Appendix 8 - Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund
Section 1209 P.L. 113-291, as amended
Iraq, including Kurdish and tribal security forces, or other local security forces fighting Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in Iraq and Syria
- Equipment
- Facility Repair
- Infrastructure Repair
- Logistics Support
- Services
- Stipends
- Supplies
- Sustainment
- Training
CTEF.1.1. The Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL)/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Train and Equip Fund (CTEF) consolidates previously disparate and temporary operational support programs focused on border security in association with efforts to defeat ISIS. The consolidation of these funds enhances the ability of the United States to support Benefitting Partners associated with the Government of Iraq’s response to crises and transnational threats, as well as operations that support U.S. interests. The consolidation of these authorities and the creation of a dedicated funding source allows for strengthening border security adjacent to conflict areas, force protection of U.S. and Benefitting Partner forces, and regional security. This capability helps allies and partners degrade the flow of hostile fighters, foreign fighters fleeing back to their homeland, and illicit weapons, as well as narcotics and other forms of smuggling. Funding addresses urgent and emergent operational support requirements of allies and partners working to stem ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and global operations of other violent extremist organizations.
CTEF.2.1. Recipient forces must be appropriately vetted by the Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) or DoD title 10 forces forward in support of either Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) or Combined Special Operations Task Force - Levant (CSOTF-L) to assess for association with terrorist groups or groups associated with the government of Iran and must commit to promote the respect for human rights and the rule of law prior to providing assistance.
CTEF.2.2. Leahy Vetting. Leahy vetting is required for security cooperation (SC) provided pursuant to the Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund (CTEF) program, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 362 (the “DoD Leahy Law”).
CTEF.2.3. Other Partner Contributions. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) may accept and retain contributions, including assistance in-kind, from other governments, including the Government of Iraq, and other entities to carry out this assistance program for Iraq.
CTEF.2.4. Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund Plan Elements. The associated plan includes a description of the below prior to providing CTEF assistance:
- The goals and objectives of CTEF assistance.
- The concept of operations, timelines, and types of training, equipment, stipends, sustainment, and supplies to be provided.
- The roles and contributions of Benefitting Partners.
- The number and role of U.S. Armed Forces personnel involved.
- Any additional military support and sustainment activities.
CTEF.2.5. Restrictions. Pursuant to Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 215.101-2-70 (a)(2)(iii), the use of lowest price technically acceptable source selection criteria is avoided for the acquisition of knowledge-based training or logistics services in contingency operations or other operations outside the United States, including Iraq.
CTEF.2.6. Notice before Provision of Assistance. No more than 25 percent of the appropriated funds may be obligated or expended until the 15-day Congressional Notification (CN) is complete.
CTEF.2.7. End Use Monitoring. End Use Monitoring (EUM) may be waived with a report to Congress by SECDEF that such provisions would prohibit, restrict, delay, or otherwise limit assistance.
CTEF.2.8. Program Management. Program management functions cannot be funded with CTEF appropriations. The Military Department (MILDEP) Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funding must be used to fund the program management functions. (Reference: Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD(C)) Memo: July 13, 2018, Budget Policy on use of DoD Component Operating Funds in Support of Foreign Security Forces).
CTEF.2.9. Building Partner Capacity Interim Accounting Solution. CTEF is subject to the interim Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Accounting Solution for Fiscal Year (FY)23 appropriations and before (see Section C15-Legacy.3.2. for general guidance (for FY24 and later appropriations, see Chapter 15)). Implementing Agencies (IAs) work with Army Budget Office (ABO) to determine the funds distribution mechanism for administrative program support costs (e.g. Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs)) for the CTEF program. Each IA develops a program-wide support case with a line for transportation and packing, crating, and handling (PC&H) costs. Prior to submitting a draft memorandum of request (MOR) for the case, each IA assesses the required funding per line and submits to the ABO program manager. The ABO program manager reviews and consolidates the MOR to United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) for endorsement. Upon concurrence, IAs initiate drafting the BPC Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA).
CTEF.3.1. The key organizations involved in the Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund (CTEF) include:
CTEF.3.1.1. Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve and Combined Special Operations Joint Task - Levant. Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) and Combined Special Operations Joint Task - Levant (CSOTF-L) are the designated requesting authority. CJTF-OIR and CSOTF-L provide memoranda of request (MOR), justification for the purchase, legal review, and chain of command approval.
CTEF.3.1.2. Office of Security Cooperation - Iraq. The Office of Security Cooperation - Iraq supports deliveries to the partner and sustainment post-delivery.
CTEF.3.1.3. Commander, United States Central Command. United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) endorses and sends the MOR to DSCA. The CENTCOM Commander can delegate authority to Deputy Commander, the CENTCOM J5, or the Commander of the Syria-Iraq Train and Equip Cell (SITEC) - the appropriate approver is identified by dollar value of the case.
CTEF.3.1.4. Defense Security Cooperation Agency. DSCA (Office of International Operations, Regional Execution Directorate, CENTCOM Division (IOPS/REX/CCOM)) serves as the DSCA Program Manager and works with the Implementing Agencies (IAs).
CTEF.3.1.5. Department of State. The Department of State (State) approves the Justification Book (J-Book). Prior to submitting the J-Book to Congress, State has 14 days to rebut, if not it is submitted to Congress. State provides routine approval of the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA). Consistent with the October 2017 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Defense and State regarding coordination of CTEF efforts, Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) provides State with details on CTEF-funded activities in the form of a Financial and Activity Plan (FAP). The FAP is the process currently used by DoD, with the concurrence of State, to notify congressional defense committees of the details of proposed obligations. DoD has adopted the same process to meet the statutory notification requirements applicable to the CTEF.
