Note Input Responsibility
Date Range Of Use
Note Usage

Include on relevant Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) and Amendments to indicate compliance status with the Targeting Infrastructure Policy, scope of which is outlined in Section C4.4.18. Only one of the notes should be included depending on coordination with the Implementing Agency Targeting Infrastructure Policy representative(s).

Note Text
  1. For partner requiring full ATD Case Development: "Delivery of munitions [or delivery system, as applicable] is expressly made contingent on the establishment of an appropriate targeting capability, consistent with U.S. policy."
  2. For partner with existing (or implemented case for) ATD capabilities AND munition (and weapon data) currently in inventory: "Purchaser has an appropriate targeting capability required for delivery of the munitions [or delivery system, as applicable] included in line(s) [XXX...], consistent with U.S. policy."
  3. For partner with existing (or implemented case for) ATD capabilities, BUT newly-introduced weapon (data update NOT included in LOA): "Data for Weaponeering and Collateral Damage Estimation (CDE), specific to [WEAPON X], is authorized for transfer, and shall be procured and delivered as an update to [COUNTRY X]'s existing targeting tool suite prior to delivery of [WEAPON X]." This assumes an ATD case exists to support an update, either as is or through an amendment to said case. This note also applies to purchasers with approved ATD capabilities, but who otherwise lack the weaponeering and CDE data of the weapon included in the subject case, regardless of whether or not said weapon is a new introduction to the purchaser's defense forces.
  4. For partner with existing (or implemented case for) ATD capabilities, BUT newly-introduced weapon (data update included in LOA): "Data for Weaponeering and Collateral Damage Estimation (CDE), specific to [WEAPON X], is included in Line XXX of this case, and shall be delivered as an update to [COUNTRY X]'s existing targeting tool suite prior to delivery of [WEAPON X]." This note also applies to purchasers with approved ATD capabilities, but who otherwise lack the weaponeering and CDE data of the weapon included in the subject case, regardless of whether or not said weapon is a new introduction to the purchaser's defense forces.