Appendix 8 - Coalition Readiness Support Program


Title 10
Title 22
SC or SA


Subject To BPC LOA


Program Duration


Program Authority Status


Program Area

44 approved countries, throughout three geographic Combatant Commands

Program Use


  • Equipment
  • Supplies
  • Training
1. - Program Description

CRSP.1.1. The Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) is a program funded by the appropriation for Coalition Support Funds (CSF) and may be used to provide specialized training, procure supplies and specialized equipment, and loan equipment on a non-reimbursable basis (due to the use of CSF) to coalition forces supporting U.S. military named operations.

2. - Program Specific Guidance and Restrictions

CRSP.2.1. Categories of Assistance. Under Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP), DoD may provide specialized training, procure supplies and specialized equipment, and loan equipment on a non-reimbursable basis to coalition forces supporting U.S. military operations.

CRSP.2.2. Specialized Training. CRSP provides specialized training to coalition forces that lack the tactical capabilities needed to operate successfully and safely in distinct combat environments. Examples of specialized training include entry control point training, heavy vehicle driver training, and counter-improvised explosive devices tactics. Specialized training does not include basic training or training required to achieve a new occupational specialty.

CRSP.2.3. Leahy Vetting. Leahy Vetting is required for security cooperation (SC) provided pursuant to Section 1233 of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (P.L. 110-181) as amended, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 362 (the “DoD Leahy Law”).

CRSP.2.4. Supplies. Supplies are expendable items permanently transferred to eligible coalition forces for effective and safe military operations. CRSP authorizes supplies for pre-deployment training and also during deployment. Examples include small arms ammunition, personal equipment, personal protective equipment, as well as other consumable or disposable items.

CRSP.2.5. Specialized Equipment. Specialized equipment is equipment loaned to eligible coalition forces to ensure effective and safe military operations. Specialized equipment may include, but is not limited to, radios, night vision devices, and force tracking devices. The maintenance and sustainment of the equipment is included in this category.

CRSP.2.6. Loaned Equipment. CRSP authorizes loans of equipment to coalition forces supporting U.S. military operations on a non-reimbursable basis.

CRSP.2.7. Eligibility. The provision of CRSP support is only available to coalition forces when the U.S. Central Command Commander verifies the support provided by the coalition forces supporting U.S. military named operations.

CRSP.2.8. Interim Accounting Solution. CRSP is subject to the interim Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Accounting Solution (see Section C15.3.1.1. for general guidance). DSCA (Office of International Operations, Global Capability Development Division (IOPS/GCD)) provides specialized training, specialized equipment, and supplies in coordination with Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)) validates the annual administrative program support costs and provides the approved levels to DSCA (Office of Business Operations (OBO)) for funds transfer.

3. - Program Key Stakeholders

CRSP.3.1. The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) oversees Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) in coordination with Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD(C)), prioritizes and coordinates future requirements for CRSP, and ensures fully justified requirements are submitted to the Office Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)) for inclusion in annual budget requests.

CRSP.3.2. Office Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). OUSD(C) reviews and ensures that documentation for use of CRSP is sufficient for approval, prepares reports for notifying and reporting to congress on the use of CRSP, and establishes and updates guidance on the use of CRSP.

CRSP.3.3. Commander, United States Central Command (Supported Combatant Commander). Commander, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) (Supported Combatant Commander (CCDR)) validates that the requested support to coalition forces is connected to U.S. military operations and is required for effective and safe deployment in support of the U.S. military operations. USCENTCOM forwards validation to OUSD(P), OUSD(C), and DSCA. USCENTCOM is responsible for accountability of leased equipment.

CRSP.3.4. Supporting Combatant Commander (Other Combatant Command). For coalition support originating from another Combatant Command (CCMD), the Supporting CCDR assesses and endorses the specialized training, supplies, and specialized equipment requirements of coalition forces from the requesting partners and forwards these assessments to the Commander, USCENTCOM.

CRSP.3.5. Defense Security Cooperation Agency. DSCA facilitates the Price and Availability (P&A) procurement data for specialized training, supplies, and specialized equipment through the Building Partner Capacity (BPC) case process. DSCA prepares and participates in responses to congressional inquiries, in support of OUSD(P) and OUSD(C). DSCA provides programmatic and financial management of CRSP requirements and reports status of funds executed in support of CRSP to the OUSD(C) by May 1 and October 1 of each year.

CRSP.3.6. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and Directors of Defense Agencies. Provide cost estimates of specialized training, specialized equipment, and/or supplies required for eligible coalition forces to the supported or supporting CCDR. When requested by DSCA, the Military Departments (MILDEPs) and Defense Agencies procure or provide the specialized training, supplies, and specialized equipment.

CRSP.3.7. The Secretary of State. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) must obtain concurrence of the Secretary of State (SECSTATE) in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), to reimburse key cooperating partners (other than Pakistan) for logistical, military, or other support provided to, or in connection with, U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in Iraq and Syria.

4. - Program Planning

CRSP.4.1. Guidance. Details on the approval processes for requesting Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) funding for specialized training, supplies, and specialized equipment is available in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSD(P)) CRSP Guidance, dated May 19, 2014.

