Instructions for Preparing the MASL Request Form

The purpose of this Instruction Sheet is to provide information required for each block of the Military Articles and Services List (MASL) Request Form. All IA MASL fields (top portion of this document) must be filled-in (If applicable). When finished, email the MASL Request Form to your organization’s MASL Point of Contact (POC). Incorrect or duplicate MASLs may be returned.



Request Date

Select from the dropdown calendar the date you are submitting the MASL request.

MASL Request Type

Select from the dropdown menu Routine or Urgent. Routine MASL requests are those that will be processed in no more than 10 business days and Urgent requests will be processed in no more than 2 business days. Exceptions may apply.

Verification Date

Select from the dropdown calendar the date the Nonrecurring Cost (NC) information was verified with DSCA.

MDE NC Information

  1. NC Value (or Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) if not Major Defense Equipment (MDE)): Insert the NC information found in SAMM Appendix 1 that has already been established for the defense article on the MASL Request Form (if applicable). For a list of Non-recoupment charges for MDE see
  2. NC Approval Effective Date: Insert the NC Approval Effective Date (if known)
  3. NC Estimate Value: Insert the NC Estimate value (if applicable)


The MASL number is used to establish, update or change a MASL. Provide the thirteen-character string that follows the three-character generic code. It may consist of a National Stock Number (NSN) of an item (if known). e.g. F1K 1005000566753. Otherwise, create a number using the Generic Code, FSG or FSC of an item and any alpha characters to complete the string. e.g. G5Y 1340-00-000-M152. Remember: Use the number zero”0’ instead of the alpha character “o”- and the number ‘1” instead of the alpha character “I’ otherwise, the MASL will not upload in DSAMS. Where possible, establish your MASL with an NSN first.

MASL Description

Describe the defense article or service being sold from the broadest category to narrowest category. Each MASL must follow the naming conventions established in page 5, paragraph 1.3, of the MASL handbook.

LOA Worthy Description

Describe the defense article or service being sold from the broadest category to narrowest category. The Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Worthy Description is text that shall be printed on the LOA document.

SAMM Appendix 2: Transportation Look- Up Table

Insert the current Transportation Cost Look-up table amounts for Delivery Term Code (DTC) 8 or 9 for the defense article on the MASL Request Form (if applicable). For a list of the amounts for these DTCs see Costs are updated annually.

MASL Information

  • Action Code: Use dropdown menu to indicate the code that applies to the request, e.g. Add (For a New MASL), Change (For Existing MASL), Re-activate (For an in-active MASL), De-activate (For a MASL no longer needed) or Delete (For MASL never used) in the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS). When de-activating a MASL use the “YY” FootCode.
  • Generic Code: Insert the three-character code assigned to each item in the MASL to categorize articles, services, and training for Congressional reporting purposes. For a list of these codes see
  • SME/MDE: Insert the Significant Military Equipment (S) or MDE (Y) designator for the defense article. Use dropdown to indicate whether defense article is SME/MDE or NON-SME/MDE
  • Current – Added/Revised MASL Number: Provide the thirteen-character string that follows the three- character generic code that consists of a NSN of an item (if known). The MASL number is used to establish, update or change a MASL e.g. F1K 1005000566753

Unit Of Issue (U/I)

The Unit of Issue is a two-letter designation that indicates the count, measurement, container or form of an item of supply. It is the minimum quantity of the item that may be ordered. Use the dropdown menu to select the unit of issue. For a list of Units of Issue see the DSCU Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) and Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD) Handbook for Security Cooperation.

Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

MTCR is an informal international political arrangement designed to control the proliferation of rocket and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) (and their associated equipment/technology) capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction. Use dropdown menu to indicate whether the defense article is MTCR or Non-MTCR.

Significant Category Code (SCC)

Used to place items in specialized categories in order to differentiate between the actual system and services or spare parts for that system.

End Use Monitoring (EUM)

This section is required for all defense articles and services provided via government-to-government programs. SCO personnel are required to observe and report to the Combatant Command (CCMD), DSCA, and State any potential misuse or unapproved transfer of U.S.-origin defense articles. For information regarding Routine EUM See SAMM C8.3.1. For Enhanced End Use Monitoring (EEUM) see SAMM C8.4.1. Use the dropdown menu to select the Routine or Enhanced EUM Codes.

Communications Security (COMSEC)

This section is for secure telecommunication or information system cryptographic components that are the primary COMSEC devices or products used for transmission security. COMSEC devices are designated Controlled Cryptographic Items (CCI). When using this form, use the dropdown menu to indicate Yes or No if the defense article is COMSEC. All COMSEC equipment and defense articles that contain non-removable COMSEC equipment are EEUM-designated items.

Routing Identifier Code (RIC)

A three-digit code used in Implementing Agency (IA) and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) supply publications - defines a specific supply and distribution organization and its address. The first digit of the RIC indicates the supplying agency of the item programmed. The second and third digits of the RIC are selected by the agency preparing and submitting the MASL input to the system and may or may not correspond to pertinent RIC used in the system. The code used for the first digit is as follows: (A, B, or W= Army), (M, N or P= Navy), (S= OSD), (D or F= Air Force) (Y= Department of State). For a list of RICs see the DSCU MILSTRIP and MAPAD Handbook for Security Cooperation

International Traffic In Arms (ITAR)

This section is for the United States Munitions List International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) Part 121 classification designator code. Use the dropdown menu to select the ITAR classification designator code. If unsure of the category your article falls under, the designator code can be found on the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls website at the Department of State Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) or in the MASL handbook

Footnote Code

Used in the MASL to provide significant information on availability of military articles and services. Can be a 1 or 2 position code. IAs are responsible for the assignment of footnote codes, where applicable, to all lines under their cognizance. Use the dropdown menu to select the Footnote Code. For a list of footnote codes see the MASL handbook

SAMM Appendix 1 and Appendix 4

For a list of NC Recoupment Charges for MDE see the SAMM Appendix 1. For a list of Generic Codes, see the SAMM Appendix 4.

IA Remarks

When filling out this section ensure you provide an overall brief description of the item and what it will serve and describe:

  1. What system is the item associated with?
  2. What will it be used for?
  3. What is the delivery mechanism (i.e. CD, Technical Manuals, Email, etc.)?
  4. Is it country specific?

IA Contact Info:


Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)

This section is for the DSCA MASL coordinator to input process dates using the dropdown calendar for each box. The DSCA notes box is to be used for any notes pertaining to the MASL for record.