DSCA Policy Memo 12-47, Reduction to the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Administrative Surcharge Rate has been posted.
Based on the comprehensive analysis conducted by DSCA and the NPS over the last year of the FMS Trust Fund Administrative Surcharge Account, a reduction of the FMS Administrative Surcharge rate, from 3.8% to 3.5% will go into effect November 1st, 2012.
E-SAMM updates form this memo will be posted on November 1st, 2012.
DSCA Policy Memo 12-48, Update of Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Table C4.T2B., Security Cooperation (SC) Customer and Regional Codes and FMS Eligibility (DSCA/DFAS Reserved) has been posted.
Table C4.T2B. - Security Cooperation (SC) Customer and Regional Codes and FMS Eligibility (DSCA/DFAS Reserved) has been updated to reflect the addition of SC Customer Code 83.
An administrative update was performed to replace 'DOD 4000.25..' with 'DLM 4000.25..'. DoD '4000.25-1-M' publication was cancelled by DoDI 4140.01, 13 JUL 12, and was converted into DLM 4000.25-1 and published within the DLAPS.
This modified the Table of References, C2., C5.F5., C6.4.10., C6.4.10.4., C7.7.1. and C7.11.1.
An administrative update was performed to include updates from DSCA Policy Memo 11-02 Revised Procedures for Sales of Defense Articles and Services to U.S. Companies in Support of Licensed Direct Commercial Sales Pursuant to Section 30 of the Arms Export Control Act, as Amended (AECA) into the E-SAMM. It was discovered that the updated guidance from this memo had not been included in the SAMM.
This memo replaces the previous Section C11.5. - Government Furnished Equipment and Materiel (GFE/GFM) Sales.
Due to this memo, tables in Chapter 11 have been re-numbered.