Policy changes from this SAMM E-Change memo have been incorporated into the SAMM.
References DSCA 06-25.
Further Definition of Foreign Military Sales Case-Related Activities and the Associated Proper Funding Source 16-67, SAMM E-Change 337
- DSCA Policy Memo 06-25, "Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case-Related Manpower Functions and Funding Source," May 17, 2006
During the course of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) 100 case reviews and business process reviews with each of the Implementing Agencies (IAs), we discovered a large discrepancy on how each IA interprets which activities are considered part of the standard level of service (see reference) and which should be case funded. Further, we determined that to ensure greater consistency, a common definition of "Non-Standard" items is necessary and guidance on how to fund the activities necessary for the procurement of these items should be further defined. This policy updates the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) by revising Chapter 9, Table 2 (C9.T2) to further define activities that are funded via the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) administrative surcharge and those that are funded via a line on the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA). This policy also defines "Non-Standard" items and how the activities to procure them should be funded.
For the purposes of security cooperation, Non-Standard items are defined as those for which the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) does not currently have a contract in place to procure the item. The design and procurement of these items may include additional workload as compared to procuring items that the U.S. DoD already has on contract. A new column for non-standard has been added to the FMS Activity Matrix at SAMM C9.T2. Activities in this column will be funded via an LOA line.
Attached to this policy is a revised FMS Activity Matrix C9.T2. This table provides a detailed list of activities included in all phases of the LOA lifecycle. Please note that some of these activities are not properly funded via FMS Administrative surcharge funds or via an LOA. In these circumstances, the proper funding source is identified in the table.
This policy will change the row numbers of activities listed on the Manpower Travel Data Sheet (MTDS). Please use the following implementation guidelines for the development of the MTDS:
- LOAs and Amendments in "Development" status with a proposed Offer Expiration Date (OED) prior to March 3, 2017, may continue to use the old SAMM C9.T2 row reference numbers. DSAMS will highlight these numbers in yellow (both printed and within the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS)) to identify that these numbers reference the old table and not the current version.
- LOAs and Amendments in "Development" status with a proposed OED of March 3, 2017, or later must reference the new C9.T2 row numbers in the MTDS.
- LOAs and Amendments in "Offered" status will not need to change MTDS reference numbers.
- The current accepted/implemented version of the MTDS will not need to be altered. Only future rows added via an Amendment will need to reflect the new row numbers. DSAMS will highlight the old row numbers in yellow (both printed and within DSAMS) to signify that they do not reference the current C9.T2.
If you have any questions concerning this guidance, please contact Mr. Glenn Anderson, DSCA DBO/FPA,, (703) 697-8863.
J. W. Rixey
Vice Admiral, USN
As stated
CC :
Table C9.T2. Case-Related Manpower Functions and Funding Source Manpower Matrix
This support may be required either:
- By the USG based on analysis of the requirements (For example: Some weapon systems may require more extensive management from a USG-perspective if they are complex, being newly introduced to a country's inventory, etc.), this must be captured in the case note.
- By the purchaser's request for additional support (For example: Some cases may require more extensive management or expedited closure from a purchaser-perspective if they have high visibility within the country or if there are internal country requirements for reporting, tracking, etc. These requests should be part of the LOR or meeting minutes and documented in the case note).
The Non-Standard column describes activities that are case funded due to the item(s) being procured are not currently being procured for the DoD and therefore require case funds for any additional workload associated with these efforts.
