Appendix 8 - Section 345 - Irregular Warfare Center and Regional Defense Fellowship Program


Title 10
Title 22
SC or SA


Subject To BPC LOA


Program Duration


Program Authority Status


Program Area


Program Use


  • Training
1. - Program Description

S345.1.1. The Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP) is designed to address key challenges globally, regionally, and with specific partners through a tailored program of education and training activities. Permanently authorized by 10 U.S.C. 345, the RDFP provides a unique and flexible tool to focus efforts toward building partner capacity to meet a specific Combatant Command (CCMD) objective.

S345.1.2. The DoD established the RDFP to meet the requirements to build partnerships in the struggle against violent extremism through targeted, non-lethal, Counterterrorism (CT) education and training. The RDFP directly supports DoD efforts by providing CT education and training for mid-to-senior-level international military officers, ministry of defense civilians, and security officials. The RDFP provides unique relationship and capacity-building opportunities that enable partners to address threats of terrorism within their borders and regions and strengthens collaboration with and support for U.S. and partner efforts to defeat terrorism. Beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, RDFP added Irregular Warfare (IW) training and education into its curriculum.

S345.1.3. The RDFP will be used as a DoD security cooperation (SC) tool that directly supports U.S. and DoD CT, and IW activities, unified action with partners, theater security cooperation objectives, and OSD priorities. The program develops unique and specific engagement, integrated with other tools of national power, and IW and CT education and institution-building opportunities with partners that emphasize non-military means and military-to-military cooperation to address instability and reduce the demand for significant U.S. force commitments. Security force assistance is an important tool of national security and defense policy and is an integral element of the DoD mission.

S345.1.4. The RDFP will:

  • Develop and strengthen the institutional IW and CT capacity of key defense and security officials of partners through strategic-and-operational-level education and training for understanding the methodologies and ideologies of terrorists and the mix of direct and indirect ways and means to counter them.
  • Counter global and regional ideological support for terrorism and violent extremism.
  • Harmonize global views, while emphasizing regional considerations, about the threat of terrorism and its evolution.
  • Enable mutual understanding of IW and CT and counter-insurgency doctrine, outlook, and best practices.
  • Build and strengthen a global network of IW and CT experts and practitioners committed to participation in support of U.S. efforts against terrorists and terrorist organizations.
2. - Program Specific Guidance and Restrictions

S345.2.1. Regional Defense Fellowship Program Requirements. All participants must:

S345.2.1.1. Be vetted for human rights abuses, as required by 10 U.S.C. 362 (Leahy vetting).

S345.2.1.2. Currently hold positions as partner military officers, ministry of defense officials, or partner government security officials.

S345.2.1.3. A prerequisite for Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP) funding for an educational activity is that the event will provide unique irregular warfare (IW) and counterterrorism (CT) education, as identified by a Combatant Commander (CCDR) and approved by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism (DASD (IWCT)).

S345.2.2. Permissible Use of Funds. The RDFP may pay for all execution costs associated with providing education, including but not limited to cost areas shown in Table S345.T1.

Table S345.T1. - Permissible Use of Regional Defense Fellowship Program Funds

Permissible Use

  • Contractor instructor support,
  • Facility rental,
  • Participant costs for travel and food,
  • English language training (ELT) as a pre-requisite for participation in IW/CT training,
  • Course curriculum development, and
  • Program management (e.g., translation, printing).

S345.2.2.1. Light refreshments may be provided during instruction if such refreshments are necessary to accomplish the RDFP training objective. Justification depends on the specific facts and circumstances of the training activity. Consult DSCA, Front Office, the Office of General Counsel (FO/OGC) in these particular circumstances.

S345.2.2.2. RDFP funds may be used to purchase books and training materials if these materials are required for specific IW and CT education and training. In the case of language instruction, RDFP funds may be used to enable the attendance of specific students who have been scheduled to attend a RDFP course. For such students, the RDFP may purchase materials (e.g., books, audio tapes, quiz kits, and laboratory activity texts) for use by the students scheduled to attend IW/CT education and training. RDFP funds may not be used to establish an English Language Lab in a partner as a means to increase the pool of partner personnel that could be eligible to potentially attend a RDFP education and training programs.

