Policy changes from this SAMM E-Change memo have been incorporated into the SAMM.

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-2800
Defense Security Cooperation Agency Policy Memorandum 25-12, Use of Air Transportation for DoD Humanitarian Assistance [SAMM E-Change 738]
This memorandum revises Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Sections C12.3.7. and C12.7.4., to provide instructions and procedures for combatant command (CCMD) use of assigned air assets to move Humanitarian Assistance (HA) cargo, pursuant to Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 4515.13 (Change 7), Air Transportation.
In accordance with DoDI 4515.13, Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) have authority to use assigned air assets to transport DoD cargo, including cargo funded with DoD Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA) funds, and to transport non-government-owned humanitarian cargo (ref DoDI 4515.13 Table 4, lines 18, 25, and 31). Allowable cargo includes OHDACA-funded supplies and equipment in support of approved DoD Humanitarian Assistance pursuant to Section 2561 of Title 10, U.S.C., or in support of approved DoD foreign disaster relief pursuant Section 404 of Title 10, U.S.C.; and humanitarian supplies from nongovernmental sources that has been approved by DSCA in accordance with Chapter 12 of the SAMM.
Revised language in Section C12.3.7. provides guidance on the required procedures for the use of OHDACA funds for air transportation of OHDACA-funded project supplies and equipment. Revised language in Section C12.7.4. updates and clarifies the process for DoD Humanitarian Assistance Transportation Programs (HATPs) shipments as it is currently managed within the new HATP website (; provides requirements for CCMD coordination and reporting if the CCMD elects to use air transportation authorities provided in DoDI 4515.13; and implements the Funded Transportation Program (FTP) Trusted Donor program. The policy in the attachment is incorporated into the DSCA SAMM at
DoD Humanitarian Assistance is implemented by each of the geographic Combatant Commands; therefore, this policy was coordinated with Joint Staff rather than the Military Departments.
If you have questions concerning this guidance, please contact DSCA (Office of International Operations, Global Execution Directorate, Humanitarian Assistance and Demining Division (IOPS/GEX/HDD)) Please reference the DSCA Policy Number and Memo Subject. For general questions about the SAMM, please contact DSCA (Office of Strategy, Plans, and Policy, Execution Policy and Analysis Directorate (SPP/EPA)) at
David Ferrari
Assistant Director
Strategy, Plans, and Policy
SAMM E-Change 738
Security Assistance Management Manual E-Change 738
Use of Air Transportation for DoD Humanitarian Assistance
Update Section C12.3.7. as follows:
C12.3.7. Procurement of Equipment and Supplies. Equipment and supplies may be procured in support of an HA or HMA project. See Section C12.3.9.8. for guidance on procurement of specialized HMA equipment and supplies.
C12.3.7. Procurement of Equipment and Supplies. Equipment and supplies may be procured in support of an HA or HMA project. See Section C12.3.9.8. for guidance on procurement of specialized HMA equipment and supplies.
Revise Section C12.3.7.5. as follows:
C12.3.7.5. Shipment and Delivery. CCMDs will consider shipment logistics, timelines, customs processing, in-transit staging (if needed), and final delivery at the project location when planning the project.
C12.3.7.5. Shipment and Delivery. CCMDs will consider shipment logistics, timelines, customs processing, in-transit staging (if needed), and final delivery of the equipment and supplies (referred to as cargo when being shipped (see Section C12.7.4.)) to at the project location when planning and estimating costs of the project. All costs to transport cargo to further the execution of a project pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 407, 2557, and 2561 must be included in the project's overall cost. HA cargo in support of a DSCA-approved project may be shipped by the vendor, via surface transportation, or via airlift and should be shipped via the most cost-effective means. For transportation of disaster relief cargo in support of an approved DoD FDR activity pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 404 or 2561, see Section C12.8.7.3.
C12. Vendor-Provided Transportation of Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid -Procured Cargo. CCMDs may arrange for the vendor to transport and deliver the OHDACA-procured cargo to the assisted partner via air or surface transportation as part of the material procurement contract.
