

June 15-21, 2012

  • DSCA Policy Memo 12-35 NATO Agencies Reform has been posted.

    Effective July 1, 2012, the NATO Maintenance and Supply Organization (NAMSO), the Central European Pipeline Management Organization (CEPMO), and NATO Airlift Management Organization (NAMO) and their respective executive agencies, including the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA), will be subsumed into the NATO Supply Organization (NSPO) and a new executive agency, the NATO Supply Agency (NSPA). Portions of the former charters will be retained to allow continuation of legislatively defined cost waivers as the applicable U.S. law currently identifies NAMSO and NAMSA by name.

    Implementing Agencies should be aware of the change to NSPA but should respond to Letters of Request from NSPA using the Security Cooperation Customer Codes (SCC Codes) and names currently assigned to NAMSA programs in Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Table C4.T2C. DSCA will issue a policy memo to revise and reassign SCC Codes to reflect the new organization when the necessary legislative and regulatory changes have been made.

    There are no SAMM changes as a result of this memo.

  • Administrative updates to Chapter 3, Chapter 9, and Chapter 15.