DateChangesFebruary 24-28, 2014DSCA Policy Memo 14-04, Assignment of Program Codes "P4" to track Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Funds Provided for Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) and "J6" to track (FY) 2014 Funds Provided for Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP) has been posted.This memo updates Table C4.T2B. - Security Cooperation (SC) Customer and Regional Codes and FMS Eligibility (DSCA/DFAS Reserved) and Table C15.T2. BPC Programs and Authorities.DSCA Policy Memo 14-05, Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge - Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS) Fire Control Radar and Surveillance Radar has been posted.This memo updates Appendix 1 - USML XI - Military Electronics.