Appendix 8 - Section 332 - International and Regional Organizations Defense Institutional Capacity Building


Title 10
Title 22
SC or SA


Subject To BPC LOA


Program Duration


Program Authority Status


Program Area


Program Use


  • Advisory Services
  • Training
1. - Program Description

S332.1.1. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), with the concurrence of the Secretary of State (SECSTATE), may provide both resident and non-resident bi-lateral advisory services, including training and training support programs to ministries of defense (or security agencies serving a similar defense function or with security force oversight). Advisory services include providing institutional, ministerial-level advice, and other training in support of stabilization or post-conflict activities or assist in building core institutional capacity, competencies, and capabilities to manage defense-related processes. Programs must enhance civilian oversight; establish responsible defense governance and internal controls; assess and address weaknesses; or enhance overall ministerial, general, or joint staff or service-level core management competencies. Section 332 activities must receive concurrence from the SECSTATE and DoD approval through DSCA.

2. - Program Specific Guidance and Restrictions

S332.2.1. Advisory Services. Providing non-binding expert DoD advice to a partner to recommend potential solution(s) or options to improve the efficiency of a defense function. Advisory services may be provided through establishment of permanent advisor positions with the partner (under Section 332(a)) or through recurring visits by teams of subject matter experts (under Section 332(b)).

S332.2.2. See Appendix 8 Program S342 (Section 342) and Program S345 (Section 345) for further details on Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) authorities.

3. - Program Key Stakeholders

S332.3.1. Department of State. The Department of State (State) provides strategic foreign policy guidance for the execution of security sector reform (SSR). Coordination and concurrence with Secretary of States (SECSTATE) is required.

S332.3.2. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.

S332.3.2.1. Regional and Functional Offices. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSD(P)) Regional and Functional Offices provides oversight, guidance, and prioritization for Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) programming.

S332.3.2.2. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Partnerships The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Partnerships (DASD(GP)) validates requirements and approves resources via the Significant Security Cooperation Initiative SSCI process though the Security Cooperation Policy Executive Council (SCOPEC).

S332.3.2.3. Defense Security Cooperation Agency. DSCA directs, administers, and provides DoD-wide guidance for the execution of Section 332 programming.

S332. Office of Strategy, Plans, and Policy, Regional Planning and Program Design Directorate. DSCA (Office of Strategy, Plans, and Policy, Regional Planning and Program Design Directorate (SPP/RPPD)) assists geographic Combatant Commands (CCMDs) in developing full-spectrum security cooperation (SC) plans.

S332. Defense Security Cooperation University, Institutional Capacity Building Directorate. DSCA (Defense Security Cooperation University, Institutional Capacity Building Directorate (DSCU/ICBD)) manages the coordination of policy guidance, planning integration, resourcing, and reporting for Section 332 programs and implemented by the (Defense Security Cooperation University, Institute for Security Governance (DSCU/ISG)) and the Defense Security Cooperation University, Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DSCU/DIILS)) and others, providing relevant ICB subject matter expertise to support broader SC planning by the DSCA (SPP/RPPD) and geographic CCMDs, and designs ICB programs and Section 332 efforts.

S332. Institute for Security Governance. DSCU/ISG is the Defense Department’s Center of Excellence for ICB, a primary implementer for ICB, and the international schoolhouse for ICB. As the focal point for ICB execution, DSCU/ISG provides ICB analysis, planning support, program integration, methodology, and SC training support. DSCU/ISG implements ICB programming through long-term institutional advising efforts delivered via mobile, virtual, and resident (in-country or on-island) advising, and provides a reach back and coordination capability. DSCU/ISG’s international education efforts are provided via in-resident, mobile, and virtual courses with a foundation on security governance

S332. Defense Institute of International Legal Studies. DSCU/DIILS is the lead DoD security cooperation resource for global legal engagement and capacity-building with international defense sector officials through resident courses and mobile programs. DSCU/DIILS programs and activities include legal ICB advisory services and related legal education and training for partners. DSCU/DIILS also is the principal provider of training on the law of armed conflict, human rights and fundamental freedoms, rule of law and civilian control of the military that accompanies Building Partner Capacity (BPC) programs.

S332. Department of Defense Regional Centers. Regional Centers are designated by Congress as international venues for bilateral and multilateral research, communication, exchange of ideas, and training involving military and civilian participants, including non-defense personnel and personnel from non-governmental and international organizations. In this capacity, they provide executive-level academic programs, research projects, facilitated workshops, and advising activities. The Regional Centers’ authorizing statute prioritizes engagement in the areas of territorial and maritime security, transnational and asymmetric threats, and defense sector governance.

S332.3.3. Combatant Commands. The CCMDs Identifies and prioritizes requirements and integrates ICB into SC plans using a Full-Spectrum Approach.

S332.3.4. Defense Technology Security Administration. The Defense Technology Security Administration’s (DTSA’s) Cooperative Technology Security Programs engage partners to develop common standards of equivalent technology security policies, best practices, processes, and procedures that are codified, supported, and enforced by legal, regulatory, and bureaucratic structures and context. These efforts are aimed at preventing the unauthorized transfer, diversion, or misuse of advanced U.S. technologies and facilitating SC between the United States and partners.

4. - Program Planning

S332.4.1. Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) requirements implemented under Section 332 authority and using defense-wide Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funds appropriated for DSCA must be identified, validated, and prioritized as part of the annual Significant Security Cooperation Initiative (SSCI) planning process. The Office of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Partnerships (ODASD (GP)) conducts the SSCI planning and approval process in coordination with DSCA (Office of Strategy, Plans, and Policy, Regional Planning and Program Design Directorate (SPP/RPPD)).

5. - Program CN Requirements

S332.5.1. Notification to Congress 15 days before implementation is required before obligating funds for a Section in accordance with section 332(C), as well as when a Section 332 program is funded by DSCA’s International Security Cooperation Programs account.

6. - Program Execution

S332.6.1. Requesting implementers are authorized to use Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funds from DSCA’s International Security Cooperation Programs account for execution upon approval of a Significant Security Cooperation Initiative (SSCI) by Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSD(P)), Secretary of State (SECSTATE) concurrence, and completion of any required Congressional Notification (CN).

7. - Program Reporting Requirements
8. - Program Legislation and Authorities

Section 332 - Defense Institution Capacity Building




Fund Source
(DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA)



Funds Availability
Ends on September 30
Unless Otherwise Noted

Funds Cancel
on September 30


10 U.S.C. Sec. 332

Provide advisors or trainers and provide training and associated training support services to personnel of foreign ministries of defense, ministries with security force oversight, or regional organizations with security missions.

97 21/22 0100

P.L. 116-260 FY21

FY 2021/2022 (2-Year O&M)




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P.L. 116-260 FY21

FY 2021/2022 (2-Year OCO)




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P.L. 117-103 FY22

FY 2022/2023 (2-Year O&M)




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P.L. 117-103 FY22

FY 2022/2023 (2-Year O&M)




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P.L. 117-328 FY23

FY 2023/2024 (2-Year O&M)




97 XX/XX 0100

Yearly Appropriation Public Laws

FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M)

Fiscal year after appropriation authority

Five years after period of availability ends


9. - Program Additional Information