1. Update all bracketed text and delete brackets.
    1. If bracketed text begins with “SELECT,” choose only one of the provided options and delete the others.
    2. Suggested language is provided throughout the document. Confirm statements are true prior to submitting the document to DSCA. If a statement is not true, do not use it.
  2. The Implementing Agency (IA) cover memo should be marked as Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) (using the Operations Security (OPSEC) category) unless a higher classification applies. Do not mark the IA cover memo “PRE-DECISIONAL,” since this is a signed document from the IA to DSCA. If any information in this document is CUI or classified independent of the pre-notification handling process, update the header, footer, and portion markings, and submit to DSCA on the appropriate system.
  3. Delete this section (including line break) before submitting.





ATTN: DSCA (Office of International Operations, Global Execution Directorate (IOPS/GEX))

FROM: (U) [Sending Office and Address]

SUBJECT: (U) Arms Export Control Act (AECA), [SELECT: Section 36(b)(1) Notification OR Section 36(b)(5)(A) Report OR Section 36(b)(5)(C) Notification], for case [insert case ID]


  1. (U) The following supporting data is provided in accordance with the SAMM Chapter 5:
    1. (U) Prospective Purchaser: [Country OR International Organization]
    2. (U) Purchaser’s Reference(s), Letter of Request (LOR) Date(s), and LOR Receipt Date(s): [LOR number(s), LOR date(s), and service receipt date(s)].
    3. (U) Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Designator(s): [XX-X-XXX | Note: Provide the country specific case designator; do not use a BPC case designator unless submitting a classified or DSCA/State designated sensitive congressional notification (CN) package].
    4. (U) AECA, Section 36(b)(1) Transmittal Number: [XX-XX | Note: This bullet only applies to 36(b)(5)(A) and 36(b)(5)(C) packages - provide the transmittal number from the original Section 36(b)(1) notification being amended and any other previous Section 36(b)(5)(A) and 36(b)(5)(C) notifications to the original Section 36(b)(1) notification. If this cover memo is for a Section 36(b)(1) notification, delete this bullet].
    5. (U) Delivery Timeframe: [## - ## months post-case implementation OR Fiscal Year (FY)## - FY## | Note: Provide an estimated delivery timeline for major end items/services associated with this notification. Include quarter and calendar or fiscal year, when possible].
    6. (U) Technology Disclosure Approvals: All defense articles and/or services listed in this transmittal have been authorized for release and export to [purchaser]. [Note: Confirm this statement is true, including required Technology Security/Foreign Disclosure (TSFD), Communication Security (COMSEC), and/or Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) approvals].
    7. (U) Priority Processing Request: [Note: Only include this bullet if requesting expedited processing. See Section C5. for further information on required information].
  2. (U) Point(s) of contact (POCs): [Note: Include name, title, email address, and phone number. Recommend including at least one alternate].


[Signatory and signature block] 
Note: Should be signed at the general officer/
flag officer/Senior Executive Service level



(U) Attachments: [Note: If an attachment is not required, delete it from the list. If an attachment is classified, provide the attachment on Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) concurrent with the unclassified package submission to DSCA. Note the classification of the attachments in the list].

  1. (U) Transmittal document [Note: All CN packages must include a transmittal document].
  2. (U) Policy Justification [Note: A Policy Justification document is only required for Section 36(b)(1) CNs. The Policy Justification may be submitted in the same Word document as the transmittal document].
  3. (U) Sensitivity of Technology [Note: A Sensitivity of Technology annex is only required for Section 36(b)(1) CNs for all Major Defense Equipment (MDE) and any non-MDE article or service that is sensitive or classified. The Sensitivity of Technology annex may be submitted in the same Word document as the transmittal document].
  4. (U) Original Section 36(b)(1) transmittal and any related Section 36(b)(5) (A or C) amendments. This only applies to Section 36(b)(5) (A or C) amendments.
  5. (U) Country Team Assessment (CTA) [Note: See Section C5.1.4. to determine if a CTA is required].
  6. (U) Combatant command (CCMD) Endorsement [Note: If the CCMD endorsement is embedded within the CTA, a separate attachment is not required. See Section C5.1.4. and Section C5.5.5.4. to determine if a CCMD endorsement is required].
  7. (U) Letter(s) of Request (LOR) [Note: All CN packages must include an LOR. For Section 36(b)(5)(A) and 36(b)(5)(C) packages, attach the LOR with the request requiring amendment or re-notification, not the LOR associated with the original Section 36(b)(1) notification].