Policy changes from this SAMM E-Change memo have been incorporated into the SAMM.
References DSCA 18-01.
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Targeting Infrastructure Policy, DSCA Policy 22-35 [SAMM E-Change 529]
- DSCA Policy Memorandum Targeting Infrastructure Policy Update, January 28, 2021 (CUI)
- DSCA Policy Memorandum Targeting Infrastructure Policy, October 31, 2019 (FOUO)
- DSCA Policy 18-09, System-specific Checklists to Better Define Customer Requirements, April 5, 2018
This memorandum incorporates changes to the requirements for targeting infrastructure found in Chapter 4 of the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), to reflect current U.S. policy as outlined at reference (a). Reference (a) superseded reference (b) in January 2021, updating U.S. policy regarding the provision of targeting infrastructure to foreign partners in conjunction with the transfer of certain munitions and delivery systems. U.S. Government personnel may contact DSCA, Office of International Operations, Weapons Directorate (IOPS/WPNS) for copies of the referenced memoranda.
The attached changes will be included in the online version of the SAMM found on the DSCA Web Page as SAMM E-Change 529. For questions on this policy, please contact the DSCA Targeting Working Group at For general questions about the SAMM, please contact Ms. Mel Dockstader, DSCA (SPP/EPA), at 703-692-6657 or e-mail:
James A. Hursch
SAMM E-Change 529
Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), E-Change 529
Targeting Infrastructure Policy Update
1) Revise Paragraph C4.4.18. with the following text including Table C4.T6. to read:
C4.4.18. Air-to-Surface and Indirect Fire Surface-to-Surface Munitions and their Delivery Systems. The Total Package Approach requires consideration of targeting infrastructure necessary for the effective and responsible employment of air-to-surface (A/S) munitions greater than or equal to 105mm in diameter, ship-to-shore munitions, indirect fire surface-to-surface (S/S) munitions, and the associated A/S and S/S delivery systems. A U.S. targeting solution is required unless the Implementing Agency (IA) has determined that the country has a sufficient previously-established U.S., indigenous, or third-party solution for targeting infrastructure, as applicable under Table C4.T6. The IAs will coordinate to designate a lead IA for this process if more than one IA is involved in case development. In international competitions involving more than one U.S. bidder, DSCA will provide guidance to the IAs to ensure a common targeting solution is offered across platforms, where applicable. If a common targeting solution is not otherwise available, the lead IA will offer the Digital Imagery Exploitation Engine (DIEE) targeting solutions managed by the default Program Office, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), regardless of the requested munition(s) or delivery system.
C4.4.18.1. The IA must follow the process in this section for all Letter of Requests (LORs) upon which the IA will act, whether LORs for Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA), Pre-LOR Assessment Requests (PARs), or for Price and Availability (P&A) responses that include LOA-quality data in response to a competition. If this process was followed for a P&A response, it may not need to be executed again once the related LOR for the same munitions and/or delivery system (i.e., same Military Articles and Services List (MASL)) is received. If the request is not one of the types of requests identified above, responses should note, at a minimum, that the case may require an additional advanced target development capability, including a target coordinate mensuration, weaponeering, and/or collateral damage estimation capability.
C4.4.18.2. Within 14 calendar days of receipt of an actionable LOR for LOA, or P&A that includes in-scope munitions, delivery systems, and/or components, the lead IA shall enter LOR Advisory data into the DSCA, Office of International Operations, Weapons Directorate (IOPS/WPNS) Targeting Infrastructure Management Portal or submit the LOR Advisory to DSCA, Office of International Operations, Weapons Directorate (IOPS/WPNS) via NIPR email ( The information required for an LOR Advisory is detailed in Advisory Letter C5.F1b. An IA Advisory is not required for types/families of munitions/fuzes that have already been reviewed and approved during previous LOR advisories. Collateral Damage Estimation (CDE) and weaponeering requirements vary by munition, so partner requests must go through this process for each munition/fuze type or family not previously approved.
C4. DSCA will inform the IA no later than 14 calendar days after receipt of the Advisory, if it concurs or disagrees with the IA recommendation on the inclusion/exclusion of a U.S. targeting solution. If DSCA disagrees with the exclusion of a targeting solution, it will facilitate an interagency decision, with the IA, ceographic Combatant Command (CCMD), and Department of State Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (State (PM)), on the targeting infrastructure requirements. The IA may continue to process the LOR while awaiting DSCA's response. Once any resulting P&A or LOA has been offered to the customer, the Implementing Agency may provide, on a case-by-case basis, any P&A or LOA preparation impact analysis to the DSCA (Office of Administration, Chief Performance Office Directorate (ADM/CPO)), who will adjust the timelines and standards for these individual cases, if appropriate.
