

November 21, 2023

  • DSCA Policy Memo 23-67, Use of Supplemental Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Funding has been posted.

    This memorandum implements a recommendation provided by the Inspector General (IG) within the referenced audit of U.S. Southern Command's use of reprogrammed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Funding. The IG recommended that the DSCA Director require geographic combatant commands that receive reprogrammed funds with a limited and defined funding purpose to submit changes that alter the funding source of an approved humanitarian assistance project for review and approval by appropriate stakeholders to ensure that anticipated project changes are justified and comply with Federal laws and DoD policies and procedures.

    This memo adds Section C12.6.9. Use of Supplemental OHDACA Funding with a Narrower Fiscal Purpose to Chapter 12.