SAMM Chapters

C1 - Security Cooperation Overview and Relationships
Chapter has no Tables.
C2 - Security Cooperation Organization and Case Manager Responsibilities
Table C2.T1. Case Manager Responsibilities
Table C2.T2. Channels and Notional Timeline for Military Assistance Budget Submissions
C3 - Technology Transfer and Disclosure
Table C3.T1. Classified and Sensitive Material Definitions
Table C3.T2. Pre-Letter of Request Assessment Requests (PAR) for Classified and Advanced Technology Release Determinations - Required Information
Table C3.T3. Data Sheet for TDPs Transferred for Operations and Maintenance
Table C3.T4. Data Sheet for TDPs Transferred for Study or Production
Table C3.T5. MTCR Category I ISR UAV or UCAV Security Cooperation Organization Assessment (SCOA)
Table C3.T6. C4ISR Responsibilities
Table C3.T7. EW Responsibilities
Table C3.T8. IFF Release Coordination Responsibilities
C4 - Foreign Military Sales Program General Information
Table C4.T1. Presidential Determination Criteria for Foreign Military Sales Eligibility
Table C4.T2. Security Cooperation Customer and Regional Codes and FMS Eligibility Tables
Table C4.T2A. Security Cooperation Customer and Regional Codes and Foreign Military Sales Eligibility
Table C4.T2B. Security Cooperation Customer and Regional Codes and Foreign Military Sales Eligibility (DSCA/Defense Finance and Accounting Service Reserved)
Table C4.T2C. Security Cooperation Customer and Regional Codes and Foreign Military Sales Eligibility (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Table C4.T2D. Security Cooperation Customer and Regional Codes and Foreign Military Sales Eligibility (Regions)
Table C4.T2. All Entries
Table C4.T3. Reasons for Change of Eligibility Status (not inclusive)
Table C4.T4. Lead Agency and Advocacy in International Competitions
Table C4.T5. Information Required for Defense Security Cooperation Agency Authorization of Coproduction Agreements
Table C4.T6. Targeting Infrastructure Requirements by Munition Type
C5 - Foreign Military Sales Case Development
Table C5.T1. Country Team Assessment - Common Required Elements
Table C5.T1a. Defense Articles that Require Additional Country Team Assessment Elements
Table C5.T1b. Additional Country Team Assessment Elements for Missile Technology Control Regime Category 1 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles
Table C5.T1c. Additional Country Team Assessment Elements for Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Table C5.T1d. Additional Country Team Assessment Elements for Geospatial Intelligence
Table C5.T1e. Additional Country Team Assessment Elements for Night Vision Devices
Table C5.T1f. Additional Country Team Assessment Elements for STINGER or Similar Missile in any Surface-to-Air Configuration
Table C5.T1g. Additional Country Team Assessment Elements for White Phosphorous Munitions
Table C5.T1h. Additional Country Team Assessment Elements for Air-to-Surface and Indirect Fire Surface-to-Surface Munitions and their Delivery Systems
Table C5.T2a. Military Department Organizations Authorized to Receive Letters of Request
Table C5.T2b. Other Department of Defense Implementing Agencies Authorized to Receive Letters of Request
Table C5.T3. Letter of Request Actionable Criteria
Table C5.T4. Defense Articles or Services that Require Item-specific Letter of Request Advisories or Review
Table C5.T5. Price and Availability Data
Table C5.T6. Case Development Categories and Standards
Table C5.T7. Blanket Order Case Conditions for Classified Publications
Table C5.T19. General Military Articles and Services List Responsibilities
Table C5.T8. General Letter of Offer and Acceptance Preparation Responsibilities
Table C5.T9. Letter of Offer and Acceptance Preparation Milestones
Table C5.T18. Letter of Request Milestone Definitions
Table C5.T10. Taxonomy for uploading documentation to the Case Tracking System
Table C5.T11. Implementing Agency Responsibilities concerning the State Description
Table C5.T12. 36(b) Congressional Notification Legislation
Table C5.T13. Thresholds for 36(b) Congressional Notification
Table C5.T14. 36(b) Congressional Notification Responsibilities
Table C5.T15. Other Required Information
Table C5.T16. Tiered Review Periods
Table C5.T17. Formal Review Periods