C4.4.18.3. Regardless of whether a targeting requirement is identified in the LOR, DoD will build a targeting solution into transfers that require it. The targeting solution may be in a separate LOA. A targeting solution must account for software, data, training, and applicable publications, in line with Table C4.T6. However, if DoD personnel participate in a LOR generation discussion with a partner for an in-scope item, they will recommend the inclusion, at a minimum, of the following standard language:
"Advanced target development capability to support the effective use of U.S.-origin munitions, including the following: [identify munitions here]. This capability should include, at a minimum, a target coordinate mensuration [if munition is coordinate-seeking], weaponeering, and collateral damage estimation capability." |
C4.4.18.4. Targeting infrastructure, as referenced throughout SAMM Section C4.4.18., refers to advanced target development (ATD). ATD includes three capabilities: target coordinate mensuration (TCM), weaponeering, and CDE. Targeting infrastructure associated with ATD includes the software, data, and training necessary to conduct TCM, weaponeering, and CDE. TCM, weaponeering, and CDE improve mission effectiveness and help Partner Nations (PNs) fulfill their obligations under the law of armed conflict. TCM (previously referred to as Precision Point Mensuration (PPM)) is the process of generating geographic points at a level of precision and accuracy necessary for the effective employment of a coordinate-seeking weapon. TCM refers to the measurement of a feature or location to determine an absolute latitude, longitude, and elevation of a target. Weaponeering is the process of determining the specific means required to create a desired effect on a given target by considering the effects of target vulnerability, warhead damage mechanisms, warhead fusing, delivery errors, damage criteria, and weapon reliability. Without accurate weaponeering analysis, military forces risk mission failure (not achieving the desired effect on the target) or unnecessary collateral damage. Accurate weaponeering results in efficient target-weapon pairing, optimizing the number of weapons required to achieve the desired effect on a target. CDE is the process of determining the potential for collateral damage resulting from target engagement. Without CDE, military forces risk unforeseen or unnecessary collateral damage.
Table C4.T6. Targeting Infrastructure Requirements by Munition Type
Munition Guidance Type |
Weaponeering |
Coordinate-seeking/feature-seeking1 |
X |
X |
X |
Laser |
X |
X |
Electro-optical/infrared |
X |
X |
Radar-seeking1 |
X |
X |
Standoff1 |
X |
X |
X |
Unguided2 |
X |
X |
C4.4.18.5. The IAs shall maintain and update, as necessary, weapon-specific checklists for every in-scope munition or category of munitions that account for, at a minimum, the requirements in Table C4.T6. While IAs may, in accordance with applicable foreign disclosure and technology transfer policies, tailor targeting solutions as necessary based on the needs and existing capabilities of the partner, the default targeting package for A/S and guided S/S munitions or their delivery systems shall consist of the following:
Default Targeting Package Requirements
PDTs are sourced separately from the FMS process via the relevant geographic combatant command. The IA informs the PN of the requirement for the PN to submit a request through the SCO for release of PDTs. The SCO will provide the request to the relevant CCMD intelligence sharing office. Release of specific areas does not need to be approved by the CCMD before an ATD case is offered or delivered. Draft language for PN to provide to SCO requesting PDTs: [insert country name and service(s)] has purchased [insert U.S. munitions and/or delivery platforms]. We will also be receiving U.S. collateral damage estimation (CDE) tables and training on the U.S. CDE methodology. We request population density tables (PDTs) for [insert geographic area(s)] in order to be able fully to conduct CDE. Our point of contact for this request is: [insert name], available at [insert phone and email]. |
C4.4.18.6. If the PN has the ability to conduct some but not all aspects of targeting required under Table C4.T6., the IA may determine that a partial U.S. targeting solution is required in order for the partner to have the appropriate targeting infrastructure as required under U.S. policy.
C4. In assessing whether indigenous or third-party ATD capabilities are sufficient, the IA may base the determination on a reasonable, informed judgment that the PN can generate Target Location Error Category I coordinates according to Joint Publication 3-09.3 (as applicable), and has methodical, data driven processes to conduct weaponeering and/or CDE. The IA should base this determination on all available information, including the country team assessment (CTA) and as discussions with the PN as needed. Additional verification of capabilities is not required. IAs may include additional guidance on evaluations of ATD capabilities in supplemental policies they promulgate.
C4. If the United States, or another country besides the one purchasing munitions and/or delivery systems, is conducting or will conduct all aspects of targeting required by Table C4.T6., the IA should provide a deficiency memo as detailed in SAMM Section C4.4.18.9.
C4.4.18.7. Unguided indirect fire surface-to-surface munitions have an alternative default solution. DASA (DE&C) has issued supplemental policy guidance to include requirements and process for those systems. Where the default is not appropriate for a particular system, the IA will incorporate an alternate into its system-specific checklist.
C4.4.18.8. Requirements for a partner to establish interoperability with the United States are outside the scope of this policy. If a partner requests TCM interoperability, contact NGA's Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Team at for more details. To establish interoperability for CDE, the SCO shall confirm CCMD support and contact the Joint Targeting School (JTS).
