Date Changes

June 20, 2023

  • DSCA Policy Memo 23-38, Contract Administration Services Waiver for the Ministry of Defense of Japan has been posted.

    Pursuant to Section 21h of the Arms Export Control Act, the President may waive charges for Government Quality Assurance (GQA) services under Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases if the foreign partner provides GQA services to the United States without charge on a reciprocal basis in accordance with an agreement. The Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of Japan concluded such an agreement on April 17, 2023. Effective immediately, the Contract Administration Services Quality Assurance and Inspection (QA&I) surcharge for all new FMS cases implemented for the Ministry of Defense of Japan on or after April 17, 2023, are to be waived.

    This memo adds Japan to Table C9.T5. Approved Reciprocal Country Agreement Listing.