Table C5.T18. Table of Legislative References
Table C5.T19. Thresholds and Notification Periods
C6 - Foreign Military Sales Case Implementation and Execution
Table C6.T1. Selected FAR and DFARS Sections Relevant to FMS Acquisition
Table C6.T2. Points of Contact for Requisition Entry
Table C6.T3. Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Documentation Requirements
Table C6.T4. Methods of Financing Approved SDRs
Table C6.T5. Frequency and Timing of Reviews Matrix
Table C6.T6. Scope of FMS Reviews
Table C6.T7. Amendment Requirements
Table C6.T8. Modification Requirements
Table C6.T9. Instructions for Preparing an Amendment or Modification
C7 - Transportation
Table C7.T1. Transportation Responsibilities
Table C7.T2. Type of Address Codes
Table C7.T3. FMS Shipment Marking
Table C7.T4. Required DNA Application Information
Table C7.T5. Transportation Report Information
Table C7.T6. Offer Release Codes
Table C7.T7. Application Delivery Addresses
Table C7.T8. Individual Shipment-Level Requirements for Export
Table C7.T9. Transportation Discrepancy Report Contact Information
C8 - End Use Monitoring (EUM)
Table C8.T1. End Use Monitoring Legal and Policy References
Table C8.T2. Department of Defense End Use Monitoring Responsibilities
Table C8.T3. Standard Operating Procedures Minimum Information Requirements
Table C8.T4. Defense Articles Designated for Enhanced End Use Monitoring for all Foreign Military Sales-eligible Countries
Table C8.T5. End Use Monitoring Familiarization and Assistance Visits Timeline and Requirements
Table C8.T6. End Use Monitoring Compliance Assessment Visit Timeline and Requirements
Table C8.T7. Required Information for Third Party Transfer Standard Questionnaire
C9 - Financial Policies and Procedures
Table C9.T1. Financial Management Legal References
Table C9.T2a. Foreign Military Sales Case-Related Manpower Functions and Funding Source Matrix
Table C9.T2b. T10 BPC Case-Related Manpower Functions and Funding Source Matrix
Table C9.T3. Historical Rules for Use of Program Management Lines (PMLs)
Table C9.T4. Table of Charges
Table C9.T4a. Table of Delivery Term Codes and Percentages
Table C9.T5. Approved Reciprocal Country Agreement Listing
Table C9.T6. Approved Agreements Relating to Participating Groups, Organizations, or Projects
Table C9.T7. NATO Reciprocal CAS Agreements
Table C9.T8. Offshore Procurement Conditions
Table C9.T9. Brooke Sanctions
Table C9.T10. Generally Restricted Items for Purchase with FMF
Table C9.T11. Terms of Sale
Table C9.T12. Eligibility Review Three Tier Assessment Process
Table C9.T13. Documents Required For Final Exception Evaluation
Table C9.T14. Dependable Undertaking Roles and Responsibilities
Table C9.T15. Documents Required For Final Evaluation
Table C9.T16. Payment Schedule Dates
Table C9.T17. Initial Deposit Requirements
Table C9.T18. Acceptable Credit Ratings
Table C9.T19. SBLC Authorized Officials
Table C9.T20. Formal Documents Accepted
Table C9.T21. USG Repositories
Table C9.T22. DSCA Engagement
Table C9.T23. Payment Schedule Revision Format for Amendments
Table C9.T24. Payment Schedule Revision Format for Modifications
Table C9.T25. FMS Billing Timeline
Table C9.T26. Standard Elements of the SBA
Table C9.T27. Special Bill Letter (SBL) Sample Calculation for One Billing Period
Table C9.T28. Special Bill Termination, Sample Calculation
Table C9.T29. Constructive Delivery Reporting Generic Codes
Table C9.T30. C1 Delivery Transaction Format
C10 - International Education and Training
Table C10.T1. Legislation for International Education and Training
Table C10.T2. Training Analysis Codes and Worksheet Control Numbers (WCN)
Table C10.T3. Security Cooperation Education and Training Working Group (SCETWG) Attendance
Table C10.T4. Exempt Short Duration Courses
Table C10.T5. Types of Training Not Provided Under IMET
Table C10.T6. End-of-Year IMET Reallocation Process
Table C10.T7. Invitational Schools
Table C10.T8. Required Immunizations List
Table C10.T9. Fast Track Countries
Table C10.T10. Information Required for a Decision on the Conduct of English Language Training (ELT)9 by Other than the Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC)
Table C10.T11. Schoolhouses/Courses where Dependents are Authorized to Accompany IMS (at No Cost to the USG).