C12. Surface Transportation of Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid -Procured Cargo. If vendor-provided shipping is not available or more costly, CCMDs may arrange for surface transportation of OHDACA-procured cargo.
C12. Airlift of Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid-Procured Cargo. For transportation of HA supplies and equipment, CCMDs should use the lowest-cost transportation modes available. Absent DSCA prior approval, DoD airlift of OHDACA-procured cargo is limited to SECDEF-approved FDR activities (see Section C12.8.). The CCMD must obtain DSCA prior approval for DoD airlift of HA cargo outside of the context of a SECDEF assigned FDR mission regardless of whether the DoD transportation will be accomplished on an aircraft assigned or allocated to the CCMD (consistent with DoDI 4515.13, para 12.3) or on a United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)-procured air asset such as USTRANSCOM's Global Heavyweight Services (GHS) contract. CCMD requests to utilize DoD airlift for HA project execution should be rare and limited to only those occasions that are clearly justified by the circumstances. CCMDs may request DSCA approval to use OHDACA funds for DoD airlift of HA cargo via a project nomination that explicitly states the CCMD's intent to execute the project using DoD-provided airlift. The nomination must include information to establish that the cost of DoD airlift will not exceed the value of the HA cargo and that the DoD airlift will be less expensive than surface transportation; or that the more costly use of DoD airlift transportation is necessary to further a significant national security interest. CCMD-approved MCP projects are not authorized to use OHDACA-funded DoD airlift. If a CCMD desires to use DoD airlift to transport HA cargo whose value falls within the MCP approval threshold, the CCMD must seek DSCA approval by submitting an HA project nomination rather than submitting an MCP.
C12. Proposals to use DoD Airlift. For any HA project that proposes to use DoD airlift for transport of OHDACA-funded cargo, CCMDs will ensure the PSF explicitly states the CCMD intent to use DoD-provided airlift and identify the DoD component or USTRANSCOM contract which will provide the airlift. CCMDs will also upload the following documentation as part of the project nomination: (1) a worksheet that (i) estimates the total project cost for the DoD airlift, (ii) explains the methodology relied upon to estimate DoD airlift costs, and (iii) includes a cost comparison of the estimated cost of proposed DoD airlift to the estimated cost for surface transportation; (2) and a cargo manifest with item quantities and estimated cost to procure the HA cargo; (3) if the proposed cost for use of DoD airlift exceeds the value of the transported HA cargo or is more expensive than surface transportation, the CCMD must provide a memorandum that includes a compelling justification that establishes why utilizing the more costly mode of transportation is necessary to further a significant national security interest. If due to changed circumstances, a CCMD seeks to use OHDACA funds for DoD airlift of HA cargo to support an ABS-reviewed or an approved project which does not explicitly identify the use of DoD-provided airlift, the CCMD will revise the PSF transportation details and cost, upload the documents listed above, and obtain DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) concurrence by sending a project coordination task to DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) or nominating the project in OHASIS. DSCA will review the request to ensure all required documentation is uploaded, the cost analysis and justification is complete, use of airlift does not conflict with SECDEF FDR authority. DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) obtains Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Partnerships review of requests to fund military airlift.
C12. Payment for DoD Airlift. For DSCA-approved use of OHDACA funds for DoD airlift, the CCMD may provide OHDACA funds directly to the appropriate air transportation Service or the CCMD may provide funds to DSCA for placement on a transportation account code (TAC) to pay for cargo space on a non-dedicated DoD airlift mission or to pay for the entire cost of a dedicated DoD airlift mission. The CCMD is responsible for coordinating and tracking DoD airlift of OHDACA cargo and for ensuring that the final project cost accurately reflects actual transportation costs.