Row | Activity | Admin | Case | Non-Standard | Frequency |
Pre LOR | |||||
1 | Identify defense requirements to support a specific FMS program or to help write an LOR (does not include travel, travel is from other sources). | X |
| Provide system and platform information (including IT systems/ equipment) to support a specific FMS program or to help write an LOR. | X |
3 | In response to foreign partner's or COCOM's request, work with industry to support a specific FMS program or to help write an LOR. | X |
| If more than one inquiry for the same item is made, the additional workload must be case funded. |
4 | Site Surveys. | May be used to perform the site survey up front; the admin account must be reimbursed when LOA is implemented. If an LOA is never implemented, the IA Pre-LOR funds remain the proper funding source. | All site surveys should be paid by an LOA. If an LOA does not yet exist, the LOA resulting from the site survey must reimburse the FMS admin account. |
5 | Participation in FMS meetings that occur during tradeshows. | Discussions at Tradeshows regarding specific LOAs may be funded with FMS Admin. All tradeshow FMS meeting participation funded with FMS admin must be approved by the DSCA Director. Requests should be made during the security assistance program budget review process. |
6 | Inquiry to the IA EDA team on item availability, resulting in review of and research on the requested items. Includes EDA team creation and coordination of surveys that are vetted through HQ. | X |
| If more than one inquiry for the same item is made, the additional workload must be case funded. |
7 | Requirements definition (to include the total package approach with logistics, maintenance, training, etc.) efforts to help the partner nation write the LOR. Excludes ODCs, see row 8 for ODC activities. | X |
8 | ODC efforts to help develop requirements, country team assessment and COCOM endorsements. Efforts include defense article and training need discussions with international partners, escorting contractors to meetings with partners, etc. | X |
9 | Transparency efforts like discussing a capability and multiple platforms to meet that capability require an LOA. These include presenting multiple defense articles as COAs to meet a capability need so that the international partner has an option to procure the item that best suits operational, timeline and budget requirements. |
| X |
10 | Provide support (process foreign visit requests, escort for demonstrations, etc.) to requested foreign visits to the US in support of specific potential FMS program or in anticipation of LOR development. | X |
11 | Dedicated funding of business development/business stimulation staff/offices and any activity conducted without a specific country inquiry or COCOM request. Also, support service staff escorting contractors on business development trips. | These activities are funded using other IA funds, e.g., O&M, RDT&E, etc. |
| ||
12 | Expeditionary Requirements Generation Teams (ERGT). See SAMM Section C2.4.2. for additional information on what constitutes an ERGT. | Funding determined on a case by case basis, must be approved by DSCA Director. | Funding determined on a case by case basis, must be approved by DSCA Director. |
13 | Negotiating Special Security Agreements, Project Security Instruction, and Access Management Control Plan. | These specific security activities are not funded by FMS Admin or the FMS case. These activities are funded using O&M. | |||
14 | Vetting personnel for security clearances for potential FMS customer to receive unclass/classified information. | ||||
15 | Information assurance accreditation for potential FMS customer to receive unclass/classified information. | ||||
16 | Facility certifications prior to LOA implementation. | Admin funds may be used to support this activity prior to LOA implementation. All associated costs must be captured on a line on a resulting LOA and the admin account reimbursed from that line. A case for this service is preferred. | Case funded upon implementation. |
17 | Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for collateral facilities and Collateral Security Classification Guide prior to LOA implementation. | Admin funds may be used to support this activity prior to LOA implementation. All associated costs must be captured on a line on a resulting LOA and the admin account reimbursed from that line. A case for this service is preferred. | Case funded upon implementation. |
Case Development | |||||
18 | Tracking DSCA-prescribed metrics and entering LOR data into DSAMS. | X |
19 | Responses to RFI release to the USG, develop ROM data, identify defense requirements, provide cost estimates that are short of P&A, provide information that helps partners write the LOR, discussions with industry on what is feasible and deliverable (including pricing and schedule), answer questions that will result in an LOR. | X |
| Responses to RFI efforts for items not currently being procured by the US Department of Defense may require additional activities such as: design, engineering, cost estimating, long term logistics support, etc. in order to properly develop and price the LOA. If an LOA results from this effort, a line on the LOA will reimburse admin costs. | Subsequent requests for the same item will require an LOA. |
20 | LOR defense article/service configuration review process. | X |
| Case Development efforts for items not currently being procured by the US Department of Defense may require additional activities such as: design, engineering, cost estimating, etc. in order to properly develop and price the LOA. Further, engineering and cost estimating activities for integration will be captured in an LOA. Integration includes the following: | Multiple requests for configuration changes that drive subsequent reviews will require DSCA DBO concur for use of admin funds. Should DBO not approve admin funds, a case must fund these activities. |
21 | Actions necessary to go from LOR receipt to LOR complete if necessary. | X |