Table C10.T12. Daily Supplemental Living Allowances for International Military Students (IMS) under USG Funded Security Assistance and Security Cooperation Programs.
Table C10.T13. Living Allowances Not Authorized
Table C10.T14. Authorized and Unauthorized Baggage
Table C10.T15. NATO Reciprocal Agreement Participants
Table C10.T16. Other Reciprocal Agreement Participants
Table C10.T17. DoD Regional Center Web Sites
Table C10.T18. Information to be provided on student Unauthorized Absence
Table C10.T19. Foreign Military Training Report Preparation Timeline
Table C10.T20. SCO Functions in Support of Security Cooperation and Education Training Teams
Table C10.T21. SCET Team Chief Functions
Table C10.T22. International Military Education and Training Alumni Engagement Seminar Timeline
C11 - Special Programs and Services
Table C11.T1. DSCA C-12 Aircraft Policies
Table C11.T2. Passenger Eligibility for DSCA C-12 Aircraft
Table C11.T3. DSCA C-12 Aircraft Program Management Responsibilities
Table C11.T4. Drawdown Legislation Summary
Table C11.T5. Drawdown Process
Table C11.T6. EDA Legislation Summary
Table C11.T7. EDA Process Flow
Table C11.T8. Unique Instructions for Preparing Section 607 LOAs
Table C11.T9. AECA Section 30 Sales Eligibility Requirements
Table C11.T10. AECA Section 30 Sale Approval Request Details
Table C11.T11. AECA, Section 30 Sales Agreement Requirements
Table C11.T12. Lease Legislation Summary
Table C11.T13. Lease Process
Table C11.T14. Loan Legislation Summary
Table C11.T15. Loan Agreement Conditions
Table C11.T16. Loan Agreement Process
Table C11.T17. Section 51(b) Criteria Coding
Table C11.T18. SFIS Attributes and Names
Table C11.T19. SDAF Account Crosswalk for New SFIS Attributes
Table C11.T20. Historical SDAF Account Crosswalk
Table C11.T21. SDAF Funds Distribution
Table C11.T22. SDAF Inventory Report
Table C11.T23. SDAF Delivery Codes
Table C11.T24. Request to Sell SDAF Assets to a Military Department
Table C11.T25. WIF Legislation Summary
Table C11.T26. WIF Organization Responsibilities
Table C11.T27. WIF Program Planning Timeframe and Implementation Process
Table C11.HR.T1. Military Assistance Program (MAP) Legislation Summary
Table C11.HR.T2. MAP Accountability and Disposal Processes
C12 - Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA)
Table C12.T1. DoD Humanitarian Assistance Legislation
Table C12.T2. SCO Responsibilities for OHDACA-funded Programs
Table C12.T3. General Guidance for OHDACA-funded Activities
Table C12.T4. Transportation Program Comparison
C13 - Security Cooperation Information Technology Systems
Table C13.T1. Security Cooperation Governance Board (SCGB) and Information Technology (IT) Change Review Board (CRB) Review Process
Table C13.T2. International SANweb Information For Host Nation
Table C13.T3. SCO SAOweb and IMSOweb Functions
Table C13.T4. SC-TMS Functions
C14 - Forecasting, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Audits
Table C14.T1. Security Assistance Annual Program and Review
Table C14.T2. FMS Forecast Report and Javits Report Process
C15 - Building Partner Capacity Programs
Table C15.T1. SCO Responsibilities for BPC Programs
Table C15.T2. BPC Programs and Authorities
Table C15.T3. International Agreements
Table C15.T4. MOR Information
Table C15.T5. Instructions for Preparing Pseudo LOAs
Table C15.T6. Delivery Reporting Options
Table C15.T7. BPC Case Financial Status Update
C16 - Case Reconciliation and Closure