Revise Section C12.7.4. as follows:
C12.7.4. Process. The U.S.-based donor will register for an account at the HA Transportation program website. A flow chart depicting the application process is in Figure C12.F10. Donors may not have more than one open application in the HATP system at any given time. If a donor submits more than one application, DSCA will postpone processing of the second application until completion or closure of the first application.
Figure C12.F10. Humanitarian Assistance Transportation Programs
Note, no changes are being made to the figure by this memo.C12.7.4.1. Prepare Documentation and Identify Consignee. The donor will prepare all required supporting documentation and identify a recipient NGO in the PN or a PN government official as the recipient, who will also serve as the consignee of the shipment. The consignee must be qualified to receive and distribute the donated cargo, in accordance with guidelines issued by the USG. Cargo cannot be received by the U.S. Embassy in country or by a military or paramilitary organization.
C12.7.4.2. Application Submittal and Review. The donor will submit an application for shipment on the HATP website and upload all necessary supporting documentation. DSCA reviews the application and supporting documentation to ensure compliance with guidelines and verifies that resources are available to support the request.
C12.7.4.3. Coordination. DSCA coordinates each HATP application with the CCMD, USAID, and State. Coordinators review and register their concurrence for each shipment within the HA Transportation website (non-account-holders can do so by following the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) provided in the coordination e-mail). If a negative reply is not received from the CCMD within five working days, DSCA will assume CCMD concurrence. The USAID Mil-Civ Coordinator (MC2) at the U.S. Embassy reviews each proposed shipment and verifies that the recipient NGO or PN government entity is eligible and prepared to receive the donations.
C12.7.4.4. Application Approval. Applications are approved or disapproved by DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD). Application approval only indicates that the cargo described in the application is acceptable to the USG and appropriate for the government of the destination country. It is not a guarantee that transportation will be provided. Donors cannot make changes to an application once it is submitted, including adding new items to the inventory or increasing weight.
C12.7.4.5. Scheduling Transportation. DSCA determines which of the HATP will be used to support each approved shipment.
C12.7.4.6. Donor Prepares Cargo for Shipment. Guidelines for cargo preparation are available on the HATP website. In most cases, the donor will be instructed to deliver Denton cargo to a military POE in the United States. When funded transportation has been arranged, the contracted carrier will typically deliver shipping containers to the donor warehouse for loading.
C12.7.4.7. Inspections. DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) will not certify cargo for quality or serviceability but does inspect the cargo to the extent necessary to assure transportability and safety. Changes cannot be made to the application inventory once submitted for approval. All cargo should be in like-new condition. Items may not be added after inspection.
C12. Denton Cargo Inspection. All cargo listed on the approved application inventory must be located at a single location before DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) arranges an inspection of the cargo. Cargo will be inspected by an authorized USG representative, after which the cargo may be shrink-wrapped or otherwise sealed.
C12. Funded Transportation Program Cargo Inspection. All cargo listed on the application inventory should be located at a single warehouse location before DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) arranges an inspection of the cargo. DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) arranges for shipping containers to be delivered to the donor's warehouse, and whenever possible, cargo should be staged in a warehouse where standard loading operations are conducted (i.e. with availability of loading dock and parking area for trucks). Cargo will be inspected by an authorized USG representative while the donor loads the container. The containers are labeled by the donor and sealed by the inspector. Cargo may not be wrapped in shrink-wrap material until all inspections have been completed.
C12.7.4.8. Shipment. Transportation using DoD assets is frequently arranged in coordination with scheduled military movements. Funded transportation may be arranged through military assets or commercially contracted carriers.
C12.7.4.9. Delivery and Equipment Receipt. The donor and the consignee must make arrangements to receive the shipment upon its arrival at the port or final destination.
C12.7.4.10. After Action Report. An AAR must be completed by the donor and uploaded to the HATP website once the donated items have been delivered to their destination address. Failure to complete this AR will render the donor ineligible for future HATP participation.