S345.2.3. Authority to Use Funds. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), funds appropriated to the DoD may be used to pay any costs associated with the education and training of partner military officers, ministry of defense officials, or security officials at military or civilian educational institutions, regional centers, conferences, seminars, or other training programs conducted under the RDFP.

S345.2.4. Costs for which payment may be made under this section include the costs of transportation and travel and subsistence costs.

S345.2.4.1. Cross-Fiscal Year Authority. Amounts available for RDFP activities may be used for programs that begin in the current fiscal year but end in the next fiscal year.

S345.2.5. Restrictions.

S345.2.5.1. Limitation. The total amount of funds used under the RDFP authority in any fiscal year may not exceed $35,000,000.

S345.2.5.2. As a matter of policy, pursuant to DoD Instruction (DoDI) 2000.28, RDFP activities are not authorized as a means to conduct lethal training, joint combat exercises, or other types of combat training. Other training authorities are used to provide such training.

S345.2.5.3. RDFP funds must not be used for areas listed in Table S345.T2.

Table S345.T2. – Regional Defense Fellowship Program Fund Restrictions

Fund Restrictions

  • For equipping,
  • For construction, including procuring equipment to be used for construction,
  • For social events or receptions,
  • For any purchase of DoD property needed for RDFP training that exceeds the investment-item unit-cost ceiling for Operations and Maintenance appropriations, currently $250,000, and
  • For participation costs of USG officials unless they are required administrators or instructors for executing RDFP courses or training events.
3. - Program Key Stakeholders

S345.3.1. Security Cooperation Organization. Work with the partner to align Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP) efforts with Combatant Command (CCMD) priorities.

S345.3.2. Combatant Commands. Provide partner training and project priorities related to Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Irregular Warfare Counterterrorism (DASD (IWCT)) for consideration in the development of the annual RDFP budget-allocation process. Develop annual RDFP execution plans in their areas of responsibility consistent with DASD (IWCT) annual policy and budget guidance, including a description of how this fellowship will develop specific networks and relationships between U.S. Special Operations Forces officers and their host partner counterparts. Such guidance will be provided prior to the Security Cooperation Education and Training Working Group (SCETWG) sessions.

S345.3.3. Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. Pursuant to DoD Instruction (DoDI) 2000.28, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC)) serves as the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) on RDFP matters. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD (SO/LIC)) delegates responsibilities to Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism (ODASD (IWCT)):

S345.3.4. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism. ODASD (IWCT) provides direction to the CCMDs on the execution of the RDFP Program. ODASD (IWCT), and in coordination with the Director, DSCA, and the Office of the General Counsel of the DoD, approves each proposed RDFP education and training course or event, and the candidates for participation in such course or event. ODASD (IWCT) assesses program outputs and outcomes. In collaboration with DSCA, ODASD (IWCT) prepares and submits an annual RDFP report to Congress.

S345.3.4.1. ODASD (IWCT) delegated responsibilities include:

  • Sets RDFP program goals and objectives.
  • Develops an annual RDFP plan, budget, and reviews to ensure approved assistance and selection of participants aligns to priorities with RDFP program goals and objectives.
  • Ensures that RDFP guidance is synchronized with DoD security cooperation (SC) activities.
  • Ensures that RDFP guidance is consistent and synchronized with DoD policy guidance and priorities.
  • Complies with all resource allocation policies and laws in preparation of reprogramming actions in support of the annual RDFP plan and budget.
  • Approves funding reallocating actions within the RDFP budget.
  • Represents RDFP in DoD policy and interagency groups and establishes interagency relationships and initiatives in support of IW/CT education and training.
  • To the extent possible, integrates RDFP guidance and priorities with priorities of other security force assistance and unified action programs.

