Status marks and comments are displayed at the top of every policy memo on the SAMM to indicate which guidance is current. The four main status marks are “Incorporated,” “Active,” “Superseded,” and “Rescinded.” Explanations for each are below. DSCA continually validates and updates the status of memos posted to the SAMM, and publishes changes in the quarterly administrative memos.
Denotes that policy changes from this SAMM E-Change memo have been incorporated into the SAMM.
For incorporated memos, the SAMM is to be referenced instead of this policy memo, as the E-Change provided in the memo may later be updated by SAMM admin or other spot changes (hyperlinks, P.L./U.S.C updates, etc.) that will not be reflected in the original memo text.
Policy changes from this SAMM E-Change memo have been incorporated into the SAMM.
Denotes that there is current/relevant policy/guidance in this memo. For Active memos that include both an E-Change and additional policy/implementation guidance, comments will be added to reflect the status of the E-Change and any attachments.
Example 1:
There are no SAMM Changes as a result of this Policy Memo.
Interim policy/implementation guidance in Attachment A is Active.
Example 2:
Policy changes from this SAMM E-Change memo have been incorporated into the SAMM.
Guidance in Attachment B is Active.
Denotes that the policy/guidance has been superseded by a more recent policy memo. This policy memo is not to be referenced as current. A note will typically be present linking to the memo that superseded it.
This policy memo has been superseded by DSCA YY-##.
Denotes that the policy/guidance provided by this memo is no longer relevant. This policy memo is not to be referenced as current. A note will typically be present showing the memo that rescinded it or a reason why the guidance has expired.
This policy memo has been rescinded by DSCA YY-##.
Additional comments/references will be provided in the memo status where applicable. These comments are intended to provide additional useful information associated with the memo such as links to any referenced memos, links to the memos that superseded/rescinded the policy guidance, updated U.S.C./P.L. references, and notes on where the SAMM sections are now found.
Policy changes from this SAMM E-Change memo have been incorporated into the SAMM.
Implementation guidance in Attachment B is Active.
Memo references DSCA YY-##.
Public Law (P.L.) references in the E-Change shown below are out of date. See P.L. YY-##.