C12.7.4. Process. The U.S.-based donor must will register for an account at the HA Transportation program website: Once registered, donors may submit individual applications for HATP shipment. Figure C12.F10. depicts the application process. Donors may not have more than one open application in the HATP system at any given time (with the exception of Trusted Donors using FTP, see Section C12.7.4.10.). If a donor submits more than one application, DSCA will postpone processing of the second application until completion or closure of the first application.
Figure C12.F10. Humanitarian Assistance Transportation Programs
Note, no changes are being made to the figure by this memo.C12.7.4.1. Prepare Documentation and Identify Consignee. The donor will prepare all required supporting documentation and identify a recipient NGO located in the benefitting partner's country (or a partner government official) as the recipient, who will also serve as the consignee of the shipment. The consignee must be qualified to receive and distribute the donated cargo, in accordance with guidelines issued by the USG. Absent prior DSCA approval, cargo cannot be received by the U.S. Embassy in country or by a partner nation military or paramilitary organization.
C12.7.4.2. Application Submittal and Review. The donor will submit an application for cargo shipment on the HATP website and upload all necessary supporting documentation. DSCA reviews the application and supporting documentation to ensure compliance with guidelines and verifies that resources are available to support the request. Donors cannot add new items to the inventory, increase shipment weight, or make other changes to an application after it is submitted.
C12.7.4.3. Coordination. DSCA coordinates each HATP application with the CCMD, USAID, and State. Coordinators review and register their concurrence for each shipment within the HA Transportation website (non-account-holders can do so by following the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) provided in the coordination e-mail). CCMDs should consult with the Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the partner country prior to providing their coordination response. If a negative reply is not received from the CCMD within five working days, DSCA will assume CCMD concurrence. The USAID Mil-Civ Coordinator (MC2) at the U.S. Embassy reviews each proposed shipment and verifies that the recipient NGO or PN government entity is eligible and prepared to receive the donations.
C12.7.4.4. Application Approval. Applications are approved or disapproved by DSCA (Office of International Operations, Global Execution Directorate, Humanitarian Assistance and Demining Division (IOPS/GEX/HDD)). Application approval only indicates that the cargo and recipient entity described in the application complies with DoD legal and policy guidance applicable to 10 U.S.C. 402 and 2561 activities. Approval and appropriate for the government of the destination country. It is not a guarantee that requested DoD transportation will be provided. Donors cannot make changes to an application once it is submitted, including adding new items to the inventory or increasing weight.
C12.7.4.5. Scheduling Transportation. DSCA determines which of the HATP will be used to support each approved shipment. DSCA will determine whether to seek space-available military transportation or whether to fund commercial surface transportation for each approved shipment. If space-available transportation is not feasible, and subject to the availability of OHDACA funds, DoD may provide commercial surface shipment under the FTP. If, for any reason, DSCA is unable to schedule or provide transportation of approved cargo, DSCA will inform the donor of the need to retrieve the cargo.
C12.7.4.6. Donor Prepares Cargo for Inspection and Shipment. All cargo listed on the approved application inventory must be available at a single location. DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) will arrange a cargo inspection to assure compliance with program requirements, transportability, and safety. DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) does not certify cargo for quality or serviceability. Donors are responsible for ensuring that cargo is in serviceable condition. Items may not be added to the cargo inventory after inspection. Detailed guidelines for donor cargo preparation are available on the HATP website. In most cases, the donor will be instructed to deliver Denton cargo to a military POE in the United States. When funded transportation has been arranged, the contracted carrier will typically deliver shipping containers to the donor warehouse for loading.
C12.7.4.7. Inspections. DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) will not certify cargo for quality or serviceability but does inspect the cargo to the extent necessary to assure transportability and safety. Changes cannot be made to the application inventory once submitted for approval. All cargo should be in like-new condition. Items may not be added after inspection.
C12. Denton Cargo InspectionSpace Available Cargo (Formerly Called Denton Cargo). All cargo listed on the approved application inventory must be located at a single location before DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) arranges an inspection of the cargo. Cargo is inspected by a DSCA-arranged USG representative, after which the cargo may be shrink-wrapped or otherwise sealed. The donor will receive instructions to deliver cargo to a U.S. military point of embarkation (POE) following inspection.