C4.4.18.9. If at any time in the process it becomes clear that the partner is unwilling to accept or the IA is unable to offer (i.e., due to disclosure policy or other challenges) the targeting infrastructure required for responsible and effective employment of the munition, the lead IA will submit a Targeting Infrastructure Deficiency Advisory to DSCA, Office of International Operations, Weapons Directorate (IOPS/WPNS). To best inform policy decision-makers, the advisory shall, at a minimum, identify the targeting deficiency, the cause of the deficiency, risks of delivering the munition or platform without the targeting infrastructure, any rationale for otherwise offering the munition or platform despite the deficiency (e.g., partner plans to employ weapon only in coalition operations, partner tactics support alternative employment method, etc.), current method of targeting, and past engagement on ATD and the policy. DSCA will provide a DoD-coordinated risk assessment to State (PM). DSCA, with the concurrence of State (PM), will provide guidance to the IA on how to proceed.
2. Revise the final line of Table C5.T4. to:
Item |
Requirement |
Notes |
Air-to-surface (A/S) munitions greater than or equal to 105mm in diameter, ship-to-shore munitions, indirect fire surface-to-surface (S/S) munitions, and the associated A/S and S/S delivery systems |
Unique review SAMM Section C4.4.18. |
3. Revise Figure C5.F1b to read as:
NOTE: Memorandum is classified if applicable.
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Assistant Director for Weapons (DSCA/IOPS/WPNS)
SUBJECT: Letter of Request (LOR) Advisory - [Insert Country or International Organization Name]
The LOR Advisory should include the following information, if available, with the initial recommendation on whether a U.S. targeting capability should accompany the case being central to DSCA WPNS response:
[If any of this information is not available within 14 calendar days of receipt of the LOR, the IA may proceed with the Advisory without it.] The purpose of this memorandum is to advise you of this request and provide you with a copy for your use and information. If you have any questions or desire additional information regarding this potential sale, please contact [insert name, office symbol, phone number, and e-mail address.
NOTE: Memorandum is classified if applicable. |
4. Revise Standard Note Precision Guided Munitions with Target Coordinate Mensuration (TCM) Capability in Appendix 6 to read:
Target Coordinate Mensuration Capability
Note Usage |
FMS : Yes BPC : Yes Mandatory for every LOA or Amendment that includes a Target Coordinate Mensuration capability. |
References |
See SAMM Section C4.4.18. |
Note Input Responsibility |
IA |
Note Text |
"Effective Target Coordinate Mensuration (TCM) requires certain geo-intelligence data, including Enhanced Targeting Data (ETD), for the area(s) of operation. Should the Purchaser need or desire additional ETD beyond the geographic scope of the discrete ETD components provided on this line, the Purchaser must submit a Letter of Request that details the specific geographic scope of the additional requested ETD." |
5. Add the following Standard Note to Appendix 6:
Air-to-Surface (A/S) Munitions Greater Than or Equal to 105mm in Diameter, Ship-to-Shore Munitions, Indirect Fire Surface-to-Surface (S/S) Munitions, and the Associated A/S and S/S Delivery Systems
Note Usage |
FMS : Yes BPC : Yes Include on relevant LOAs to indicate compliance with targeting infrastructure requirements. |
References |
See SAMM Section C4.4.18. |
Note Input Responsibility |
IA |
Note Text |
Unless all required ATD tools are specifically included as a line in the LOA, the LOA for munitions and/or delivery systems within the scope outlined in SAMM Section C4.4.18. shall also include one of the following standard Targeting Infrastructure Policy notes, as applicable:
6. Revise Table C5.T1h element 17:
# |
Required Element |
17 |
The SCO must secure combatant command endorsement of the CTA prior to LOA submission. The CTA and the combatant command endorsement should include the following endorsement: "In order to promote CDE practices and help Partners mitigate the risk of civilian harm arising from the use of U.S.-origin munitions, the geographic combatant command approves the release of the munition's associated CDE table and population density tables (PDTs) for approved areas. Further, the geographic combatant command approves the release of the unclassified portions of the U.S. CDE methodology within the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3160.01." |
7. Add a new Paragraph C15.2.4.7. with the following text:
C15.2.4.7. Targeting Capabilities. Any BPC transfers of air-to-surface (A/S) munitions greater than or equal to 105mm in diameter, ship-to-shore munitions, indirect fire surface-to-surface (S/S) munitions, and/or the associated A/S and S/S delivery systems and/or components, must account for the appropriate advanced target development (ATD) capabilities that enable the effective employment of such munitions while enabling the partner to minimize the risk of civilian harm. ATD capabilities are covered in more detail in SAMM Section C4.4.18., and more specific guidance for unguided indirect fire S/S munitions is provided in SAMM Section C4.4.18.7.