This policy memo has been superseded by DSCA 05-22.
Deputy Under Secretary of the Army (International Affairs)
Department of the Army
Director, Navy International Programs Office
Department of the Navy
Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force (International Affairs)
Department of the Air Force
Director, Defense Logistics Agency
Director, National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Director, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Director, Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency
Director, Defense Logistics Information Service
Deputy Director for Security Assistance, Defense Finance and Accounting Service -- Denver Center
Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Note Regarding Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures (DSCA 00-16)
- DSCA Memorandum, 16 May 2000, Statement of Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) (DSCA 00-07)
Referenced memorandum forwarded OUSD(AT&L) guidance requiring that AT measures be implemented in Foreign Military Sales programs and Direct Commercial Sales to ensure the protection of selected critical technologies in U.S. weapon systems. It also directed that AT measures be addressed in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA).
The MILDEPs have requested that we specify the exact wording that should be included in the LOAs. The following interim change to the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) provides generic language for a new note to be included in all LOAs for materiel sales (not applicable to services LOAs).
Add paragraph 70105.L.14 as follows:
"70105.L.14 Anti-Tamper (AT) Measures. The following note should be included in all LOAs for materiel (not applicable to services LOAs). The United States Government (USG) may incorporate Anti-Tamper (AT) protection into weapon systems and components. The AT protection will not impact operations, maintenance, or logistics provided that all terms delineated in the system technical documentation are followed." |
This guidance is effective immediately for all new cases and will be included in the Defense Acquisition Deskbook version of the SAMM as E-Change 18. Questions regarding this matter should be directed to Beth Baker (703) 604-6612/DSN 664-6612, e-mail:
Tome H. Walters, Jr.
Lieutenant General, USAF