This policy memo has been superseded by DSCA 06-25.
Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
(International Affairs)
Department of the Army
Director, Navy International Programs Office
Department of the Navy
Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force (International Affairs)
Department of the Air Force
Director, Defense Logistics Agency
Director, Defense Contract Management Agency
Director, National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency
Deputy Director For Security Assistance,
Defense Finance and Accounting Service -- Denver Center
Information to Accompany Foreign Military Sales Cases with Manpower Lines (DSCA 01-05)
- DSCA memo I-00/009518 dated 7 Aug 2000, same subject (DSCA 00-12)
Reference memo provided the requirements for documenting manpower costs related to LOA documents submitted to DSCA for countersignature. That memo stated an effective date of 11 Sep 2000 for case managers to submit henceforth the "LOA Manpower and Travel Data Sheet" (copy attached) as part of the LOA document package sent to DSCA. However, to ensure these new requirements were effectively transmitted throughout the entire LOA document preparation community, DSCA was not routinely rejecting LOA document packages even if that report per se was not furnished as long as sufficient detail validating the manpower charges appeared in that package. (For example, DSCA oftentimes received the entire manpower proposal.)
This memorandum is a reminder that the "LOA Manpower and Travel Data Sheet" in the format prescribed per referenced memo is due along with the LOA. Starting 1 Mar 2001, this report must be part of the overall package being reviewed for LOA documents involving manpower. Omitting this report with the LOA document may delay countersignature. Please encourage LOA writers/point of contact to include on the LOA document their name, phone number and e-mail address to expedite any communications with DSCA that may be required. (This latter point applies to all LOA documents, not just those containing manpower.)
Types of LOA documents containing manpower lines for which the "LOA Manpower and Travel Data Sheet" is required:
- Basic LOAs: all
- Amendments: all (whether increase or decrease in scope)
- Modifications: all cost increases (but not cost decreases or no change in amounts)
Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, the DSCA point of contact is Mr. David Rude, Financial Policy Team Chief, phone 703/604-6569 (DSN prefix 664), mailto:
James A. McQuality
Attachment: - LOA Manpower and Travel Data Sheet
Grade/ Rank/ Contractor
Line Item on LOA
Man years of Effort
Duration (From/To)
Total Salary
Purpose of Trip
CONUS or In-Country?
Line Item on LOA
Number of Trips for this Purpose
Duration of Each Trip
Number of People for Each Trip
Total Cost
Narrative Description: (Use this section to describe the life of any Program Management Lines (PMLs) in relation to the delivery schedule of the item(s). Provide the number of months of PML support beyond final delivery and any supporting information.)
Personnel Support Costs (i.e., office space, equipment, furniture, communications, supplies, etc.)
Type of Support
Total Cost
- Narrative Description: (Use this section to describe the life of any Program Management Lines (PMLs) in relation to the delivery schedule of the item(s). Provide the number of months of PML support beyond final delivery and any supporting information.)
- Additional Comments:
- Point of Contact for Further Information Regarding Manpower on this Case: (Name, organization, phone number, e-mail address)