Table C16.T1 - Thresholds for Supply/Services Complete Case Reductions
A1 - Nonrecurring Cost Recoupment Charges for Major Defense Equipment
Tables I-XXI - Complete Listing
Table I - Firearms and Related Articles
Table II - Guns and Armament
Table III - Ammunition and Ordnance
Table IV - Launch Vehicles, Guided Missiles, Ballistic Missiles, Rockets, Torpedoes, Bombs, and Mines
Table V - Explosives and Energetic Materials, Propellants, Incendiary Agents, and Their Constituents
Table VI - Surface Vessels of War and Special Naval Equipment
Table VII - Ground Vehicles
Table VIII - Aircraft and Related Articles
Table IX - Military Training Equipment and Training
Table X - Personal Protective Equipment
Table XI - Military Electronics
Table XII - Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance Equipment
Table XIII - Materials and Miscellaneous Articles
Table XIV - Toxicological Agents, Including Chemical Agents, Biological Agents, and Associated Equipment
Table XV - Spacecraft and Related Articles
Table XVI - Nuclear Weapons Related Articles
Table XVII - Classified Articles, Technical Data, and Defense Services Not Otherwise Enumerated
Table XVIII - Directed Energy Weapons
Table XIX - Gas Turbine Engines and Associated Equipment
Table XX - Submersible Vessels and Related Articles
Table XXI - Articles, Technical Data, and Defense Services Not Otherwise Enumerated
A2 - Transportation Cost Look-up Table
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2022
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2021
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2020
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2019
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2018
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2017
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2016
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2015
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2014
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2013
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2012
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2011
Transportation Cost Look-Up Table - CY 2010
A3 - FMF Loan and Grant Agreements
Chapter has no Tables.
A4 - Generic Codes
Budget Activity Code : A - Aircraft
Budget Activity Code : B - Missiles
Budget Activity Code : C - Ships
Budget Activity Code : D - Combat Vehicles
Budget Activity Code : E - Tactical and Support Vehicles
Budget Activity Code : F - Weapons
Budget Activity Code : G - Ammunition
Budget Activity Code : H - Communications Equipment
Budget Activity Code : J - Support Equipment
Budget Activity Code : K - Supplies
Budget Activity Code : L - Supply Operations
Budget Activity Code : M - Maintenance of Equipment
Budget Activity Code : N - Training (FMS 1200 System Only)
Budget Activity Code : N - Training (MAP 1000 System Only)
Budget Activity Code : P - Research & Development
Budget Activity Code : Q - Construction
Budget Activity Code : R - Special Activities
Budget Activity Code : T - Administrative Expenses
Budget Activity Code : U - Foreign Military Sales Order (FMSO) (FMS 1200 System Only)
A5 - Congressional Reports and DSCA Reports Control System
Table AP5.T1. Security Assistance Statutory Reports Submitted to Congress DSCA
Table AP5.T2. Grant Aid Reports
Table AP5.T3. Foreign Military Sales Reports
Table AP5.T4. Other Reports
A6 - Letter of Offer and Acceptance Notes
A7 - Case Reconciliation and Closure Guide