| If multiple iterations of LOR responses are required due to changes in the Partner's request, any additional costs will be funded from the case. | |
22 | Competitions and/or evaluations that require LOA quality data. | X |
| If multiple iterations of LOR responses are required due to changes in the Partner's request, any additional costs will be funded from the case. | |
23 | Preparation of P&A data. | X |
| If purchaser requests are made for multiple versions of the same document (e.g., "what if"-type drills), any additional costs will be included on a line in the resulting LOA or Amendment to an existing LOA. | |
24 | Development and preparation of LOAs, amendments and modifications. | X | If purchaser requests are made for multiple versions of the same document (e.g., "what if"-type drills), the response should be in the form of P&A data rather than a formal document. | If purchaser requires multiple versions of the same document (e.g., "what if"-type drills), the additional costs will be included in the resulting implemented LOA or Amendment to an existing LOA. | |
25 | Development of LOA pricing data and notes (including unique payment schedules). | X |
| If multiple iterations of LOR responses are required due to changes in the Partner's request, any additional costs will be funded from the case. | |
26 | Entry of case information into DSAMS. | X |
| |
27 | Coordination of all LOA response documents throughout the Interagency, necessary for US response to the LOR i.e. MTDS, CN, pricing documents, etc. | X |
| |
28 | Quality control to ensure legal, financial and policy compliance. | X |
| |
29 | Applying case development extenuating factors. | X |
| |
30 | Participation in case development related meetings. | X |
| |
31 | Preparation of LOA document package to include: |
| |
a. Manpower Travel Data Sheet (MTDS). | X |
| ||
b. Contractor billing and termination liability information necessary to build the payment schedule. | X |
| ||
c. SDAF financial analysis worksheet. | X |
| ||
d. Compiling or reviewing the results of the MTCR review. | X |
| ||
e. Review/process case related waivers (NC, Yockey, etc.). | X |
| ||
f. Process to establish NC and special NC charges and process waiver requests. | X |
| ||
g. LOA checklists. | X |
| ||
h. Congressional notifications. | X |
| ||
i. Case planning meetings. | X | Personnel authorized to attend these meetings whose salaries are funded using other-than administrative surcharge funds should use their current funding source to pay for their attendance. |
| ||
j. Pre-countersignature meetings. | X | Personnel authorized to attend these meetings whose salaries are funded using other-than administrative surcharge funds should use their current funding source to pay for their attendance. |
| ||
32 | Identify options to satisfy training requirements. | X |
| |
33 | Working with the partner nation to ensure the document meets their requirements - to include providing the MTDS, RP069, etc. if requested. | X |
| |
34 | Development of Not To Exceed (NTE) LOAs. | X |
| |
35 | Conceptual design/engineering efforts required to properly price a line on the LOA. | X | Anything beyond conceptual design (schematic drawings, etc.). |
36 | Line-by-line review with the partner nation of LOAs that require Congressional Notification (CN) to ensure all requirements included in the LOR have been captured in the LOA. | X | Any travel (CONUS or OCONUS) required for this effort. The line-by-line review must ensure admin funded site surveys conducted during Pre-LOR activities are reimbursed to the admin account. |
| Only one line by line review will be performed per case. If additional reviews are requested, they must be funded on an LOA. |
37 | Transportation plan to include assessments - determine transportation mode, staging requirements, storage, etc. This document will be provided in the LOA package to CWD. The international partner needs to provide mark for and freight forwarder codes in order for the USG to develop the plan. | X | If the purchaser requires subsequent changes to the transportation plan due to changing requirements, the additional costs will be included in the implemented LOA. | Additional planning required for item unique transportation requirements | Development of multiple transportation options at the purchasers request will be funded from the LOA. |
38 | Development of an LOA as CLASSIFIED at the request of the purchaser (would not be deemed CLASSIFIED by the USG) See SAMM Sections C4.5.16. and C5.4.11. for restrictions on classifying LOAs. | Efforts required for case development that happen regardless of classification. | All incremental (additional) costs to develop the case as Classified. |
39 | Determine releasability and disclosure decisions for requested articles and services. | Releasability and disclosure activities are not funded by FMS Admin or the FMS case. These activities are funded using other IA funds, e.g., O&M, RDT&E, etc. | |||
40 | Develop security procedures and design physical security requirements to handle CLASSIFIED products. | Security activities to protect classified information are not funded by FMS Admin. Pre-LOA efforts are funded using IA funds. Construction of facilities and the design of the facilities should be funded from the LOA. Services line on the "classified" case to cover any additional costs incurred or expected to be incurred with execution outside normal domestic systems and processes (often manual). Physical security services (outside of EUM and EEUM) as required by US policy must be funded from the LOA. | |||
41 | Missile Technology Control Regime review of LOA for compliance. | MTCR compliance activities are not funded by FMS Admin or the FMS case. These activities are funded using other IA funds, e.g., O&M, RDT&E, etc. | |||
42 | Activities performed by DFAS and all organizations within an IA required to implement the case (to include planning diversions). | X |
Case Execution | |||||
