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Note Usage

Mandatory for FMS LOAs that involve ferrying of aircraft.

Mandatory for Amendments that add Aircraft Ferrying to the case.

Note Text

"The U.S. Government will provide for ferrying of aircraft to the point of delivery specified in this LOA.

  1. The U.S. Government will accept title to the aircraft from the contractor (or retain title of Excess Defense Article aircraft), and title to the aircraft will remain with the U.S. Government until arrival at the point of delivery, at which time title passes to the purchaser.

    If aircraft is purchaser-owned prior to ferrying, replace paragraph 1. above with:
    "1. The purchaser grants the U.S. Government possession of the aircraft for the purposes of this LOA. The title to the aircraft will remain with the purchaser."

  2. The aircraft will be marked with appropriate U.S. Government markings. The purchaser is liable for the cost of placing such markings on the aircraft and is responsible for removing such markings upon gaining possession of the aircraft.

  3. The U.S. Government will not be subject to or held liable for any import fees, duties, or other charges levied by the purchaser.

  4. Date of delivery to final destination will be contingent upon the receipt of necessary over flight and other clearances.

  5. The purchaser is liable for all en route costs including, but not limited to, any maintenance required to ensure that the aircraft is in a safe condition, in accordance with current U.S. Government regulations, prior to flight.

  6. It is agreed that there will normally be no U.S. Government/purchaser splits in crews. Any U.S. Government/purchaser split in crew composition must be approved by the IA based upon a request submitted by the purchaser setting forth the reasons for the request, the desired crew composition, and the aircraft qualifications of proposed purchaser crew members. If split crews are used, the aircraft commander must be an officer of the U.S. Government who will have command and control over the aircraft. If more than one aircraft is being ferried, the designated flight leader will be an officer of the U.S. Government and will have command and control over all aircraft."