This policy memo has been superseded by the 2003 SAMM Rewrite.
Deputy Under Secretary Of The Army (International Affairs)
Department Of The Army
Commander, U.S. Army Security Assistance Command
Director, Navy International Programs Office
Department of the Navy
Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force (International Affairs)
Department of the Air Force
Consideration of Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs) in Computation of FMS Case Travel Costs (DSCA 00-15)
As you know, the SAO community supports a wide range of functions important to the successful execution of Security Cooperation programs. On occasion, their responsibilities include travel associated with a specific country's entire SC/FMS program. SAO travel can also entail dedicated support of an individual FMS case or family of related cases.
In general, SAO travel is funded via the T-20 account, which is subsidized through DSCA's annual allocation of administrative funds to the appropriate Unified Command. However, for those instances where the Implementing Agency has determined the SAO is performing a unique and vital role in support of a specific FMS case or group of associated cases, it can be appropriate for a travel-related FMS case line to pay for the SAO's travel and per diem costs. It is therefore necessary that the IAs, when determining the appropriate estimated value of individual case lines involving travel, include travel and per diem costs for the SAOs as necessary to execute those missions deemed by the IAs to be unique and vital. This consideration includes, but is not limited to, the case milestone plan that may incorporate envisioned Program Management Reviews (PMRs). On a related note: the salaries of SAO personnel are not to be funded from FMS case lines; only travel and per diem costs are to be considered when/if appropriate.
This guidance will be reiterated in forthcoming documents from DSCA, to include the FMS Review policy. It also complements the intent of DSCA's 7 August 2000 memorandum regarding case manpower documentation requirements, and a manpower matrix (delineating the proper accounting of manpower-related charges) to be published in the near future.
Please ensure that this guidance is disseminated throughout the LOA preparation and case management community. The DSCA point of contact is Mr. David Rude, Financial Policy Team Chief, telephone 703/604-6569, fax 703/604-6538,
James A. McQuality