C12. Funded Transportation Program Cargo Inspection. All cargo listed on the application inventory should be located at a single warehouse location before DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) arranges an inspection of the cargo. DSCA (IOPS/GEX/HDD) arranges for shipping containers to be delivered to the donor's warehouse, and w Whenever possible, cargo should be staged in a U.S. warehouse where standard loading operations are conducted (i.e. with availability of loading dock and parking area for trucks). The donor will be responsible for loading HA cargo into the DoD provided shipping container. Cargo is inspected by a DSCA-arranged USG representative while the donor loads the container. The container is labeled by the donor and sealed by the inspector. Cargo may not be wrapped in shrink-wrap material until all inspections have been completed.
C12.7.4.78. Cargo Movement Shipment. Transportation using DoD assets is frequently arranged in coordination with scheduled military movements. Funded transportation may be arranged through military assets or commercially contracted carriers.
C12. DSCA coordinates with USTRANSCOM/J3 (space-available operations office) to facilitate space-available/opportune transportation of approved donor cargo on scheduled and unscheduled movements of DoD organic or contracted assets throughout the Defense Transportation System (DTS), in accordance with DTR 4500.9-R, Part III Mobility, Appendix G. USTRANSCOM/J3 provides guidance to/advises the donor on cargo preparation and documentation for approved cargo; estimates the number of cargo pallet positions, weight, and cube required to move all cargo; and generates documents with the assigned cargo Transportation Control Number (TCN). USTRANSCOM/J3 also coordinates transportation movement legs with DoD entities; arranges cargo clearance with the U.S. Embassy; confirms receipt of the cargo in the destination country with the donor; and provides movement details to DSCA in support of mandatory congressional reporting. A CCMD may elect to provide space-available/opportune movement of approved donor cargo on aircraft assigned or allocated to the CCMD in accordance with DODI 4515.13 after DSCA has reviewed, inspected, and approved the donor cargo for movement. The CCMD must notify DSCA of available airlift missions, obtain the TCN and cargo clearance from USTRANSCOM/J3, and provide confirmation to DSCA and USTRANSCOM/J3 that all cargo has been received by the Consignee following movement. CCMDs shall refer potential donors to the HATP website to submit their application for consideration as early as possible (
C12. If space available/opportunity airlift is not available, DSCA arranges surface transportation of approved donor cargo under the FTP by contracting movement with a commercial carrier.
C12.7.4.89. Cargo Delivery and Supplies and Equipment Receipt. The donor and the consignee must make arrangements to receive the shipment upon its delivery to the port or final destination. Supplies and equipment cannot be received by the U.S. Embassy or by a military or paramilitary organization in country; however, these entities may assist with cargo distribution.
C12.7.4.910. After Action Report. An AAR must be completed by the donor and uploaded to the HATP website once the donated items have been delivered to their destination address. Failure to complete this AR will render the donor ineligible for future HATP participation. The donor must complete an AAR on the HATP website immediately after the donated supplies and equipment have been delivered to the destination address. The HATP application will remain open in the HATP system until the AAR has been completed.
C12.7.4.10. Trusted Donor. An NGO donor that demonstrates full compliance with HATP program requirements through completion of at least three (3) FTP shipments and has been responsive to all DoD requests is a Trusted Donor. This includes NGO provision of accurate supply and equipment inventories, timely provision of shipping documentation, cooperation with inspection and transportation schedules, prompt receipt and distribution of supplies and equipment in the destination country, and prompt submittal of each AAR. A Trusted Donor may have up to three FTP shipment applications open at a given time. A Trusted Donor who subsequently fails to comply with HATP program guidelines or does not responsibly perform requirements upon arrival of the cargo in the destination country will lose their Trusted Donor status.