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Mandatory for BPC LOAs, Amendments and Modifications that transfer MANPADS to benefitting countries other than NATO, NATO Nations, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

Amendments and Modifications must include the newest version of the note for benefitting country other than NATO, NATO Nations, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, if it is not incorporated into the implemented version of the case.

Note Text

"The Benefitting Country will provide the Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) and/or other appropriate U.S. Government representatives a written physical security and accountability control plan prior to receipt of the equipment.

Weapons storage facilities must be conducted and certified by MILDEPs in accordance with DoD Manual 5100.76-M, "Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition and Explosives," before EEUM-designated weapons systems are delivered.

The benefitting country agrees to adhere to the following additional security requirements associated with Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS). Modification of specified requirements to meet indigenous conditions may be approved by the Office of the Provost Marshal General, Army Physical Security (DAPM-MPD-PS), U.S. Army.

  1. Physical Security. The MANPADS will be stored in magazines that are at least equivalent in strength to U.S. Army requirements as specified in subparagraph a. below. The benefitting country also agrees to comply with U.S. Army specified requirements for lighting, doors, locks, keys, fencing, and surveillance and guard systems. Specific requirements will be agreed upon and installed prior to delivery of the missile system. U.S. Army representatives will be allowed to verify security measures and procedures established for implementation of these requirements.

    1. Magazines. Reinforced concrete, arch type, earth covered whose construction is at least equivalent in strength to the requirements of Chapter 5, DoD 6055.9-STD, "Ammunition and Explosive Safety Standards," July 1999, will be used for storage (standards of which will be provided to the benefitting country).

    2. Lighting. Lighting will be provided for exterior doors and along perimeter barriers. Security lighting requirements will conform to the ammunition and safety requirements of U.S. Army Technical Manual 9-1300-206, Appendix C (standards of which will be provided to the benefitting country).

    3. Doors, Locks, and Keys. Exterior doors will be class five steel vault doors secured by two key-operated high security padlocks and a high security shrouded hasp. Keys will be secured separately to ensure effective two-man control of access (i.e., two authorized persons must be present to enter). Use of a master or multiple key system is prohibited.

    4. Fencing. Fencing will be six foot (minimum) steel chain link with a one-foot overhang mounted on steel or reinforced concrete posts over firm base. Clear zones will be established 30 feet inside and 12 feet outside the perimeter fence (provided there is adequate space).

    5. Surveillance and Guard. A full-time guard force or combination guard force and intrusion detection system (IDS) will be provided. When the IDS is not operational, 24-hour guard surveillance is required.

    6. Access to Storage Facilities. Two authorized persons will be required to be present during any activity that affords access to storage facilities containing MANPADS. Lock and key procedures will be developed to ensure that no single individual can obtain unescorted or unobserved access to MANPADS storage facilities.

  2. Accountability.

    1. Each month, the benefitting country will take a 100% physical inventory of [insert items required to be inventoried], when applicable. A 100% physical inventory by serial number must be taken quarterly of MANPADS issued at the operational unit level. A 100% physical inventory by serial number must be taken semiannually of MANPADS stored or retained at installation, depot, post, or base level. To ensure verification, two people must conduct all inventories. MANPADS expended during peacetime will be accounted for by serial number.

    2. The Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be permitted to conduct a U.S. inspection and inventory of MANPADS by serial number annually. As appropriate, MANPADS are required to be inventoried annually by physical count. Inventory and accountability records maintained by the benefitting country will be made available for review.

  3. Transportation. Movements of MANPADS will meet U.S. standards for safeguarding classified material in transit as specified by the U.S. Government in DoD 5100.76-M (current revision), "Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Munitions, and Explosives" (standards of which will be provided to the benefitting country), and paragraph 8 below.

  4. Access to Hardware and Classified Information.

    1. Access to hardware and related classified information will be limited to military and civilian personnel of the benefitting country (except for authorized U.S. personnel as specified herein) who have the proper security clearance and who have an established need to know the information in order to perform their duties. Information released will be limited to that necessary to perform assigned responsibility and, where possible, will be oral or visual only.

    2. Maintenance that requires access to the interior of the MANPADS beyond that required of the operator, and maintenance or repair that requires access to the interior of the guidance assembly of MANPADS will be performed under U.S. control.

  5. Compromise, Loss, Theft, and Unauthorized Use. The benefitting country will report through the SCO and country team to the DoS by the most expeditious means any instances of compromise, unauthorized use, loss or theft of any MANPADS or related information. This will be followed by prompt investigation and the results of the investigation will be provided through the same channels.

  6. Third-Party Access. The recipient will agree that no information on MANPADS will be released to a third-country Government, person or other third-country entity without U.S. approval.

  7. Damaged/Expended Materiel. Damaged MANPADS will be returned to the U.S. Army for repair or demilitarization.

  8. Conditions of Shipment and Storage for MANPADS. Principal components (missiles and, as applicable, grip stocks or launchers) of the MANPADS and any other items requiring separate storage will be stored in at least two separate locations and will be shipped [insert how; e.g., in separate containers, separately]. The storage locations will be physically separated sufficiently so that a penetration of the security at one site will not place other sites at risk.

  9. Conditions of Use.

    1. The two principle components of the MANPADS and any other items may be brought together and assembled under the following circumstances:

      1. In the event of hostilities or imminent hostilities.

      2. For firing as part of regularly scheduled training; however, only those rounds to be fired will be withdrawn from storage and assembled.

      3. For lot testing; however, only rounds to be tested will be withdrawn from storage and assembled.

      4. When systems are deployed as part of the point defenses of high priority installations or activities (e.g., key Government buildings, military headquarters, essential utilities, air defense facilities).

    2. The benefitting country will advise the SCO in advance of any assembly of the various missile and any other items for the MANPADS for training or lot testing.

    3. The U.S. Government will be notified of deployments through the SCO."