June 08-20, 2013 | DSCA Policy Memo 13-08, Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Document Prioritization has been posted. This memo adds Section C5.4.18. LOA Document Prioritization to Chapter 5. DSCA Policy Memo 13-18, Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge - Standard Missile-3 Block IB Missile has been posted. This memo updates Appendix 1 - Table IV - Launch Vehicles, Guided Missiles, Ballistic Missiles, Rockets Torpedoes, Bombs And Mines. DSCA Policy Memo 13-20, Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge – Cartridge, 25mm, Armor Piercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding Sabot - Tracer (APFSDS-T), M919 has been posted. This memo updates Appendix 1 - Table III - Ammunition/Ordnance for Articles in Cat I and Cat II. DSCA Policy Memo 13-21, Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Recoupment Charge – Fuze, Artillery, Precision Guidance Kit (PGK), Department of Defense Acquisition Codes 1390-NA28 and 1390-NA29 has been posted. This memo updates Appendix 1 - Table III - Ammunition/Ordnance for Articles in Cat I and Cat II. DSCA Policy Memo 13-23, : Establish Nonrecurring Cost (NC) Charge – Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) (EGI) has been posted. This memo updates Appendix 1 - Table VIII - Aircraft and Associated Equipment.