CRSP.4.2. Requirements Development. The Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) and geographic Combatant Commands (CCMDs) develop training and specialized equipment requirements for the upcoming fiscal year (FY) in the January-March timeframe. CRSP training requirements are developed by the SCO, validated, and programmed at the Security Cooperation Education and Training Working Group (SCETWG) in March with the appropriate Implementing Agency (IA), Country Team personnel, and DSCA, prior to geographic CCMD endorsement and Congressional Notification (CN). During the SCETWG, DSCA synchronizes and consolidates total CRSP training requirements from the country teams and de-conflict or address training issues, as required. During the Price and Availability (P&A) development, as outlined in Chapter 5, DSCA and the appropriate IA ensure availability, releasability, and the ability to execute. During this time, the IAs comment on any concerns if specific equipment requested cannot be provided in the desired timeframe and recommend alternative solutions. DSCA coordinates proposed substitutions with the CCMDs and SCOs as required.

CRSP.4.3. Memoranda of Request. Supporting geographic CCMDs may submit requests for CRSP funds to OUSD(P) for prioritization, coordination, and submittal to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) for approval. The requests should use the Training and Equipment List (TEL) format, which can be provided by DSCA (Office of International Operations, Global Capability Division (IOPS/GCD)).

5. - Program CN Requirements

CRSP.5.1. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) must notify the congressional defense committees 15 days before making any reimbursement under the authority.

6. - Program Execution

CRSP.6.1. DSCA administers and provides program management and oversight for the Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) requirements for specialized training, specialized equipment, and supplies. DSCA coordinates with country teams and geographic Combatant Commands (CCMDs) on CRSP requirements.

CRSP.6.2. Requirements Execution. Following coordination on the Price and Availability (P&A) for equipment and training at the Security Cooperation Education and Training Working Group (SCETWG), DSCA submits the synchronized fiscal year CRSP requirements, along with supporting documentation, to Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)) for approval and Congressional Notification in August. Concurrently, DSCA tasks the Implementing Agencies (IAs) for case development of CRSP training programmed at the SCETWG. The geographic CCMDs begin coordinating Country Team Assessments (CTAs), geographic CCMD endorsements, and other disclosure actions as required to ensure releasability of equipment to the partner. Finally, DSCA ensures financial implementation of tasked equipment and training cases following the release of funds by the OUSD(C)’s office.

CRSP.6.3. Coordination. The DSCA CRSP Program Manager coordinates a quarterly teleconference to monitor training and delivery with DSCA (Office of International Operations (IOPS)) regional divisions, OUSD(C), geographic CCMDs, and appropriate Security Cooperation Organizations (SCOs). This synchronizes the community of interest’s tracking of on-going CRSP equipment and training requirements and associated issues for resolution.

7. - Program Reporting Requirements

CRSP.7.1. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) submits to the appropriate congressional committees on a quarterly basis a report on any reimbursements made under the authority during the preceding quarter.

CRSP.7.2. Foreign Military Training Report. All training conducted under the Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) is subject to inclusion in the annual Foreign Military Training Report (FMTR). See Section C10.21.2. for more information.

8. - Program Legislation and Authorities

Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP)




Fund Source
(DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA)


Funds Availability
Ends on September 30
Unless Otherwise Noted

Funds Cancel
on September 30


P.L. 110-252

Provide supplies, services, logistical support and non-reimbursable loan of equipment to certain coalition forces supporting military and stability operations in Iraq and Afghanistan

97 X 0100 FY08

P.L. 110-161 and
P.L. 110-252 FY08



P.L. 111-32

97 X 0100 FY09

P.L. 110-252 and
P.L 111-32 FY09

P.L. 111-84

97 X 0100 FY10

P.L. 111-118 FY10

P.L. 111-383

97 X 0100 FY11

P.L. 112-10 FY11


P.L. 112-81

Provide specialized training and procure supplies and specialized equipment; provide such supplies and loan such equipment on a non-reimbursable basis to coalition forces supporting U.S. military operations in Afghanistan

97 12/13 0100

P.L. 112-74 FY12




P.L. 112-239

97 13/14 0100

P.L. 113-6 FY13




P.L. 113-66

97 14/15 0100

P.L. 113-76 FY14




Section 1222

97 15/16 0100

P.L. 113-235 FY15




P.L. 114-92

Provide specialized training, supplies and loan equipment on a non-reimbursable basis to coalition forces supporting U.S. military stability operations in Afghanistan and to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

97 16/17 0100

P.L. 114-113 FY16




P.L. 114-92

97 17/18 0100

P.L. 115-31 FY17




P.L. 110-181, as amended by section 1212 of P.L. 115-91

97 18/19 0100

P.L. 115-141 FY18




Section 1233 of the FY 2008 NDAA (P.L. 110-181), as most recently amended by P.L. 116-92

97 19/20 0100

P.L. 115-245 FY19




97 20/21 0100

P.L. 116-93 FY20




Section 1233 of the FY 2008 NDAA (P.L. 110-181), as most recently amended by P.L. 116-283.

Provide supplies, services, and logistical support to coalition forces supporting U.S. military stability operations in Afghanistan and to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

97 21/22 0100

P.L. 116-260 FY21




Section 1233 of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as most recently 1 amended by P.L. 117-81)

Provide supplies, services, and logistical support to coalition forces supporting U.S. military operation to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

97 22/23 0100

P.L.117- 103 FY22



9. - Program Additional Information