Memo Date Sort descending DSCA # E-Change # USP # Memo Title PM Status
DSCA 04-01 1 I-04-000328 Administrative Changes to the DoD 5105.38-M, "Security Assistance Management Manual," dated October 3,2003 Superseded
DSCA 04-02 2 I-04-000431 FMS Transformation Deliverable: Implementation of Commercial Banking Account (CBA) for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 04-06 I-04-000999 Clarification of Baggage Allowances for International Military Students (IMSs) Superseded
DSCA 04-07 I-04-001154 Termination Liability (T/L) Reserves Superseded
DSCA 04-04 I-04-000449 Use of the Security Assistance Network (SAN) by Security Assistance Officers (SAOs) and International Military Student Officers (IMSOs) Superseded
DSCA 04-08 Level I Antiterrorism (AT) Awareness Training and Travel Policy Rescinded
DSCA 04-09 4 I-04-001749 Calendar Year (CY) 2004 Transportation Costs Look Up Table Rates Superseded
DSCA 04-03 3 I-04-000329 Missile Technology Control Regime Note in Letters of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA 04-11 6 I-04-001278 Golden Sentry End-Use Monitoring (EUM) Visit Policy Superseded
DSCA 04-17 I-04-004624 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 04-15 9 I-04-003515 Termination of Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) Lease Report Superseded
DSCA 04-14 8 I-04-003300 Use of the Security Assistance Network (SAN) by Security Assistance Officers (SAOs) and International Military Student Officers (IMSOs) Superseded
DSCA 04-16 10 I-04-005311 Pre-Countersignature Meetings for New Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) for Major Sales Superseded
DSCA 04-20 11 I-04-004657 Interim Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) Changes - Update to Table C4.T2. Superseded
DSCA 04-13 7 I-04-003298 Combined Education & Training Program Plan Superseded
DSCA 04-19 I-04-005167 International Military Students and Social Security Numbers Superseded
DSCA 04-21 I-04-006199 Clarification of Recoupment of Special Nonrecurring Costs (NCs) on Sales of U.S. Items Superseded
DSCA 04-22 12 I-04-007038 GPS/PPS Security Devices Sold FMS for Integration Into Host Application Equipment Note in Letters of Offer and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA 04-24 I-04-007559 Accelerated Case Closure Procedures (ACCP) Participants - Updated List Superseded
DSCA 04-23 13 I-04-007394 Communication Security (COMSEC)/Transmission Security (TRANSEC) Devices Sold via Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for Integration Into Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems (MIDS) Terminals - Note Requirement for Letters of Offere and Acceptance Superseded
DSCA 04-25 14 I-04-001409 Guidance for the Transfer of Night Vision Devices (NVDs) Superseded
DSCA 04-10 5 I-04-005290 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) - Only Determinations Superseded
DSCA 04-27 16 I-04-007960 Assignment of Codes "Y2" for section 1107 of FY04 Supplemental (Train and Equip Authority) for the Afganistan National Army and "Y3" for Section 1107 of FY04 Supplemental (Train and Equip Authority) for the New Iraqi Army Superseded
DSCA 04-26 15 I-04-007805 Guidance for Multi-Service Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs) Active
DSCA 04-28 17 I-04-007872 Administrative Changes to the DoD 5105.38-M, "Security Assistance management Manual," dated October 3, 200 Superseded
DSCA 04-29 I-04-008219 Implementation of Non-Military Department (MILDEP) DoD International Affairs (1A) Certification Program Rescinded
DSCA 04-18 I-04-010207 Administration of Global Master of Arts Program (GMAP) II Rescinded
DSCA 04-33 I-04-010507 FMS Transformation Deliverable: Issuance of DoD 5105.65-M "Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case Reconciliation and Closure Manual" Rescinded
DSCA 04-38 I-04-011765 Termination Liability Reserve Policy and Procedures Superseded
DSCA 04-34 18 I-04-008714 Security Assistance Export Guidance Rescinded
DSCA 04-32 19 I-04-002395 Prohibition of Taxation of U.S. Assistance Superseded
DSCA 04-30 I-04-007305 FMS Transformation: Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Associated with Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Grant Transfers Superseded
DSCA 04-31 I-04-011737 Applicability of Travel Regulations to Foreign Military Sales Superseded
DSCA 04-39 21 I-04-011961 Assignment of Code "Y4" for Uzbekistan for Funds Under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-11) Superseded
DSCA 04-36 I-04-011593 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program Financial Procedures Active
DSCA 04-37 I-04-001594 Counterterrorism Fellowship Program (CTFP) Mobile Education Teams Costing Superseded
DSCA 04-35 20 I-04-011949 Iraq Eligible for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Superseded
DSCA 04-41 I-04-012090 Pricing Military Personnel Reimbursement in Support of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Active
DSCA 04-40 Implementation Guidance Message Number Two for Regional Defense Counterterrorism (CT) Fellowship Program Superseded
DSCA 04-42 22 I-04-012352 Travel and Living Allowance for International Military Students Under Security Cooperation Programs Superseded
DSCA 04-43 23 I-04-012357 Distribution of Hardcopy Offered Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) Superseded
DSCA 04-45 I-04-012652 Application for DoD International Affairs (IA) Certification Program Rescinded
DSCA 04-46 24 I-04-014152 Assignment of Codes "Y5" for section 9006 of FY05 Defense Appropriations Act (Public Law 108-287) for Afganistan and "Y6" for 9006 of FY05 Defense Appropriations Act (Public Law 108-287) for Iraq. Superseded
DSCA 04-47 I-04-017232 Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Submission and Processing Guidance Superseded