43 | Manage training assignments and scheduling. | X |
| Multiple requests to change training assignments. |
44 | Develop unique training course requirements. |
| X |
45 | Standardized training list management - managing blanket order training course offerings. | X | Partner requests for training adjustments or efforts resulting from partners not confirming/funding in a timely manner. | Additional support required for products not currently being procured for the US DoD (e.g. uniqueness in software, configuration, operations, release approval and financial constraints. Software version approval may make the training system unique for FMS.) Any integration of equipment/systems into a US platform that is not standard to the US DoD configuration. This additional workload will be funded from a line on the LOA. All integration is considered non-standard to include the following: |
46 | Establish cost, schedule, and performance goals and objectives for execution of the case. | X |
| |
47 | Monitor software/hardware integrity - integration of multiple systems requires downloading tapes for maintenance. |
| X |
| |
48 | Dedicated management support when requested by the international partner; services must be fully defined and included in the Notes of the LOA. |
| X |
| |
49 | Logistics - processing all requisitions, tracking all defense articles through the ordering, manufacturing and delivery processes. | X | Shipping to multiple locations, staging points, consolidation locations, expediting deliveries (requires logistics to determine if schedule is feasible and assess impacts to change schedule and requires manpower or other tangible costs - charging for expedited delivery requires request from partner as change in scope of the line requires an amendment), partner requested transportation plan changes. |
| |
50 | Dedicated requisition processing (e.g., working with only one country), preparing requisitions that the purchaser normally submits (i.e., blanket order cases), dedicated tracking of initial support spares, etc. This is not the incremental difference of what would have been funded with admin. |
| X |
| |
51 | Maintenance Planning - Any maintenance planning efforts required to keep items operational. |
| X |
| |
52 | Design Interface - Actions required due to FMS partners with different hardware and software than the USG. |
| X |
| |
53 | Engineering - Actions required due to FMS partners with operational needs different than the USG that will affect the configurations and life-limits. |
| X |
| |
54 | Supply Support - Actions required for determining the schedule and location for defense articles/services. |
| X |
| |
55 | Logistical actions for training and training systems - FMS partners may require "difference training" for which USG school houses are not available. |
| X |
| |
56 | Support Equipment - Use of automatic test equipment requires software updates based on the unique configuration and approved maintenance level for the FMS partners. The Support Equipment requires periodic upkeep maintenance as a stand-alone system while also requiring their own set of logistics support such as technical data. |
| X |
| |
57 | Partner Facilities & Infrastructure - Coordination and planning around determinations as to whether the partner's existing infrastructure can support the equipment being provided (e.g. can infrastructure handle the latest in avionics and electronics with the proper cooling rooms and electrical output, weight of the USG product, and are the facilities the correct measurements). |
| X |
| |
58 | Computer Resources - Efforts required to ensure the international partner's computer system is compatible with US DoD systems. |
| X |
| |
59 | Participation in the production readiness and manufacturing management reviews. Meetings for new productions, go through manufacturer timeline to determine when defense article production will happen. These are required for production or modification primarily to support engineering. Manufacturing engineers make sure tooling, planning cards, necessary items, support structure is in place for production. |
| X |
| |
60 | Travel support and management (schedule visits to contractors, arrange program reviews, arrange design reviews). |
| X |
| |
61 | Manage line acquisition strategy, finance, mission planning, and coordination with other USG offices. | X | Dedicated support or accelerated delivery requested by the international partner. (The partner should be made aware of services that would be provided with admin funds so that they can determine which best meets their needs). |
| |
62 | Manage special payment schedules at the request of the international partner (perform analysis of obligations/ expenditures against current payment schedule, reassess future manpower requirements, coordinate with industry on current/ future billing schedules, etc.). |
| X |
| |
63 | Prepare customer unique tech orders. |
| X |
| |
64 | Develop integrated master schedule for items on the LOA. | X | Efforts related to the transparency initiative. Dedicated support requested by the international partner. |
| |
65 | Respond to technical questions. |
| X |
| |
66 | Financial management and reconciliation of financial and logistical management systems until the case is supply/services complete including evaluation of case/line expenditure rates. | X | Dedicated financial management services requested by the international partner included in the LOR. Tailored financial reports requested by the international partner. |
| |
67 | Contracting efforts required to procure items for the LOA | Placing an order from an existing US DoD contract (executing a task order or contract option). Writing a new contract for an FMS purchase. Amendments/modifications to these contracts. | Country unique additional efforts performed by the program management offices and security assistance management directorates in support of contracting officers/negotiators to perform independent government cost estimate, source selection evaluation board, unique statement of work, program plan, master integrated schedule, etc. for contracts not already in place for the DoD. Also, if the annual procurement has passed and an additional contracting action is required to amend it. Accelerated contracting efforts included in the LOR. More frequent requisition from the existing contract item delivery schedule. |
