Inhibitor Code

Inhibitor Type

Inhibitor Description

Estimated Timeframe for Clearing Inhibitor


Requires Payment

Identifies cases where the DIFS total delivered cost is greater than total collections in the Case Control Summary record and the responsibility for collection action is transferred to DSCA (Business Operations Directorate, Country Financial Management Division)

Upon receipt of the "Billed yet still Undercollected Cases" report from DFAS Indianapolis, initiate immediate collection action with the customer or realign funds, when appropriate. Follow up every 30 days until payment is received. After two follow up actions, elevate to senior management, when appropriate.


Deliveries are not balanced

Identifies cases where the certified delivery costs and the DIFS case control articles and services delivered values are out-of-balance. This code is automatically assigned by the CCCI subsystem. The imbalance must be resolved, or it may be bypassed under prescribed bypass conditions.

90 days; If IA can input disbursing/delivery transaction to fix, it can take 90 days to make it through IA system to DIFS and clear FK History.



Identifies cases where closure action is complete



Awaiting DSCA Determination

Identifies Canceled cases (zero value certificate) awaiting DSCA determination of cancellation fee assessment.

Provide determination response to DFAS Indianapolis within 3 business days


Closure action is suspended pending review of below-the-line administrative or accessorial delivered values.

Identifies cases where closure action is suspended pending review of below-the-line administrative or accessorial delivered values.

30 days to allow for at least 2 performance cycles and wait for FK history to update at the end of month


Fund realignment required

Identifies cases where some fund realignment e.g., FRB is required.

30 days; Drawdowns done monthly from Federal Reserve Bank (FRB).


Closure suspended per customer request

Identifies case is ready for closure, but closure is suspended per the customer request.

5 days from time IA has customer confirmation.



Identifies cases which have cleared all systemic CCCI edit criteria and are ready for closure pending final review by DFAS Indianapolis

30 days or less


DIFS Internal

This code will not appear on the CCCI Inquiry screen or on any CCCI reports. It only appears in the CCCI master file and means that the closure certificate records have been deleted from the inventory.



Identifies cases implemented after 1 April 1977 where the DIFS FK History articles/services delivered cost is out-of-balance with the certified delivery cost.

Identifies cases implemented after 1 April 1977 where the DIFS FK History articles/services delivered cost is out-of-balance with the certified delivery cost. The imbalance must be resolved or may be bypassed under prescribed bypass conditions.

30-60 days


Requires Payment

This code identifies cases where the DIFS total delivered cost is greater than total collections in the Case Control Summary record.

90 days before assigning an Inhibitor of 'A' and turning the case over to DSCA for collection or realignment of funds to liquidate the shortfall.


Out of balance condition may require IA action

Identifies out of balance conditions requiring the cancellation of the closure certificate

Should occur within 5 business days. Closure Certificate returned to IA for further action


Unliquidated progress payments

Identifies un-liquidated progress payments on the case. The DLVR-SEC21-LIQplus the DLVR-SEC22-LIQ values in the DIFS Case Control does not equal the PRG-PMT-RPT in the DIFS Case Control. This code cannot be bypassed. However, for ULO cases, if the difference equals the ULO-REQD value, the 'Q' inhibitor code is not assigned.

45 days. Allows for two performance cycles, if still there move to 'O'. Requires coordination with IA's and DSCA. DFAS Indianapolis performs CU transaction to clear inhibitor, if the inhibitor does not clear, requires coordination with IA.


Disbursements out of balance

This code identifies those cases where the DIFS total Disbursements in the Cash Summary Master File do not equal the Total Delivered Cost in the case control subsystem. This code cannot be bypassed. However, for ULO cases, if the difference between total deliveries and total disbursements equals the ULO-REQD value, the "S" inhibitor code is not assigned.

45 days. Allows for two performance cycles, if still there move to "O". Requires coordination with IA's and DSCA.


Certifying activity will provide an updated certificate

The certifying activity has promised to provide DFAS Indianapolis with a revised certificate.

IA/DFAS Indianapolis Case Reconciliation and Closure Branch (Navy) should submit a new certificate within 10 business days or the certificate should be cancelled.


DFAS Indianapolis Country Management Accounting Branch reopened case for internal reasons

Indicates the case was reopened for internal DFAS Indianapolis reasons. Generally used for below-the line administrative and accessorial delivered value adjustments, etc. In most cases, the case can be re-closed using the same closure certificate.

30-60 days


Reopened Case

A reopened case. This code is automatically assigned by the inventory system when the DIFS Case Control status changes from "C" to "I". This code is intended to be temporary in nature and normally is replaced by either CCCI status "V", "O", or "X".

IA should cancel closure certificate or recertify for closure within 90 days


Canceled Certificate

This code means that the closure certificate has been canceled via an IA initiated 'C4I' transaction. A new closure certificate and 'C1I' must be submitted to reactivate the closure process.



Open Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR)

Indicates a case certified for closure has an outstanding SDR that requires action.

IA should cancel closure certificate or recertify for closure within 90 days