S345.3.5. Defense Security Cooperation Agency. Director, DSCA, provides administrative and financial support in the execution of the RDFP program:

  • In coordination with the ODASD (IWCT), ensures that RDFP matters are represented at the DoD Regional Centers (RCs), DoD schools, and the CCMDs.
  • Assists the ODASD (IWCT) in the execution of procedures for the selection and training of DoD personnel for participation in RDFP-funded activities.
  • Communicates directly with DoD Component heads on RDFP matters over which DSCA has responsibility.
  • Assists the OASD (SO/LIC) with the integration of the RDFP into the security force assistance and unified action activities of the CCMDs consistent with DASD (IWCT) program goals and objectives.
  • Manages the budget execution for all RDFP-funded activities.
  • Develops methods for building an IW/CT network among DoD partners (other government agencies, partners, intergovernmental organizations, etc.).
  • Provides the ODASD (IWCT) a quarterly program review on RDFP execution, including a view of the next quarter’s scheduled events and travel schedule.
  • Integrates, as practical, RDFP activities with other SC unified action programs.
  • Develops, reviews, authorizes, and manages dispersal and use of RDFP budget materials and allocates resources, as directed by the ODASD (IWCT).
  • Works collaboratively with the ODASD (IWCT) to ensure that RDFP funds are obligated in compliance with applicable guidance.
  • Executes financial management in coordination with IWCT, of the RDFP and ensure RDFP financial accountability.
  • Manages the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) supporting RDFP contracts.
  • Collects data and supports the ODASD (IWCT) in the assessment of program outputs and outcomes.
  • Captures appropriate student and partner data necessary for the ODASD (IWCT) and prepares the annual RDFP report to Congress, as well as the RDFP data portion of the annual Foreign Military Training Report to Congress.

S345.3.6. Military Departments. The Secretaries of the Military Departments (MILDEPS), the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), and the Directors of DoD RCs, through their respective security assistance training activities, notify, administer, execute, and provide financial support for all RDFP-related activities, as needed.

4. - Program Planning

S345.4.1. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism (ODASD (IWCT)) develops an annual Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP) plan, budget, and review to ensure priorities align with RDFP program goals and objectives. A resource allocation plan is prepared to support the annual budget, and funding is reallocated within the budget.

5. - Program CN Requirements

S345.5.1. A notification to Congress of proposed Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP) activities is not required by 10 U.S.C. 345.

6. - Program Execution

S345.6.1. All Section 345-funded training must follow the training policies and execution procedures required in Chapter 10.

7. - Program Reporting Requirements

S345.7.1. Annual Report. No later than December 1 of each year, the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) will submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the administration of this section during the fiscal year ended in such year. The report will include the following matters:

S345.1.1.1. A complete accounting of the expenditure of appropriated funds for purposes authorized under Table S345.T1., including:

  • The partners of the partner officers and officials for whom costs were paid;
  • For each such partner, the total amount of the costs paid.

S345.1.1.2. The training courses attended by the partner officers and officials, including a specification of which, if any, courses were conducted in the partner’s territory.

S345.1.1.3. An assessment of the effectiveness of the program referred to in Section S345.1.1., including engagement activities for program alumni, in increasing the cooperation of the governments of partners with the United States in the global war on terrorism.

S345.1.1.4. A discussion of any actions being taken to improve the program, including a list of any unfunded or unmet training requirements and requests.

S345.1.1.5. A discussion and justification of how the program fits within the theater security priorities of each of the commanders of the Combatant Commands (CCMDs).

S345.1.1.6. A discussion of how the training from the previous year incorporated lessons learned from ongoing conflicts. See 10 U.S.C. 345(e )(6).


S345.7.2.1. In order to ensure that DoD realizes sufficient return on investment of the Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP), DSCA, in coordination with Security Cooperation Organizations (SCOs), will assess the effectiveness of the RDFP by determining the level of increasing cooperation of governments of partners with the United States in the National Strategy for Counterterrorism.

S345.7.2.2. The SCOs will report to DSCA the results of seminars, courses, and workshops through an annual review of the expansion of the Irregular Warfare and Counterterrorism network, the number of returning students to RDFP-sponsored events, and an evaluation of RDFP alumni in subsequent assignments, including training events, operations, activities with other members of the network, and their successful attempts to counter ideological support for terrorism and violent extremism.

S345.7.2.3. This assessment will be included in the annual report to Congress and used by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC)) to inform actions taken to improve the program.

S345.7.3. Foreign Military Training Report. All training conducted under Section 345 is subject to inclusion in the annual Foreign Military Training Report (FMTR). See Section C10.21.2. for more information.

8. - Program Legislation and Authorities

Section 345 - Irregular Warfare Center and Regional Defense Fellowship Program (S345)



10 U.S.C. 345

Irregular Warfare Center and Regional Defense Fellowship Program

9. - Program Additional Information