case for all terms that are not proper nouns or part of official names, and use serial (“Oxford”) commas if listing more than two items within each section of the list separated by a semicolon. Ensure all names and terms are used consistently across sections and documents].
  5. Delete this section (including line break) before submitting.




(U) [Purchaser] – [Description of Sale] (underlined)

(U) The Government of [purchaser] has requested to buy [Note: Copy/paste the Major Defense Equipment (MDE) text (including quantities) from the transmittal document. Remove the line breaks and separate MDE items with semi-colons. If this is an Excess Defense Articles (EDA) sale, replace “to buy” with “the sale of Excess Defense Articles consisting of”]. The following non-MDE items will also be included: [Note: Copy/paste the non-MDE items list from the transmittal document, including Significant Military Equipment (SME). If there is no MDE, begin this section directly after, “requested to buy,” and delete, “The following non-MDE items will also be included:”]. The estimated total cost is $##.# m/billion [Note: This should be a value identical to the total case value on the transmittal page].

(U) [Note: This paragraph is intended to show how the sale benefits the United States. Add additional sentences, if necessary]. This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a [SELECT: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ally; major ally; major non-NATO ally; partner country] that is a force for political stability and economic progress in [identify the region].

(U) [Note: This paragraph is intended to show how the purchaser will benefit from the sale]. The proposed sale will improve [purchaser]’s capability to meet current and future threats by [Note: Describe how the purchaser will use the defense articles and/or services associated with the CN. Add an additional sentence further describing how the purchaser will use the articles and/or services]. [Purchaser] will have no difficulty absorbing these [articles and/or services] into its armed forces.

(U) The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

(U) The principal contractor(s) will be [Full Company Name, located in City, State Abbreviation. | Note: Identify all principal contractors. Use the city and state where the work will occur, not the corporate headquarters. If the proposed equipment for sale or transfer is from U.S. Government inventory, replace the words “The principal contractor(s) will be” with “The [item name] will be transferred from [descriptor] stock.”]. [If there are known offset requirements, state, “There are known offset requirements associated with this sale. See attached annex for further details” and provide a CONFIDENTIAL Offset Certification attachment. If there are no known offsets, SELECT (based on whether or not any offset requirements were identified in the Letter of Request (LOR) or are known to exist): “There is no known offset agreement proposed in connection with this potential sale” OR “The purchaser typically requests offsets. Any offset agreement will be defined in negotiations between the purchaser and the contractor.”]

(U) [SELECT: Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to [purchaser]. OR Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of [number (##)] additional U.S. Government and [number (##)] U.S. contractor representatives to [purchaser] for a duration of [duration in months or years] to support [what the representatives will be doing (e.g., equipment familiarization, training, etc.)]].

(U) There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.