CTEF.3.1.6. Implementing Agencies. IAs review the Memorandum of Request (MOR) during feasibility review and Price and Availability (P&A) response. Executes all requirements for the MOR.
CTEF.4.1. Memorandum of Request. Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) and Combined Special Operations Task Force - Levant (CSOTF-L) identify the program requirements and create the initial memorandum of request (MOR) for United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) endorsement. USCENTOM submits MORs to DSCA. The MOR for the Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund (CTEF) consists of four elements and provides each element in the form of a letter: an MOR that lists all requirements, a justification for the purchase, a legal review, and a chain of command approval.
Figure CTEF.F1. - Memorandum Of Request Approval Letter
[DATE] [OFFICE] SUBJECT: Memorandum of Request (MOR) [MOR NUMBER] to establish a Foreign Military Sales case to support [SUMMARY OF THIS MOR].
CTEF.5.1. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), in coordination with the Secretary of State (SECSTATE), submits to the appropriate congressional committees, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader, in unclassified form with a classified annex as appropriate, that contains the following elements:
- The plan for providing assistance,
- Identification of forces designated to receive such assistance, and
- The plan for re-training and re-building such forces.
- The President must also submit to the appropriate congressional committees and Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader a report, in unclassified form with a classified annex as appropriate that contains a description of how such assistance supports a larger regional strategy.
CTEF.6.1. Funds Distribution. After the 15-day period, Army Budget Office (ABO) or Assistant Secretary of the Army Financial Management & Comptroller releases Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund (CTEF) funding to DSCA for obligation.
CTEF.6.2. DSCA and the security cooperation (SC) community use Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) case development and execution procedures outlined in Chapter 15 (for fiscal year (FY)23 appropriations and before, see Section C15-Legacy.3.2.) for the management of any defense articles and services provided using CTEF. DSCA administers the requirements for BPC LOAs for execution by tasking the applicable Implementing Agency (IA), normally the Military Departments (MILDEPs). The Country Portfolio Director (CPD) in DSCA (Office of International Operations, Regional Execution Directorate, CENTCOM Division (IOPS/REX/CCOM)) is the DSCA point of contact.
CTEF.7.1. Quarterly Progress Report. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), in coordination with the Secretary of State (SECSTATE), will submit a progress report to the appropriate congressional committees, based on the most recent quarterly information, to include an assessment of the following:
- The extent to which any forces associated with Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have been incorporated into the Iraqi Security Forces.
- Any instances in which forces associated with the IRGC have acquired U.S.-provided equipment and training.
- The extent to which U.S.-provided equipment is controlled by unauthorized units, determined by vetting required in subsection (e) of section 1236 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. “Buck” McKeon National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015, or is not accounted for by the Government of Iraq. This includes a list of major end items provided to the Government of Iraq that are controlled by unauthorized forces or unaccounted for.
- Actions taken by the Government of Iraq to repossess U.S.-provided equipment from unauthorized forces.
- The means by which the U.S. Armed Forces shares operational information with the Iraqi Security Forces and a description of any known instances in which any forces associated with the IRGC have gained unauthorized access to such operational information.
CTEF.7.2. Foreign Military Training Report. All training conducted under the Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Levant/Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund (CTEF) is subject to inclusion in the annual Foreign Military Training Report (FMTR). See Section C10.21.2. for more information.
Program Code | Program Authority | Purpose | Fund Source (DoD or FAA Sec 632(b) MOA) | Appropriation Authority | Appropriation Account | Funds Availability Ends on September 30 Unless Otherwise Noted | Funds Cancel on September 30 |
3T and Z5 (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 114-328 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to foreign forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 114-328 and P.L. 115-31. | 21 17/18 2099 | - | 2018 | 2023 | |
3U (Syria) | |||||||
7N (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 115-91 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to foreign forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-31 and P.L. 115-91. | 21 18/19 2099 | - | 2019 | 2024 | |
7T (Syria) | |||||||
QI (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 115-232. | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to foreign forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-245 and P.L. 115-232. | 21 19/20 2099 | - | 2020 | 2025 | |
QH (Syria) | |||||||
CK (Iraq) | P.L. 113-291, as amended by P.L. 115-91 and P.L. 115-232. | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to military and other security forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-91 | 21 20/21 2099 | - | 2021 | 2026 | |
CL (Syria) | |||||||
EW (Syria) | P.L. 113-291, as amended most recently by P.L. 116-283 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to military and other security forces as described in P.L. 113-291 and as amended by P.L. 115-91 and P.L. 116-283 (the FY 2021 NDAA). | 21 21/22 2099 | - | 2022 | 2027 | |
QM (Iraq) | |||||||
EJ (Syria) | P.L. 113-291 as amended most recently by P.L. 117-81 | To provide assistance to meet urgent operational or force protection requirements and sustainment, to military and other security forces as described in P.L. 113-291, as amended | 21 22/23 2099 | - | 2023 | 2028 | |
QY (Iraq) | |||||||
QV (Iraq) | 21 23/24 2099 | - | 2024 | 2029 | |||
EL (Syria) | |||||||
UW (Iraq) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | ||
21 24/25 2099 | FY24/25 (Two-Year O&M) | 2025 | 2030 | ||||
21 25/26 2099 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | ||||
UX (Iraq) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | ||
VW (Syria) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends | ||
21 24/25 2099 | FY24/25 (Two-Year O&M) | 2025 | 2030 | ||||
21 25/26 2099 | FY25/26 (Two-Year O&M) | 2026 | 2031 | ||||
VX (Syria) | 21 XX/XX 2099 | Yearly Appropriation Public Laws | FYXX/XX (Two-Year O&M) | Fiscal year after appropriation authority | Five fiscal years after period of availability ends |
CTEF.9.1. N/A