| Any requirement forcing multiple contracting actions such as using an Undefinitized Contracting Action (UCA) or placing an order on an existing DoD contract requiring modification to accommodate purchaser requests, i.e. configuration changes shall be Case Funded. |
68 | Contracting efforts required for Army Corps of Engineers Services. | Services currently contracted for the DoD. | Services not on contract for the DoD. |
| |
69 | Monitor and manage case performance including: scope, schedule of work, cost, payment schedules, problem resolution, financial management services, etc. | X |
| |
70 | Inform the purchaser and other USG entities regarding case execution (cost, schedule and performance) status annually. See other rows in this matrix for additional information on case reviews. | X |
| Any requirement for this information to be provided more than once per year. | |
71 | Pull and/or prepare reports needed to monitor case execution status and keep purchaser informed. | X | Any tailored reports requested in the LOR. Providing reports from SCIP. | Generating customer requested tailored reports more than once per year. | |
72 | Prepare and process requisitions for all FMS activities including repair and replace to include providing appropriate status and tracking/ coordination/problem-solving to ensure on-time deliveries. | X | Dedicated support requested by the international partner. Any additional efforts required to repair and return the exact same item. |
| |
73 | Report deliveries as they occur, to include both the physical delivery of the article/ service and the associated financial/ billing transactions. | X | Dedicated support requested by the international partner in the LOR. |
| |
74 | Maintain case files. | X | Dedicated support requested by the international partner in the LOR. |
| |
75 | Process Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs). For appropriate funding of approved SDRs, see SAMM Chapter 6. | X | USG personnel performing testing and/or writing technical reports for the partner's SDR package. | The processing of all SDRs is admin funded regardless of volume. | |
76 | Logistics transactions that are processed in accordance with routine U.S. procurement and requisition requirements are considered part of the SLS. | X | Dedicated support requested by the international partner. | If purchaser requires more than 1 case review per year the additional costs will be funded from the LOA. The USG may also determine that additional reviews are necessary, this must be stated in the case note. | |
77 | Managing Diversions from production line or stock. | Efforts similar to requisitioning an item from DoD inventory. | X |
| |
78 | Additional resources needed to expedite contract award and delivery at Purchaser's request. |
| X |
| |
79 | Additional resources needed to accelerate a program (excluding incentive clauses in contracts) at Purchaser request. |
| X |
| |
80 | Security Assistance accounting and budgeting (to include DFAS) beyond those activities provided thru admin (see row 43) per Purchaser request. |
| LOA notes must clearly define, for each of these line items, exactly what support beyond the SLS is required. |
81 | Earned Value Management (EVM) Reporting e.g. Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR). |
| X |
82 | Intelligence activities/products. |
| X |
83 | Security and Anti-Tamper Activities. |
| An LOA may fund security and anti-tamper activities if the USG is providing a service to an international partner to help them comply with USG requirements. |
84 | Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for collateral facilities and Collateral Security Classification Guide prior to LOA implementation.
| X |
85 | Facility certifications post LOA implementation.
| X |
86 | Amending Special Security Agreements. | These specific security activities are not funded by FMS Admin or the FMS case. These activities are funded using O&M. | |||
87 | Vetting personnel for security clearances to receive unclass/ classified information. | ||||
88 | Technology security and foreign disclosure activities. | ||||
89 | Information assurance accreditation for FMS customer to receive unclass/ classified information. | ||||
90 | Staff Assistance Visits to provide OJT assistance based on US policy. |
| X |
Case Closure | |||||
91 | Perform case closure activities (to include reconciliation efforts for supply/service complete cases) to include all types of closure. | X | Dedicated support requested by the international partner. |
92 | Expedited case closure activities |
| X |
Case Reviews | |||||
93 | Day-to-Day Case Analysis
Most aspects of day-to-day case analysis are automated and do not require face-to-face reviews, particularly when the case’s cost, schedule, and performance are on track. If at any time the customer asks for support that isn’t covered, it needs to be added to the case. | X | Dedicated support requested by the international partner in the LOR. |
94 | Case level review - provide financial, acquisition and logistical status for each line on the case in an electronic or paper report. There is no in-person meeting associated with this review. | X | Any additional reporting requirements requested by the international partner as well as any travel for requested meetings. |
| If purchaser requires more than 1 case review per year the additional costs will be funded from the LOA. The USG may also determine that additional reviews are necessary, this must be stated in the case note. |
95 | Travel and personnel costs associated with any case reviews (action items, minutes, and briefing materials for case funded reviews).
