Organization: | _______________________ | For the Quarter Ending: | _______________________ |
PART 1: Case Closure Progress Status - Number of all open cases (Note 1): __________
- Number of all Supply Services Complete (SSC) Cases (Note 2): __________
Percent of open cases that are SSC: __________ (ATCH 1) - Number of SSC Cases over 2 years old (Note 3): __________
- Number of Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) SSC Cases over 2 years old (Note 4):
Percent of ACCP SSC cases over 2 years old to all SSC cases: __________ - Number of SSC cases to be kept open per the FMS purchaser's request: __________
(ATCH 2) - Cases in the DIFS Case Closure Inventory (data source: DFAS-IN)
- Quarterly Total: __________
- Cases in L (under-collected) status: __________
- Cases in I (in-balance, ready to close) status: __________
- Cases in all other statuses: __________
- Number of certifications/closures processed this quarter and FY (data source: MILDEP & DFAS-IN):
| Certifided | Closed |
(1) First Time | Quarter | FY | Quarter | FY | (a) Non-ACCP | Quarter | FY | Quarter | FY | (b) ACCP Interim | Quarter | FY | Quarter | FY | (c) ACCP Direct Final | Quarter | FY | Quarter | FY | Total First Time | Quarter | FY | Quarter | FY | | | | | | (2) ACCP Interim to Final | Quarter | FY | Quarter | FY | | | | | | ( 3) Total | Quarter | FY | Quarter | FY |
- FY Goals:
| MILDEP Certifications | DFAS-IN Closures |
(1) Total | | | (2) 1st Time | | | Percent to goal | | | (3) Interim to Final | | | Percent to goal | | |
PART 2: Resources Financial: Estimated funding dedicated to effort: __________ Personnel Government Resources: Describe resources dedicated to effort: __________ Workyears Contract Support Services: Identify contractor and function performed: __________ Workyears Remarks and/or Comments: (Please provide any additional narrative with regard to closure progress or to address any obstacles and/or inhibitors. Also, please provide any trend analysis (e.g., are some commands performing better or worse than others, are certain categories of cases more prone to closure problems?) Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
- Notes:
- All cases in implemented status as of the quarter ending date (including those at DFAS not yet closed)
- Number of cases included in A. that are SSC. File should include at a minimum CC, IA, Case Supply Complete Date, and an ACCP Participating Indicator
- Number of cases included in B. that are over 2 years old.
- Number of cases included in C. that are ACCP.
- Attachments:
- Supply Services Complete Cases
- Cases to be Kept Open (at Purchaser's Request)