| X |
96 | Review [Program-Level]
If this level review is USG-mandated, the case manager will decide (1) how frequently this review is required, and (2) if the program warrants face-to-face meetings to conduct this review or if other means of communication will suffice. If the program involves multiple cases with different case managers, these decisions will be made jointly by the case managers based on analysis of the requirements. |
| X |
97 | Review [IA-Level]
If this level review is USG-mandated, the IA determines if the standard Case-Level Review requirements provided in Row #16 are more efficiently met by conducting an overall review that includes all the purchaser’s cases with that IA. |
| X |
98 | Review [Country-Level]
If this level of review is USG-mandated, DSCA will decide (1) how frequently this review is required, and (2) if the overall program warrants face-to-face meetings to conduct this review or if other means of communication will suffice. |
| X |
99 | Financial Management Reviews (FMRs) and Security Assistance Management Reviews (SAMRs). | Conducted at the direction of DSCA Principal Director for Business Operations (FMRs) and Principal Director for SA&E (SAMRs). |
100 | Security Assistance Teams
| X |
101 | Foreign Participation in a USG-sponsored Group. |
| X |
102 | Services required to produce materiel requested by the purchaser (e.g., engineering services, testing). |
| The pro-rata share costs incurred are included in the materiel line. |
103 | Weapon System Changes
| X |
104 | Transportation, lodging, per diem, leasing of commercial or GSA vehicles, maintenance of buildings and real property, acquisition and installation of utilities and appliances, or other administrative expenses, or other administrative expenses of foreign government representatives, even though such expenses may relate to the materiel and/or services being provided on the case. | These services will not be included on FMS cases nor be paid for using FMS Administrative Surcharge funds. Foreign purchasers are responsible for making and paying for these arrangements outside the FMS process. See SAMM Section C4.5.1. | |||
105 | Space rental and/or refurbishment charges specifically incurred to support the FMS "community" mission. For dedicated FMS organizations (e.g., AFSAC, AFSAT, USASAC, SATFA, NAVSUP-WSS, NETSAFA), this includes all space rental and/or refurbishment costs. For non-dedicated organizations, this includes only those incremental space rental and/or refurbishment costs that are attributable to FMS mission performance. | X | Additional charges necessary to support a specific LOA may be charged to the case. Also, spaces necessary for only case funded organizations (ECISAP, etc.) are funded by the LOA. See row 105. |
106 | Space rental and/or refurbishment charges specifically incurred to support the purchaser/case (e.g., warehousing). |
| Incremental costs above the Standard Level of Service provided in row #104. LOA notes must clearly define for each of these line items exactly what support beyond the Standard Level of Service is required. |
107 | Job-Related Training (includes travel). | X |
108 | Job-related skills training for individuals who spend less than 50% of their time performing FMS-related work. | These training activities are not funded by FMS Administrative Surcharge or the case. These training activities are funded by the same source that pays the employee’s salary. | |||
109 | Job-related skills training specifically related to an FMS case (does not include certification requirements - see Row #111). For example: Defensive Driving Course for team members being deployed to a high terrorist threat country. |
| X |
110 | Long Term Training. | These training activities are only funded by the FMS Administrative Surcharge if the person attending the training is 100% FMS admin funded. A copy of the students DoD service agreement must be provided to DSCA. | |||
111 | Training for certified personnel for their continued education required to maintain their certification. | These training activities are normally funded using funds other than FMS Administrative Surcharge fund or the FMS case (e.g., Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement (DAWIA) certifications funded by DoD). If a certification is required for a position to support an FMS case, a qualified (i.e., certified) person should be selected. Any questions about whether or not training should be FMS Administrative Surcharge-funded should be directed to DSCA (DBO). | |||
112 | DoD MILDEP training exercises in support of an FMS case exercise. |
| X |
113 | Language Training. | Language training is not funded by either FMS Administrative Surcharge or the FMS case. If a language skill is required on the case, a qualified person (e.g., someone already proficient in the language to the extent required) should be selected. |